

10 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can continue to play the beta. All the new stuff for the next expansion will start to roll out there.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks Kyrros! I haven't had a chance to read through this yet, but I'm sure there is some great feedback here. I'm going to read this in the morning. Cheers!

09 Mar

The Sacred Scrolls expansion is an update I've worked on for a long time. It is the foundation for all future expansions of Odd Realm, and can be thought of as the creation of the planet Odd. Previous versions were more of a proof-of-concept. I'm excited to have this update finally completed because it means I can start to tell the story of the world, and add in all the great content I've planned with the help of the community. New playable races, overworld kingdoms, overworld diplomacy, more items, more blueprints, more everything. There's a lot of work to do, but I'm stoked! I wouldn't be here without the support from all of you. You've been incredibly patient waiting for me to add things to the game, and I want to express how thankful I am for your interest in the game, and your support. As a solo dev, it has never felt lonely because I've had all of you keeping me company. Thank you!

Also, because this expansion had to change a lot of the core systems (namely, variable wor... Read more

08 Mar

Hey gang!

This is (please god) the final hotfix patch before beta goes to the live production branch. Apologies for how long this is taking to go live! I'm at the point where I'm doing several hour playtests to find those bugs and tuning issues that arise during long play sessions. I found a few more things which I've listed below:

-Fixed a bug where some settings windows weren't showing.
-Low Food and Low Beverages notification should now only be seen for Humans.
-The game is now paused when the camera does cinematic moves, to avoid entities running off before the camera arrives at its target.
-Fixed a bug where the game could get stuck paused if an auto-save happened at the same time as a scenario.
-Fixed a bug where entities with all combat skills disabled would still fight. Now, they will flee away fr... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, it's a planned mode. You can currently use the debug tools to build anything you wish if you just want to design settlements.

To do so:
1. Hit ` to open the debug console.
2. Type 'paint true'

This should bring up a list on the right of all the objects in the game you can place.

05 Mar

Hello and happiest of Fridays to you!

I was hoping that today I would be switching the beta branch over to the live branch. Sadly, I ran into a lot of tuning/progression stuff that I wasn't comfortable pushing live just yet. Today's patch should fix a few things that stood out to me, and I'm sure they stand out for you too.

Threat Tuning I've altered how bandits, and other threats get activated. Previously, I activated threats based on how much time had passed. As well, to get certain threats such as bandits, you'd have to settle a 'bandit' tile, or some such. I felt that this was rather tough to tune, and didn't seem that organic. Plus, it doesn't quite align with how I want interactions in the world to play out in the future. Now, to move the design in that direction, threats will activate more often as you acquire wealth... Read more

01 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the interest in the game. Once 1.0 is out, I will be focusing on localizing the game to as many languages as I can manage. Japanese will be one of the languages I will work towards adding.

Thanks again and hope to be able to do that work soon!

28 Feb


This is a shorter list of patch notes today as I focused a lot of last week fixing up and adding in-game events. There are quite a few fixes related to combat in there as well. Plus, I've done some optimizing related to a GPU bottleneck some players might have been experiencing.

Regarding events, I've gone through a bunch that were disabled for the beta and have enabled them and fixed issues that kept them from working properly. As well, some of the game's bosses are now quite a bit more involved and powerful. Each has their own special set of abilities. As you can see in the above gif, the Dweller shoots a beam of energy at nearby player entities, carving out any terrain (or critters!) in the way. I won't spoil the other bosses and their abilities, but be careful! They're out there.

The Ancients now hav... Read more

26 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're playing the non-beta version, you'll get attacked by bandits when settling untamed or ferocious tiles. Try looking for peaceful tiles where you won't encounter them.

24 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not yet! Have anything you'd like to see it used for?

23 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Those ratings are no longer a thing as each tile (in beta) now shows the types of events you'll encounter. So, if you see, "Bandits Sighted!" there's a good chance you'll be attacked by them. Those events are the same as you'd encounter under the ferocious rating.

22 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You have to capture wild animals in cages. Based on the animal's evasion, they have a chance to be caught when they walk over a cage. You can also lure animals by placing food they eat in a cage. Once an animal is in a cage you can use the Capture job on the cage. The success for taming an animal when using the capture depends on the Tame skill. You can actually capture bandits and non-animal NPCs this way too.

Sorry that this is quite hidden. I am just adding in tooltips and UI to communicate that stuff this week. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You would be correct! As I've mostly been adding features for the game's core systems. I haven't been able to focus on combat or events. Now that version 0.10 is ready to come out of beta, combat and events are what I'll be focused on going forward. :)

21 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, ok. Thank you for clarifying. :) I'll note this down as something to add later.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting! I'll take a look at this. Thanks!

18 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok! Thanks for checking that out. I'll try to improve that soon.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello and thank you for buying the game!

In the general settings there is an option to increase the 'UI Scale.' Is that the one you edited?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not sure I fully understand the request. Entities should be removed from rooms when they die, and other entities with the required skills should fill the new open position. Or do you mean you want entities to change their profession to fill the newly empty profession?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have not forgotten! It's something I wanted to tackle after finishing this beta version. So, it should be implemented soon! Sorry for the delay.

17 Feb

Hi everyone!

Phew! This one took me a bit longer to get out the door because I had to get my hands dirty with a bunch of pathfinding stuff. Thanks for waiting patiently for me to put this one out. :) Also, thank you to those of you that were sending me builds and helping me find issues. Your help is so appreciated!

Pathfinding You should notice some improvements to the pathfinding speed. I went through and optimized several things, but I also worked on how paths are prioritized. Entities with the shortest paths or the most urgent paths (i.e., given a move order) should be calculated first. Also, NPC's are prioritized last, giving the player first dibs on pathing. In, you'd see a lot of entities hang up when given a move order, and that's because they were waiting for someone ahead of them to calculate a huge p... Read more