

14 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Later on, it'll be a bit tougher to get entities to join you. You'll be able to make them prisoners (requiring guards and prisons), or negotiate to have them join your settlement. Right now, it's just a simple capture because the planned stuff isn't done yet.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Traders should show up as long as you have the Market room.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh! This should already be a job at the Wood Mill. You should be able to convert wood logs into coal with a furnace or fire pit. Is it not showing up under the productions window for you? And this is in beta, right?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There isn't mod support yet. However, you can edit the game data and texture atlas to mod in things. You should be able to add different jobs as long as the in-game mechanics don't need to be changed.

Mantic Marksmen, one of the discord members, has written this:

It's a WIP modding guide but it has quite a lot already. It might help you mod some things.

If you do decide to mod stuff, I'd suggest joining the discord as there is a modding channel and a few players chat about things there. Might help!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's dying from old age.

10 Feb

Hello! has been uploaded to the BETA branch!

There are lots of goodies in this one!

Tutorial First off, there's a new tutorial. I think it needs a bit of trimming, and some better timing, but it's mostly there. I want to add one or two more tips, but let me know if there's anything you think is missing. I'm also going to make a video tutorial on YouTube because I know some people prefer that. I'll keep you posted on its status.

Entity Tuning Another big change is the tuning for entity attribute update intervals. Previously, I was updating attributes every 1 minute of game time, and, now, I'm updating them every 5. I felt that, when a settler started to starve or dehydrate, there wasn't a lot of time to address emergencies. With increased intervals, there's way less pressure on the player to scra... Read more

07 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
With taming, what's supposed to happen is the tamer will have a chance (based on skill) to tame the animal or make it hostile. Sounds like they made it hostile then immediately KO'd the chicken. xD I definitely need to add better feedback to communicate what's happening.

Thank you for the feedback!

02 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's fixed up for the next version. :)

01 Feb


This is a smaller update to fix up some issues that were reported over the weekend.

-Fixed a bug that would cause loading a game to get hung up on, 'Generating World.'
-Fixed a bug where entities weren't starting jobs.
-Ancients now start with Arcane Dust.
-Fixed a bug where Void Crystals required the conjuring skill to build.
-Entities will now eat/drink at 50% (if they can). Additionally, entities will not take damage if they are on their way to eat/drink and are starving/dehydrating.
-Fixed a bug where the wood gate wouldn't open/close.
-Fixed a bug where removing a blueprint would leave ambient shadows on textures.
-Cutting grass should drop at least 1 plant fiber now.
-Holding alt will now place a new room instead of holding control. This is to avoid conflicts with the border select only hotkey.
-Added min/max temp and min skylight to plant tooltips.
-Fixed a bug where plants could grow underground. Mushrooms can st... Read more

31 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to build cages to capture them. Once they are in a cage, you can use the capture job on the cage.

30 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's on my list!

29 Jan


Today's patch focuses on some performance issues. Hopefully you see an improvement when playing this new build. That said, I still have a few more things I need to improve before this is running at the level I want. I know there are GPU bound issues and next week I'm going to finish those up. Anyone running on a machine with a weak GPU will be running into this one. I noticed that some save times are a bit long. Will take a look at this too!

A few people have mentioned how overpowered cages and traps are. You *should* notice a difference in this build because the trigger will now take into account the target's evasion rating. The higher the evasion of an entity, the harder it is to trigger the cage or trap. Let me know what your experience is with the new change. Hopefully I haven't gone too far in the other direc... Read more

27 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There isn't, but that brings up an issue I've not quite thought about. I'm going to test this out today and see if I can come up with a good solution. Makes me wonder if there should be a inn or dorm room that provides a place for people without rooms to sleep, but doesn't provide the Human mating option...

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Kyrros!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've changed this for the next patch. Thanks!

22 Jan

Happy Friday/Saturday everyone!

This patch was initially just going to be some tuning and bug fixes, but, last night, I spent an hour adding in two new rooms, the Vault, and the Market. Like you, I get frustrated by where the merchant items spawn, so I thought I would remedy that with these rooms.

Market This room is needed for merchants to visit your settlement. Any items bought from the merchant will be spawned here, unless there's no room, in which case the items will spawn at the merchant. In the future, I am going to have merchants stick around in the settlement and hang out at the market, instead of leave immediately after a trade. That way, players can re-initiate trading while the merchant is around.

... Read more

18 Jan


Here's another small patch to address some more serious issues that I missed with the last patch. This *should* stabilize the build quite a bit, but please do let me know if you see anything serious.

-The blueprint to make sand clods from stone chunks has been moved to the stonework tier in saga.
-Fixed a bug where entities weren't able to find food and water, even though it was clearly present. This happened most often with tamed animals.
-Fixed a bug where snow would not melt.
-Fixed a save/load error.
-Fixed a bug where room jobs were not evenly checked for auto-placement.
-Fixed a bug where freezing water spawned water items.
-Fixed a bug where plants in rooms weren't saving correctly.
-Fixed a bug where water wasn't moving into fire blocks.
-Fixed a bug where entities could not be summoned if a platform blueprint was under the required prop.
-Fixed a bug where an auto-job would say you needed a certain prop to build eve... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Shoot. Sorry that you're having this issue. The beta has a change which limits the minimum resolution that can be set to help avoid this problem, but it doesn't work retroactively. It only keeps players from scaling too low. For now, you'll need to reset the registries where Unity saves resolution screen sizes.

If you are on Windows:
1. Click the start button.
2. Type 'regedit' without quotes.
3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Unknown Origin Games > Odd Realm
4. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Height, select delete
5. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Width, select delete

You should be able to open the game and it will pick the appropriate default window size for your monitor. If not, you might need to specify window size in the registry edit window to what you want, instead of deleting those entries. You might want to delete, 'Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode' too, as that might being minimizing the window.

On ma... Read more

17 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Currently, there's no way to do this. I can add something in which lets you limit how many jobs are queued. That sounds like a good idea!

16 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Silent Möbius: Is there any date set when the beta will release as stable?

No ETA, but it will be quite soon. I have to do one more update to make a new tutorial for all the changes. Once that's done, I'll move things to the stable branch. That *should* be in February.
Hey everyone!

I uploaded several hotfixes for some issues that were brought up. I apologize for not having seen them before putting out

Here are the notes:

-Fixed a bug where entities were eating/drinking too many items when hungry/thirsty.
-Fixed a bug where some labels (i.e., item counts) weren't showing correct values.
-Fixed a bug where the merchant scenario was happening way more than it should.
-Fixed a bug where some water blocks placed on the border were being treated as infinite water sources.

Thanks for your patience and for making me aware of the issues so fast. You rock!
