

05 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, sounds like a bug. There's no way to force an entity to sleep, but they should just do this on their own.

Are you in the beta?

04 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you assigning the collect water job to the water block? You'll also need someone with survival enabled.

02 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback!

1) This is coming in a patch soon. I always intended to have this, but haven't been able to implement as of yet.
2) As long as 'Single Layer Only Selection' is off, the selection will iterate down until hitting an obstruction or permitted candidate.
3) Cool! That sort of thing sounds great. Any suggestions for where you'd like to see this? The UI is quite cluttered, so I'd like feedback on where you'd most enjoy having this sort of thing. Just in the overlay options, or do you think it should be outside of that, much like the priority options?
4) The game already does this, so, I don't see it being a problem adding those additional options once they are implemented.

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like you have all this set up already, but just in case, here's what you need:
-At least one farmer with harvest and planting skill on.
-All the required props built.
-The Harvesting auto job on.
-At least one plant blueprint selected.
The farmer will plant in places there isn't already a plant. So, if there's grass, you'll need to wait for them to clear it out first before they will plant. Here's an example of my auto-queue settings:
0 (a) < 5 (b) -> 5 (c)
a = Current raw carrots
b = Threshold
c = Amount to queue
If the current raw carrots (a) drop below 5 (b), it will try to queue 5 (c) new plant carrot jobs.

You could also change the threshold type to active jobs in room, which tries to maintain a certain amount going all the time. So, if active jobs (a) drops below 5 (b) threshold, queue 5 (c) jobs.

I still have a LOT of work to do to polish up this experience, and I'd love to hear your suggestions... Read more

31 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Vince:
Originally posted by Sleipnir: Not a dumb question at all! Zones are no longer a thing. Instead, you have two options:
-Place a 'storehouse' room and edit the room's item specifications to what you want.
-Place a room and add the 'storage' room function. This can be added to any room. In fact, any of the room functions can be mixed and matched to suit your needs.
Fair warning, there are several nasty bugs with rooms that I'm fixing right now. So, apologies if you ...
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30 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You cannot, sadly. You have to summon more.

29 Oct

Happy Friday!

Oook. Lots in this one. Here are the notes:

-Fixed a few UI related errors happening under the hood. This would keep some windows from closing or working properly.
-The single layer overlay now slightly darkens layers not on the same layer as the camera rather than make them totally black.
-Fixed a bug where notifications weren't appearing for things like hunger, thirst, void sickness, drowning.
-Vertical paths and several other overlays no longer start activated when opening jobs, rooms, and other toolbar menus.
-Block surfaces will now no longer be obstructed by the single layer overlay.
-Room function auto-jobs now start with 'Items In World' by default. They also use the produced item as the default selected item, and start with a Threshold and Queue Set count of 1. This is to ensure players have to do as little as possible to get auto-jobs going.
-Fixed a bug where the auto-job threshold amount for Items In World was using Ac... Read more

28 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the future, the merchant will go to the market room, and leave things there. Hopefully that will alleviate some of that travel time and would avoid giant mounds of Ren to go and collect.

Re carry capacity, it is determined by the carrying skill. I've implemented a back slot, for backpacks, which would increase the carry amount. It's disabled for now as I haven't created the bag items. But it will give bonuses to carry if you equipped a backpack.

Having a difference between item size and how that fills containers and inventory slots is a good idea and it's something which is suggested a lot. I would like to implement something like this, but it would be quite complicated. It would require more UI to communicate the difference in item size as well as an even more elaborate and dynamic carrying system under the hood. Both of which are already complicated as heck. I'm not saying I won't add that, but I want to try out a few easier solutions first.

This l... Read more

26 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haha! Thanks so much Kyrros! I appreciate this clear feedback.

The stone tools should be showing up in the smithy function after researching Stonework now. If they are still not, then there's likely a bug that I'll need to fix. Thanks for being patient with this. I've neglected the progression over the last couple weeks to focus on the entity state stuff, but am going to focus more on it now.

Hey there,

Here are the notes for some fixes I just uploaded. A couple save/load issues fixed in here.

-Fixed a bug where the main menu screen would still be visible after loading into a previous save.
-Fixed a bug where settlers were not doing their idle movements.
-Fixed a bug where the error popup window was not centered. >:|
-Fixed a bug where settlers could walk around after dying.
-Fixed a bug where the game could crash on save after issuing a move order.
-Fixed a bug where the season index wasn't being saved. This could cause some longer term season issues.
-Added top bar statuses for drowning and void sickness.
-Fixed a bug where workers could get stuck trying to path to a missing work point. This would appear as them standing around trying to get to a started job.
-Fixed a save/load bug related to entity diets.
-Added stone anvil prop.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck equipping items.
-Fixed a bug where a... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It *could* be but my instincts tell me no. The resting flicker isn't really a bug. Rather, it's the underlying state machine cycling through various states which is perfectly acceptable as that's how it checks the entity's priorities. And, when the entity is in the idle state for 1 frame, the resting status is added. I just need to delay the resting status so it is only added when they are idling for longer.
That said, I'll do some testing in this area just to be safe.

25 Oct

Hello friends!

Thanks for waiting a couple weeks for this patch. I received so many bug reports and notes of feedback that I needed to take a bit longer to get this patch completed.

The main points of focus for the patch were entity state issues (starving, drowning, dying of thirst, freezing, etc.) and the room editing window. The state issues should mostly be fixed up, but I'm sure there will still be the odd occurrence of someone getting stuck, or bugging out. It's tough for me to find every little edge case during my own tests. It will get better and better as I address each bug report, so thanks for the patience with that stuff.

And, as for the room edit window, I've optimized it a bunch to not be so laggy. Plus, I've improved the feedback to communicate what players need to get a room working. i.e., if they don't have someone with the right skill in the room, don't have the right props, don't have an owner group assigned to a function, etc. I have a lot ... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nice work you cheater! Haha jooooking. Glad you found the command!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm working on this. Sorry about that! Should be alright for the next patch coming in tomorrow.

21 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for the feedback. I'll try to add a command like that.

20 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a remove/clear job in the jobs menu. :)

19 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm guessing you are on the beta? If so, that is a known bug and I have a patch coming in for them this week to address this. Sorry for the issue!

17 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a bug in the live version. The next version changes taming a bit, so it won't be a problem once it's out of beta. Sorry for the inconvenience!

16 Oct

Hello everyone!

Today's post will be short and sweet to update you on what I'm working on.

Two weeks ago the beta build went live and I've mostly been focused on all the bugs that have been reported. There are... a few. That has been keeping me real busy. Special thanks to everyone that has been helping out with that! All those bug reports are invaluable. There are some nasty issues with the multitude of ways settlers can die. It's mostly a tuning issue, but I am addressing the lack of feedback as well as some strange cases where settlers just ignore important, life saving items. The entity state machine is pretty complicated, so there's no one panacea for this type of issue. It simply comes down to finding edge cases and tuning various stats. We'll get there!

Aside from major bugs, I've reserved some time to work on the room edit screen. This screen is one of the most important in the game, so I want to polish it quite a bit. I've spent some time cleaning up... Read more

10 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm tracking down the reason why they are not sleeping in their beds properly. They should be going to the bed to sleep.

Regarding cooking, is one of the owner groups assigned to the fireplace function?