

28 Sep


The South America and Europe West regions are now online.

Europe Central region servers are still disconnected while we implement server merges. As mentioned, this extended maintenance is due to the sheer volume of information that needs to be moved from one server to another.

We thank you for your patience and understanding and we’ll keep you informed.


The South America and Europe West regions are now online.

Europe Central region servers are still disconnected while we implement server merges. As mentioned, this extended maintenance is due to the sheer volume of information that needs to be moved from one server to another.

We thank you for your patience and understanding and we’ll keep you informed.

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We’re investigating an issue where Chaos Dungeons haven’t been properly reset for some characters after today’s maintenance. In order to investigate further we’ll need some additional information to pinpoint the issue.

If any of your characters is affected could you please reply to this thread with the following information?

  • Character name
  • Character server
  • Region
  • Last time you completed a chaos dungeon with this character
  • Item level
  • Is this character your main character or an alt?



In which region are you playing? NA-East or NA-West?


Thanks for the reports! I’ve escalated the issue and we’re investigating it


The North America East and North America West regions are already online.As announced, maintenance for the remaining regions continue while we work on server merges. We’ll keep you informed, thank you for your patience.


Les régions North America East et North America West sont de nouveau en ligne.Comme annoncé, la maintenance pour les régions restantes continue pendant que nous travaillons sur les fusions de serveurs. Nous vous tiendrons informés, merci de votre patience.


Die Regionen Nordamerika-Ost und Nordamerika-West sind wieder verfügbar.
Wie angekündigt, werden die Server der anderen Regionen derzeit noch gewartet, während wir an den Serverzusammenlegungen arbeiten. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld.


Las regiones North America East y North America West ya están disponibles.
Tal y como anunciamos, el mantenimiento en las demás regiones continúa mientras trabajamos en la fusión de servidores. Os mantendremos informados, gracias por vuestra paciencia.


The North America East and North America West regions are already online.As announced, maintenance for the remaining regions continue while we work on server merges. We’ll keep you informed, thank you for your patience.

22 Sep


Castle of Steel (US-East) is now available. Thanks for your patience.


Castle of Steel (US-East) ya está disponible. Gracias por vuestra paciencia.


El mantenimiento ha sido completado y los servidores están disponibles de nuevo.

Sin embargo el servidor Castle of Steel (US-East) estará desconectado hasta las 12:45 PM CEST / 3:45 AM PT mientras nuestro equipo soluciona una incidencia técnica.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia.


Maintenance has been completed and the servers are back online. However, the US-East server Castle of Steel will be unavailable until 3:45 M PT while we workout an issue

Thank you for your patience.


El mantenimiento de hoy se va a extender 1 hora más mientras trabajamos para dejar el juego listo. La nueva hora prevista es 12 PM CEST / 3 AM PT. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias que estos continuos retrasos hayan podido causar.


Today’s maintenance will be extended for an additional hour as we work to get the game back up and running. The new estimated end time is 3 AM PT / 12 PM CEST. We apologize for the continued delays.


We need to extend the scheduled maintenance for all regions. We expect the servers to be back around 2 AM PT / 11 AM CEST but we will let you know as soon as we have more information to share.


Debemos extender el mantenimiento para todas las regiones. Esperamos que todos los servidores estén disponibles de nuevo aproximadamente a las 11 AM CEST / 2 AM PT pero os mantendremos informados.

21 Sep


El mantenimiento ha sido completado y los servidores están disponibles de nuevo. Gracias por vuestra paciencia.