Secret Master

Secret Master

27 Oct

marcelo r. r. said: Anacronism is a error, modern day politics don't apply to 40's.

Stalin drawed borders as he wanted, guess what happen if any satellite say no.

Also this disconsider that hungary is a weak country that is dependent on us, it not acquired the state by itself, but by a game random error.

I think the larger point is that there are a lot of situations in the game where outright annexation happens when in real life there was some kind of semi-puppet thing happening. But the game isn't granular enough to show it.
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Herennius said: Unless you keep a healthy number of CIVs around even in the later game, it can become a problem then to expend incoming EC fast enough. While luckily nothing gets discarded or decays and some buffer isn't bad it start to become dead capital though, if the stored EC reaches and stays in the thousands.

Yeah. That's something I make clear in my video. You need enough CIVs to justify the arms you sell.

It's also why importing resources to make weapons for selling is stupid. Even if you sell 100% of the weapons, you won't have... Read more
I feel that HOI4 responds more to empathy and kind words than just to touch. At least on historical mode.


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LarsStok said: And if not.... did 1 battalion paratroopers just get a very specific trolling ability? Like I get it, it's not long range enough to be able to strike the core territories of, say, Germany if you're the SU but France could get some fun out of turtling and sending paras on suicide missions every 30 days to mess with the Germans - it would cost 1000 men per state but it's still funny if only for the memes and 50 factory output per paradrop. And the desc. says it damages mils and civs and not just infra... if you combine it with actual strat bombing it seems like a pretty decent way to mes...
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Can't Himmler overthrow Hitler once he gains a field command?  

26 Oct

Joshua Happytree said: Can you tell what was it?

Peaceful neutral Italy sells weapons to both sides of WW2 and helps the war drag out to 1950 since everyone can just buy more Italian tanks and planes.

It's the most boring way to play HOI4, but it's also the most profitable for Italy.

Fulmen said: But has anyone actually crunched the numbers on this stuff yet?

Well, I'm not a math whiz, but I can tell you the following things:

Any equipment that exists at game start is effectively free to you. Selling it is pure profit.

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marcelo r. r. said: No matter what Hungary refuse to give that state to me transfer to Romania....

While I know this isn't the reason the AI refusing, we should keep in mind that Hungary and Romania trolling each other over territory isn't out of historical character.

If I knew Germany was just going to hand over a piece of real estate to Romania, and I was Hungary, I'd refuse to give it to Germany, too. Mainly out of spite.  
GrandVezir said: Germany rage quit and uninstalled after the first playthrough.

"We should have uninstalled after the first war."
-Gerd von Rundstedt
(in a more interesting universe)  

25 Oct

laune573 said: It looks like Germany only had around 9 Heavy Tank Battalions

You're going to get that kind of thing when you are producing Tigers, Konigstigers, Panzer IVs, Panzer IIIs, StuGs, Jagdpanzers, Panthers, Jagdtigers, and 30 other kinds of tanks.

Streamlining might have yielded a few more heavy tank battalions. Also, having access to more chromium and other rarer metals for alloys might have helped.

(Incidentally, one of the first lessons many players learn in HOI4 is to just focus on one kind of tank. Germany could h... Read more
TheRefusedStone said: Whats the point of keeping engine stats so high when it is going to be attached to 4km/h Airborne?

As I said, this was a hybrid design meant to also serve as recon for panzer divisions. I didn't want to make two different light tanks and have two different production lines.  
Joakim2007 said: Hello guys,

Light tanks can paradrop?????

Thanks in advance

You need the third paratrooper doctrine to unlock air droppable light tank support companies.

My paratrooper template above has that support company in the second slot.

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24 Oct

TheMeInTeam said: paradrop tank is basically just a way to drop armored recon again now that you can't do that anymore, right?

Basically, yes.

TheMeInTeam said: though changes to tank...
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billcorr said: 2 million casualties.

"It's only a flesh wound."

I was playing the Soviets, so...

"One manpower lost is a tragedy. Two million manpower lost is just a statistic."

(And yes, I know this may not have been said by Stalin, but I'll take the joke any way I can.)  
My sales of AT guns are pretty bad. The AI usually wants planes and light tanks in 1937....

Oh, I misread. You wrote AAT, not AT. My bad. :D  
It must be a bug or a mod or something. My playthrough screen does not do that. It has information on it.  
Fulmen said: So enemy paradrops now deorg all friendly troops in the "area" (whatever that means here) of the paradrop?

I haven't watched that video, but I did a livestream last night where I was abusing paratroopers as the Soviets.

The short version:

If you take the correct path in the special forces doctrine, there is a perk that lets PARA drop the ORG of enemy divisions in the state where they are dropped even if they don't land on the same tile as the enemy divisions. It is not supposed to stack, so multiple drops over a 30... Read more
SchwarzKatze said: Does that actually matter? I remember the game completely ignoring them for garrison when the current resistance system first came out

pro.gamer.69 said: yeah, they fixed it a...
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23 Oct

The perfidious Swedes in my last Soviet game demanded northern Norway. I told them off just like I did with reparations for accidentally bombing their town.

This resulted in Sweden joining Finland in the Continuation War against Uncle Joe, with both the Swedes and the Finns becoming Soviet puppets even before I seized Berlin.

Peace may not be in your future if you aren't careful. :)  
I sympathize with you guys, but I have to be honest.

Fewer and standardized aircraft models are you friends. And I don't mean same equipment, but I am talking about mission profiles.

You can't reinforce wings with aircraft that have the different missions that are possible to perform. So, you need to decide from day 1 what missions you want specific aircraft to perform. Then you never deviate from that the entire game. If you are doing some kind of multi-role thing, you just build a single multi-role light plane that has fighter armament, CAS armament, and the option to run naval strike or port strike. If you want separate fighters and CAS (since in MP your enemies will have really good fighters and multi-roles will get trashed), then you make a pure fighter that only does air superiority and intercept, and then you make a CAS with a profile that either allows port strikes or naval strikes (bomb locks or inte... Read more