

01 Dec

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Greetings heroes,

If you previously dyed the Ark Pass Season 2 Respite and Glory skin before it was fixed to be Roster Bound, this morning you will receive a grant of these used dye materials to your Universal Storage. These materials will be the same quantity of materials that you used to dye the original Character Bound skin before it was updated.

Thank you for your patience with this issue!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia,

wenn ihr den Ark-Pass-Saison 2-Skin “Melodien von Ruhm und Rast” gefärbt habt, bevor er in “Kader gebunden” umgewandelt wurde, bekommt ihr die verbrauchten Färbematerialien heute in eurem Universallager gutgeschrieben. Diese Materialien enthalten die gleiche Menge an Materialien, die ihr zum Färben des ursprünglichen charaktergebundenen Skins verwendet habt, bevor er aktualisiert wurde.

Danke für eure Geduld!

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Salutations aux héros,

Si vous avez déjà teint l’apparence paix et gloire de la saison 2 du pass Arche avant qu’elle ne soit corrigée pour être liée à l’expédition, vous recevrez une compensation pour ces matériaux de teinture utilisés dans votre réserve universelle. Ces matériaux seront de même quantité que ceux utilisés pour teindre l’apparence originale liée au personnage avant la mise à jour.

Merci de votre patience !

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, héroes:

Si anteriormente teñiste la apariencia de gloria y reparación de la temporada 2 del pase de Arca antes de que se arreglara para ser ligada al elenco, hoy recibirás esos materiales de tinte a tu reserva universal. Estos materiales serán la misma cantidad de materiales que usaste para teñir la apariencia original que era ligada al personaje antes de que se actualizara.

¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia!

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This is a great question. I’ll have to take it back to the dev team, but I’ll see if I can get a response on this.

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What’s on the table for bets? I wanna know.

(Date confirmed early next week, update is planned for before the holiday)

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December Update date will be confirmed early next week, but do note it will be here before the holidays!! :slight_smile:

30 Nov

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All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down for a hotfix tonight, on December 1 at 12 AM PT / 8 AM UTC / 9 AM CET with an expected downtime of approximately 3 hours.

This hotfix will include additional changes to further improve the functionality of the Auction House and prevent reoccurring errors with the system.

Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alle Lost Ark-Server und -Regionen werden am 1. Dezember um 9:00 Uhr für einen Hotfix heruntergefahren, der vorraussichtlich ca. 3 Stunden dauern wird.

Dieser Hotfix wird zusätzliche Änderungen enthalten, um die Funktionalität des Auktionshauses weiter zu verbessern und um wiederholte Fehler im System zu vermeiden.

Danke für eure Geduld, wir sehen uns in Arkesia!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le 1er décembre à 9 h HNEC pour corriger un problème concernant l’hôtel des ventes. Le temps d’arrêt devrait durer environ 3 heures.

Ce correctif comprendra des changements supplémentaires pour améliorer la fonctionnalité de l’hôtel des ventes et pour empêcher certaines erreurs récurrentes du système.

Merci de votre patience et à bientôt en Archésia !

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark para realizar un mantenimiento el 1 de diciembre, a las 9 AM CET, y tendrá una duración de aproximadamente 3 horas.

Este mantenimiento incluirá cambios adicionales para mejorar la funcionalidad de la casa de apuestas y prevendrá errores recurrentes en el sistema.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia. ¡Nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!

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At this point in time it’s not something we’re exploring. Sorry!

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We’re trying to get the next 3 month roadmap out late December before the holiday break if possible, but that’s not set in stone yet!

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We’ll have that date ready to share early next week, so it should give folks a bit of a heads up to prep! :eyes:

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Moving this to bugs and localization feedback so the team can track. That voice pack does not like to play nice with big updates :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can confirm there will be no new Power Pass or Express Event in the December Update. You can use either of the events from November on the Summoner when it releases in December, but these won’t be new or separate events.

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We have teams working through the disconnect issues, and hope to be able to provide an update soon. In the meantime, we don’t currently have any plans to delay Brelshaza or the December update.

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Discussions are a-ok, but to be clear there are no plans to move any content out of the December update

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Thanks for keeping up these reports. As frustrating as it is to have this issue continue on, they are extremely helpful. We have team members in Korea at the moment working through this issue, so hopefully we have a solid update that we can share soon. In the meantime, we’re continuing to look at throwing out additional adjustments and potential fixes to lessen this impact wherever possible.

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No event next weekend! Next up is the December event which will happen around the holidays.