In singleplayer you only need claims for your house to receive housing points and for some machinery like the sewage filter.
Originally posted by Atlana:Read moreOriginally posted by SLG-Dennis: GeForce Now with native Steam integration requires support for Steam Cloud, which Eco due to it solely working via dedicated servers doesn't have. Hence for the forseeable future there is unfortunately no way to do so.
Hi SLG-Dennis,
Now, my question is - in continuance of nicopatche - how did you guys do it differently with the STEAMDECK, considering it doesn't have the computational horsepower to run a server parallel ...
Can you explain how influence works with reputation and the bathrooms? How are they built and how much reputations grants influence? How do I get reputation for our town?
That depends on the settings of the specific server. The general way it works is that for every X culture you gain 50% towards the maximum influence, e.g. a diminishing return, as you always get another 50% of the remaining span of influence you can still achieve.
Bathrooms give direct culture points instead of housing points when used on cultural deeds, though that is limited.
The main way is to make museums with pictures and get them rated by other players. Reputation from players in the own settlement does not contribute much to culture, you'll need people from outside.
is trivial to fix for an admin
can you give me the procedure for an admin ?
/objects edit -> Laws -> Find the law and edit it.
Be aware that any changes made in there apply immediately once you changed something, not when you press the apply button.
I wouldn't call that shoulder shrugging, but the inability to do anything for what is broken on Twitch. Our posts after the initial ask for waiting a bit pretty clearly specify that when our website shows connected (and we only know about a single issue that can cause that to not work, which is asian characters in the twitch username and going to be fixed soon) you will receive the drops, even when Twitch shows "Connect" on their side and you do (or rather can) not claim them manually. Which indeed is an issue at Twitch that they were even after four weeks of outreach unwilling or unable to provide any more solution than literally "Wait. It will resolve itself" or "Restart the whole campaign".
Every single person that has a successful link on our website as of our database got their drops, no matter what Twitch shows - you find them in void storage once joining a server, the swirly icon in the bottom right corner, to the left of the minimap.
The good news is that th...
Read moreFor the most part I do agree. Got a full 1GHz overclock on it which stacks it up near a 7700k in performance with hyper threading off. Runs Minecraft all the mods server without reboots for weeks just fine with increased view distance. Did better than bisect hostings servers that's for sure lol. Just using what old hardware I have about. Utilization doesn't usually go above 30 40 percent on the server whilst were in game and the ssd reports maybe 2% utilization as well. (Only time it's at 100% is during bootup; outside of world generation tasks which only used one core for some reason. So that took 10 minutes to generate a world)
World generation is the only task on the server that will use all cores. Not sure why it didn't for you, I was not able to reproduce that. Minecraft servers even with mods never had too much of a cpu need for me, it was always limited by RAM. Only issues i had with that is when mods had optimization problems or recursive loops, that could take tickrate down a bit.
This works as intended. Renters can use any appliances on a rented deed and place their own ones.
Eco servers need high frequency single core cpus, they only use very few cores outside of world generation. The CPU you use, while at least a high frequency one, is very old and weak.
There is nuclear fuel hidden in the game, that's all I'm going to say :)
Do you have a controller attached to the PC? If so, try plugging it out, restarting the game and then try again.
That's good to know. It now does make sense that a lot of people were complaining about the reliance on servers
That is unfortunately necessary, Eco is first and foremost a multiplayer game and the game checks not only if you own the game but also which user tier, what objects you have access to, what drops, user icon and special features you have when you join a server so that data is available and updated if some of it changes, like you upgrading to Developer Tier, getting a new icon or new drops, plus anything that may be introduced in the future. It also needs to confirm you are actually you when you are voting, otherwise you could find ways to vote as often as you like.
Singleplayer in Eco is a local dedicated server, the exact same as if an admin hosted a multiplayer one. It hence works the same.
The reviews are mostly down due to the auth server outages we had during the holidays, some of which due to malicious attacks we have no experience with and no expertise was available when everyone is taking off time. We're working on getting that rectified once and for all.
Configuring that is possible,
"GiveStakesAndClaimsEvenWhenSettlementsAreEnabled": false,
"ClaimStakesGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 1,
"ClaimPapersGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 5,
Change to true, done. You can't have fractions of one, though.
The items are the same, claim papers get "tied" to a settlement, it's like additional data on them.