Small update – the team has found a potential solution for this issue and is working through testing. I don’t have an ETA for implementation yet, but progress is being made and I will keep folks posted.
Small update – the team has found a potential solution for this issue and is working through testing. I don’t have an ETA for implementation yet, but progress is being made and I will keep folks posted.
Small update – the team has found a potential solution for this issue and is working through testing. I don’t have an ETA for implementation yet, but progress is being made and I will keep folks posted.
Thanks for this report - there are a few guides that are still appearing in Korean in game, and we have this bug flagged
The current shop packs are being investigated, but in the meantime I can confirm the skins that haven’t yet released will be arriving in the in-game shop next week on 11/23
I was able to check in on this, and it will be coming to the game next week on 11/23. Sorry for the confusion, it will be here soon!
Hey everyone, just got word back on the missing skins – it looks like those will be released in game on 11/23. For the packs that have some funky double skins, still looking into what happened there and what was intended, and will let you know when I have more info.
Appreciate this report – we are working on getting a hotfix to resolve this issue out as soon as possible. As of right now it looks like it should be coming in tonight, but testing is still being done.
Appreciate the continued reports, this has been re-escalated to the team and I will provide an update as soon as I can
I am aware and it has been re-escalated to the team, will provide an update when I have one.
To be clear, I’m still here to chat where I can, but there will not be any more in-game changes made in regards or response to the situation that occurred.
My feet are incredibly small, actually. But yes, these pheons will not be removed, as we will not be addressing or changing this situation any further.
Unfortunately this is not able to be changed since the amulets themselves are character bound. Sorry!
Thank you for letting us know this issue is still popping up. It has been re-escalated and I will let you know when I receive an update.
Thanks for this, we’re aware of the issues with engravings and are working to receive a hotfix build so that this can be addressed as soon as possible.
I am going to lock this thread and use it to make something clear – feedback and criticism is welcome. Making a vitriolic post filled with insults, attacks, and aggressive, cruel, or offensive language is not. If you do not want your post to be removed, do not include these things. I understand players are upset today, but it is distinctly against our forum rules and never ok to be horrible to other people for any reason.
Thanks for reporting this, we are aware of the issue and are working on a hotfix for this bug as soon as possible.
Yes, we are aware of this issue and are working on a hotfix for it to release as soon as possible
I am not referring to players making multiple claims as an exploit; there was an exploit that was abused by some individuals in the game that allowed them to receive far more pheons than were sent.
The Auction House being inaccessible is a bug, and we are working on a hotfix for this as soon as possible.
This is something we considered, but unfortunately the tech to accomplish this does not exist and would take several weeks to implement, with the possibility of introducing bugs and issues.