

15 Jan

Hey friends!

I hope you are all well and having a nice weekend so far.

A few moments ago, I uploaded version to the beta branch. I'm thrilled to get this update out to you all. The focus for this one was performance but I was able to get in a lot of other fun things too. Alongside the performance improvements, I re-enabled the 64 world depth option. The RAM usage should be much less, so playing those bigger maps should be much easier. However, those maps do require more from your computer. Be aware of that if you're playing on a potato, and re-size your world accordingly. I think most machines should handle the biggest maps ok, though. I'll continue to improve performance as I go. There are still a few UI things I want to improve.

Caves I added in some procedural cave generation for players to discover while mining underground. These may or may not spawn with mushrooms, water, and treasure. I'm going to add many events to these in the future.
... Read more

07 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's only available in the beta right now.

06 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because the game is in early access, I've not focused too much of my time on the tutorial. I'd rather add more content and features first. However, I will be improving the tutorial and adding more to it to make it clearer before the game comes out of early access. Thanks for the feedback!

05 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
With the build menu open, you can remove blueprints by right-clicking them.

To remove things you have built, you need to deconstruct them with the clear/remove job in the jobs menu. With the job selecting left-click the desired object you want to deconstruct. Someone with the deconstruct skill enabled will come and remove it.

27 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haha! Thank you! I have a fix in the next patch. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The main immediate focus for me is to finish the three remaining playable races in addition to some improvements to the Ancients. I'll start on that once is out of beta (sometime Jan).

That said, I do want to add quite a few overworld map features. My vision is to have it feel like you're building up some sort of kingdom or state. And, from that, you'd be able to create relationships with neighboring factions. I'd like to add several options where you could send out diplomats, scouts, raiding parties, settlers to start towns, and so on. Now, I'm not promising those things for, but I would like to add a bit more to the map before 1.0 is done, and then continue adding to it in following updates.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Rooms no longer require a set of props. Instead, some blueprints may require a workstation. i.e., metal ingots require the furnace. It should say on the blueprint that you're trying to make which is needed.

As for the void shard blueprints, that sounds like I've overlooked something. I'll double check to make sure those are set up. Thanks for letting me know!

21 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Moose Is Loose: Awesome! I'm glad to hear that! Is it part of the plan to make all rooms able to behave like stockpiles? It would also be awesome to able to set amounts.
I gotta say its really nice to have a dev that seems to care so much about the players!

You should be able to set up any room to act like the stockpile. As long as it has occupants with carry enabled, the jobs will get created. If that doesn't work for you, let me know. That's the intended behavior. :)

As for amounts, what do you mean. Set a specific number that can be stored in any room? i.e., No more than 100 wood logs. That right?

And, hey, it's nice to have people like you playing my little game. Thank you...

20 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not yet, but I'll be adding this soon!

As for feeding and watering animals, as long as you have a stockpile with their dietary needs added to the room, they should eat those items. With the added priority system, that *should* be enough to keep them going well.
Hey gang,

Thanks to the community's vigilant bug hunting I was quickly made aware of some issues I overlooked for I just uploaded, but had also put out a small patch on Friday ( Here are the notes for the two of them: Fixes:
-Fodder now requires cooking instead of tame animal skill to make.
-Fixed a bug where the auto-job for well water wasn't appearing.
-Fixed a bug where it looks like you can equip items to Void Woken when you can't.
-Save/load issue related to some attack data not being present after the new version change.
-Fixed a bug where the stoneleaf bag job option wasn't available. Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where the delete owner group btn wasn't visible.
-Added tome counts to the Saga window.
-The Void Stabilizer now requires a Void Crystal instead of a Iron Ingot to be built.
-The Void Catalyst now requires Arcane Dust instead of a Bronze Ingot to be built.
-Fixed a... Read more

17 Dec

Hey Oddities!

I have uploaded the patch. There are quite a few changes in it, and I'd love for you to give it a go. Now, because I changed a lot of uniform and room data under-the-hood, this *MIGHT* mess up your old saves. I've tried to make it backwards compatible, but the chances of weird behaviors will be higher for old saves on this version. If you do see weird things, before reporting them, try reproducing them on a new save. If it still happens, then let me know!

Ok, the main focus for this patch was room management and production, but I added some new content, overhauled a lot of UI (especially with uniforms), and put in a ton of fixes for bugs. I also did a pass on all the room art because I didn't feel like it had enough character:

Room Management Rooms in the game are complicated. There's a lot ... Read more

06 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are zones, they are just part of the rooms now. The zones were merged into rooms so that players could assign specific workers to carrying items as well as assign rooms to stockpiles. It has the exact same designation functionality as before, you're just placing a storehouse instead of a zone, but now you can mix and match item categories as well as specific items.

As for Research, can you explain what it is you don't like so I can improve it? I added a research tree for two reasons: 1) players were missing out on a lot of blueprints because they just didn't know they exist in the previous version, and, 2) I want to define a clear progression for the game. Plus, as I go, I'll be adding race specific research that you can only unlock by having a member of the race in your settlement. This will be very important as I implement more races down the line.

I think the problem with the beta isn't that there are new ways about doing things, it's how they are pre... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It shouldn't be. I haven't heard any issues with it recently at least. You can try resetting it from the settings menu and see if that resolves it.

21 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya! I'd like to add building collapses and tunnel cave-ins eventually. I'll probably focus on this sort of thing after I've added the first five races to the game.

19 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TWBroodOvermind: my humans keep dying of thirst even though i have hundreds of drinks stockpiled. Was there any solution here? How do I make them take better care of themselves.

Hey, are you playing in the beta or just the live version? If you're in the beta, I can take a look at your save file to try and fix that specific case.

Originally posted by Laubblaeser: Cannot help you, sorry. That problem never got sorted out for me.

Oh no! Sorr... Read more

16 Nov


This patch is a few days later than I wanted, so apologies for that!

Lots of fixes here but I also spent a few days working on the game's notifications. A bunch of them were not firing properly, and I also wanted to spruce up the notification settings. You'll no longer find the notification settings within the notification panel. Instead you'll find them through the main settings menu. I think a lot of people were totally unaware that there were notification settings at all, so having them at this location with other settings options should help with that. Also, I've added the ability to tune which factions *and* which races have notification settings. This is nice for when you don't want, say, the death notification for Void Woken. By default, only the main races will fire off notifications, but you can enable them for everyone. This saves to your player profile, so you shouldn't have to set this each game or anything.

... Read more

09 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, I forgot to add, you can also use the deconstruct job to remove things you've built.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you playing in the beta? There's a small bug in the beta where obstacles are being left behind by trees. Saving, then reloading the file should clear it up and I'll be putting out a fix soon.

08 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All you should have to do is place down the room and entities that are of the same family will join the room automatically. When you open up room edit (G), do you have three separate rooms?
They will mate and have offspring as long as you have a bedroom with a bed for them.

06 Nov

Happy Friday everyone!

I've just finished uploading the patch. There are a lot of fixes in this patch. As well, I spent some time working on improving the hotkey options/settings. I've added a few features to it and it should be much clearer to use. You can now assign hotkeys to the mouse, add modifiers (shift, ctrl, alt, etc.) to any keyboard key, and add up to 3 hotkeys to an action. Scroll input now has the option to be inverted and I've removed the scroll options from generic settings because you should be able to do this through hotkeys. The only thing I couldn't get working was modifier keys for the mouse. This sounds trivial and certainly isn't impossible to add, but it will require some more work, and I'm going to have to put that on the backburner for now. I don't think modifier keys for the mouse are terribly important, but it would be nice to have later. As well, I've removed editing the ESC backout action because it's too easy to mess this up and lock... Read more