

10 Sep

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

For what it’s worth, we are seeing this issue occur when a player has made purchases of large number of different item types – so it is possible people making new purchases might run into this while we work on a fix. Buying more of the same item types you’ve purchased before does not have an effect on this bug.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Teams have been called in to work on it now despite it being the weekend – they’ve been able to reproduce the issue, determine the cause, and are working on a fix, but I don’t have an ETA on when it will be ready yet

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this! It’s out for a fix, ideally next week’s update :crossed_fingers:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! This is out for an urgent fix, but we can confirm all balances on player’s accounts are remaining accurate, even if they are appearing as zero and you cannot make a purchase.

09 Sep

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks all! We’ve confirmed it seems to be happening across the board. Please let us know as it persists. In the meantime, we can confirm that none of your balances are actually being lost, even if they currently appear to be missing or are inaccessible.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! I can’t look into player accounts at all, so I have no context as to why your friend was banned or what was flagged to cause it. The best thing to have him do is open up a ticket with support, as they are the ones that process all bans and appeals, and unfortunately no one on the forums is able to process a ban appeal or investigate here.

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a bug ongoing where some guild messages are not showing in chat. It’s out for a fix!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this, the team is aware and is pushing for a fix, ideally in the next weekly update.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there – we can’t address reports of players on the forums. If you think you see someone who is breaking the rules, please report them here: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games so that our CS team can look into it. Generally, posting screenshots calling out other players on the forums is not allowed, as we don’t want to start witch hunts for players.

Multiboxing is not allowed, and if you deliver information to support they will be able to investigate and action if necessary.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone! If you can let me know your server and region it would be much appreciated. Investigations are ongoing.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This seems to be a weirdness and bug happening with the in-game shop, and it has been escalated to the team! If you could share your server and region, that would be much appreciated!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate these reports, and the bug thread! This has been confirmed as a bug and we’re looking to work on a fix to potentially go out in the next weekly update.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This setting disappearing is indeed a bug and not an intentional change, we have it out for a fix (hopefully) as soon as our next weekly update

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your reports of this! Feel free to open a ticket as Achieveme suggested above, but please also know this has been escalated for investigation internally since it seems to be happening to multiple players.

Additionally, if you could share your server and region it would be super helpful!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks so much for the reports! We’ve escalated this to the team and will let you know as soon as there’s an update.

08 Sep

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Para garantizar que todos los jugadores en cada servidor puedan participar de forma fiable en el contenido específico del mundo (jefes de campo, misiones de navegación cooperativas, contenido de gremios, etc.), tenemos pensado lanzar la primera ronda de fusiones de servidores inmediatamente después de la actualización del 28 de septiembre.

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Nous prévoyons de donner le coup d’envoi des fusions de serveurs immédiatement après la mise à jour du 28 septembre, afin de garantir que les joueurs de tous les serveurs peuvent participer sans encombre aux activités liées au monde (boss de terrain, missions de navigation en coop, contenu de guilde, etc.).

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Um zu garantieren, dass die Spieler auf allen Servern auch sicher an weltspezifischem Inhalt (Gebietsbosse, Koop-Segelmissionen, Gildeninhalten usw.) teilnehmen können, möchten wir die erste Runde von Serverzusammenlegungen direkt nach dem Update vom 28. September in die Wege leiten.

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To ensure players in every server are able to reliably participate in world-specific content (Field Bosses, Co-op Sailing Missions, Guild content, etc.) we plan to kick-off the first round of server merges immediately following the September 28 update.

Details here:

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, that image is fake. I know posts are screenshotted often, but be wary of things you can’t find here on the forums. There are a lot of faked posts that I see floating around and they can cause confusion.