

08 Oct

Post has been uploaded!

Here are the patch notes:

-Tuned food and water items to give a larger instant refill.
-Optimized some UI elements to help reduce drops in FPS.
-Fixed a bug where settlers would not do life saving jobs. i.e., not build a torch when needing to warm up.
-Fixed a bug where job progress was being reset to 0 when an entity walked through it.
-Fixed a bug where plants weren't saving if an item was spawned on the same tile.
-Tuned plants to reproduce naturally at a slower rate.
-Fixed a bug where settlers couldn't find a heat source if it was too far away.
-Added the Warmed status for entities that have warmed up at a heat source. This reduces the cold tolerance for a brief period.
-Added the Wounded status which lowers entity energy at a faster rate. The intention is to have them sleep earlier to heal missing HP. Once HP is full, the wounded status goes away.
-Fixed a bug where entities with buffed HP max would... Read more

06 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a dumb question at all! Zones are no longer a thing. Instead, you have two options:
-Place a 'storehouse' room and edit the room's item specifications to what you want.
-Place a room and add the 'storage' room function. This can be added to any room. In fact, any of the room functions can be mixed and matched to suit your needs.
Fair warning, there are several nasty bugs with rooms that I'm fixing right now. So, apologies if you encounter some issues as there are a few. I've also got it on my list to add priorities for these various room functions, but I need to clean up the UI and such first.

05 Oct

Hey everyone! Thank you for testing and reporting issues for the buggy beta build. It means a lot. I've just uploaded a new version with some fixes for various things.

I'm still figuring out an issue with pathfinding which makes it so entities always think they're in combat with underground enemies. I've temporarily disabled the underground tomb discovery to avoid this while I fix the real problem.

Before I list the patch notes, let me explain the next steps for beta. My main priority is fixing serious game breaking issues. There are a few but we'll get there. Plus, I want to fix a lag issue that's coming from the UI. The FPS drop some of you are seeing is from this. I'll need to optimize a few windows to improve frames. Once those bigger issues are somewhat out of the way, I'll focus on tuning/balancing, adding in disabled scenarios, and changing/fixing things that are annoying based on feedback. I know there's a progression issue with how Ancients unlock summoning.... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll be putting out a patch today to address this. Sorry for the issue.

For future bug reports/issues, would you mind posting in the thread:

Beta Bugs

I'm trying to keep the issues organized by version so things don't get confusing between production, and the various beta versions.

Thank you

04 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's an oversight on my part. I've changed this so it's part of the Summoning 1 research. The change will be in the patch.

Thank you mentioning this!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Place down a Forge room, then, under the Smithy room function, select Auto Jobs. This should show you the bronze ingot job if you've unlocked the blueprint from the tech tree.

03 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you unlocked the blueprints from the tech tree (found in the Saga screen)?

02 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you so much, everyone. These bug reports are so helpful. I'm working away on a patch.

Hello, dear testers.

I've uploaded Windows, OSX, and Linux versions of the game to the beta branch.

Please Read
Ok, so, this beta version is coming out in a very unstable state. I wanted to get this out there to get help finding bugs. Please, please don't play it if you're not looking to help report bugs. It's not going to be much fun until I can put out a few patches. I still have a huge amount of polish to put into the game to get ready for production. Over the next few weeks I will be periodically uploading patches to the beta branch to fix things.

Also, currently, the world is using way more RAM than it should and isn't properly unloading it in between world loads. Depending on how beefy your machine is, the game might crash as it's trying to load into a tile. I am working on this and I apologize for the huge memory footprint. If you are having issues, try playing smaller map sizes until I can fix this. You can do this from the n... Read more

01 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! That's very kind. :)

One issue, because I haven't done any performance improvement for world loading recently (and I will be over the beta period), is that the world takes up a crap ton of RAM. Way more than it should. So, my first question would be, how big of a world were you generating and how much RAM does your machine have? If you are playing the 256x256x64 size, I'd suggest playing on a smaller size for now. At least until I can put out some patches to fix the issue.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there!

If you are one of those brave folks that is helping find bugs for the BETA, please use this thread to report them. That way I can easily see them and fix them. Feel free to also ask questions here, and I'll answer them.


30 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've fixed quite a few issues like this for the next version. I appreciate you taking the time to send screenshots. Thanks for reporting this.

23 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just in case the blog post gets missed, the next version ( is going live on the Beta Branch on October 1st. This will be an unstable version which will get iterative hotifx patches for a few weeks. Once it gets to a stable state, it will be moved to the Production Branch and everyone will get that version. To play the beta version and help find bugs and provide feedback, please refer to this post:

... Read more

21 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you! :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll need to build a lip over the wall, or some fences on top to block pathing. In the next version, entities can only climb one block high, which should fix this, but, for now, you'll have to rely on those options.

15 Sep

Hi friends!

I'm back from my mini vacation to see family and am feeling good about the beta build. I was able to get a tiny bit done in the mornings during the vacation, but, even so, I have a bit more work to do to get this build out into the beta branch for Steam, Itch, and GoG. That said, I'm going to push for
October 1st as the date that I upload the build. I'm very excited and nervous to start getting players to see the new changes.

Aside from that announcement, let's take a look at some things I've been working on since our last post.


I want players to be able to settle any tile they choose, so I added the option to select water tiles as a settlement point. Players can then select a water block for their starting position, and the game will generate a little raft for you to start on. T... Read more

08 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry for the wait! I'm very close. I'm finishing up just a handful of things and then it will be ready, but I'll describe that in this month's dev blog post.

23 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alright. Thank you for bringing this up. I'll keep my eyes open for the potential cause of this.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All good. They won't join a room together in auto mode if they aren't companions. However, as you were manually adding them, that should not restrict anything.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm, I'm not sure. That sounds like it should work fine. Would you be able to share a screenshot of what you see when the screen is open?