

16 Aug

Hey everyone!

Hope you are all doing well. Sorry I'm a day late on this dev log. I wasn't home yesterday to write.

This dev log won't be too exciting. I'm still working on a lot of room-related tasks, and, although things are going very well, it's taking a long time to finish up. Mostly, it's tons of data entry to properly set up the room functionality, and fixing edge case bugs related to rooms auto-creating jobs. So, I don't have much to show off today other than some small HUD things.

Ok, HUD stuff. As I go, I'm always tweaking the HUD to make things more enjoyable. One small change I've made is moving the search panel out of individual screens, and into the toolbar. It's a nuisance to have to add it to each screen, and I've made it so screens can easily listen for input from the search panel. So, the intention is that you can quickly type here, either by clicking it, or holding shift, and then your input will filter out items for each relative screen you ... Read more

06 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is fixed in the next update.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for writing up this suggestion list! I know this must have taken some time to write and the fact that you are interested enough in the game to spend time providing a detailed spec really is appreciated. Soooo many of these issues/suggestions are addressed in the next update and I'm stoked for you to see them, even though I'm the world's slowest developer and the wait is long.

Thanks again!

30 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Choppo is correct. Next update, the game starts with you selecting the starting position. :)

21 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by choppo: What I specifically meant by build new ancients was not to have new ancients but build a melee defender or labourer . A summoner could summon them and needs bones to keep them upright and moving. Could be cheaper/ easier to summon then the imps

It could possibly solve ravens issue of being weak early game but still steps off the path you have planned for them . Guess we’ll have to see where the game goes once the next update comes out :)

Oh ok! Then we are on the same page. I have a bunch of new summons planned, several of which are defenders. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ancients are intended to be rare. Being able to get more of them through some creation process would take away their value and also wouldn't make sense in the game's narrative. I think the main issue, one that I will be addressing in the next update, is that they don't have many options to defend themselves. The intention, as development progresses, is that they are powerful magic casters and summoners. They would use their magical strength to protect themselves. So, in the future, they will have more summoning and building options to help mitigate their losses in battle.
Now, that said, I will be adding some additional ways to find Ancients outside uncovering their underground tombs. Namely, you'll meet more of them wandering the overworld. This won't be super common--again, I want them to feel rare and special--but will be frequent enough to introduce some new, interesting characters.

15 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Commisar Jon ♥♥♥♥♥♥: Doing the same for Z-levels would be nice, too.

In the settings there is an inverse option for z scroll. Just not for scroll bars on UI.
Hello my friends!

I hope everyone is doing well and today I wanted to update you all about Odd Realm's version.

I'm making some fantastic progress but I'm still working on finishing things which I had started earlier in the year. Namely, a bunch of room related changes and improvements. I had mentioned in a previous post that I had overhauled the room UI because it was desperately needing some TLC. At the time, I wasn't able to finish that work because I was running into a lot of core game issues and decided to fix that up. As you are all aware, that added quite a bit of time to's development timeline. Anyway, now that that stuff is out of the way, I came back to finishing up those room changes/additions. I'm very excited about the changes and I think they are going to add so much to the game, so I want to show off some things.

If you are unfamiliar with the new functionality of rooms, take a look at this article which describes them thoroug... Read more

14 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes! I've been meaning to do this one. I will try to get it into the next update. Thanks.

02 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DeadMeat: How about before we add stuff you fix taming.

There's no need to be rude. I have fixed taming and a lot of the combat bugs for the next patch.

30 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for mentioning. I've overhauled the training process for the next update and stuff like this won't happen anymore. Sorry that you're experiencing the issue.

29 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll be glad to know that diets are in the next update.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks you for letting me know. I'll try to find this issue.

19 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Great stuff! I've thought of adding an insectoid race myself, but haven't put anything to paper because I still have to add the other races first. I like the idea of having a queen and your idea of moving into previously settled tiles is interesting! I'll keep this stuff in mind for when I'm able to focus on adding more races.

Thanks for writing this up. :)

17 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a little house icon/button on the top left corner. This lets you select animal and settler population max.

Edit: Unfortunately, there's no way to auto butcher but it is planned.

15 Jun

Hey everyone!

Today's dev log will be rather dull because I don't have a whole lot of new content to show off. I'm at the stage where I'm working on bugs, polish, and finishing implementation for previously shown features. That's good, though, as that means the date for putting this update into beta is drawing near. I hate not being able to tell you guys a specific date for when that will be. I want this to be my last dev log before then, but due to the scope and complexity of the update, there's a lot of hidden tasks that arise as I go. This update is more like a sequel than it is a general update and as a result is an absolute ton of work for me. Thank you for understanding that, and for being patient with me. :)

Now, I've seen a few comments recently about how long this update is taking and some have even expressed that there is nothing in this next update so I wanted to recap some of the things that have been added:

-Tech tree. Allows for Humans to unlock... Read more

14 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by gangztaclicks: Can you please finish the game already. or even just a small update to help with optimization .I already have a colony with 50 villagers and now it crashes whenever i save.

I assure you I'm going as fast as I can. I definitely don't like having you guys wait or play buggy versions but I can't release the version until it's ready and it's not quite there. Very sorry for the wait.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We've talked about adding methods to preserve food like salt and canning, and I think that would be a welcome addition. After the next update's release I'm going to add a bunch more food options. I'll try to add some things like this.

Thank you! :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry to hear that, but I understand your frustration. That change is in an update I've been working on for a year now and it has taken me a long time to put out and I apologize. I'm hoping to return to quicker update releases after this big one is out so I can address feedback better.
Thank you for your feedback and take care.

11 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The hermit mode doesn't get migrants waves. You can try selecting a custom loadout and take only the one settler in. That'll enable settler waves.

The next update has changed it so you get the waves, but can deny them.