

04 Sep

Hi friends!

This post will not be that interesting as I'm in the middle of a huuuuuuuge systems overhaul/upgrade and will mostly be about that. Before I get into it, I do want to say thanks for all your patience. Unfortunately, this update has been one which has had a million cascading tasks and is taking me a very long time to complete. I do appreciate all the support, feedback, and kind words. Keeps me going! Ok, enough sap from me. xD

Overhaul and improvements! Essentially, I'm extracting a very old system for entities called, 'behaviours'. It's a system which tries to dictate entity actions whilst also being a sort of status effect tracker and it's incredibly ugly. It causes a ton of weird--heh--behaviours in the game which often conflict with the entity state machine and so on. I won't get into too much of the tech details here because it just won't make sense without me walking through the code. However, the solution I'm putting in place is much cleaner and is ... Read more

02 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! I appreciate that. :)

01 Sep

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It goes away. They will only bleed to death if their health is already pretty low.

31 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can rotate some props. There's a rotate option in the utilities menu. Things like beds/stairs can be rotated. Ladders don't have a rotated version because they're really hard to read from the side. just looks like a pole. However, you can still build a cellar. Rotation doesn't affect whether the entity can climb the ladder or not. Just dig out your pit, put a roof or floor in the layer above, leaving one open and build a ladder under that open one. Then you've got a little cellar/basement!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not yet! Just got home from vacation. I'll try to look at it soon, but I need to finish some others things first.
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Currently, there's no way to do this. I'll soon be adding a healing skill, though. And entities with this would be able to fix up other entities that are bleeding or sick.
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Entities will sleep in the same room, but not the same bed.
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Not yet! The next update will have sand blocks you can build. :)

Bigger maps are something I'll look into, but it might be a while before it's possible.

26 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya, I don't see any errors in the log file. Thanks for sending it, though. I'll try to reproduce on my side. Does this issue happen 100% for you?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the detailed report. I'll try and address this issue in the next update.
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Would you be able to send me the Player.log file? It's probably an error under the hood.

Player.log is found where the save file is: Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry to hear that! I'd have to take a look at your save file to diagnose the issue.

If you're keen on sending the file, here are some steps. Happy to take a look at it. Read more

24 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Aeternum is a special headband that the Ancients can make. Aside from the energy buff, Humans won't really benefit from it in the same way the Ancients do.

Tor is actually just an incorrect naming buff that's fixed in the next update. Essentially, Tor is what I was going to call magic in the game waaay back. Tor is now just the Magic Fighting skill.

In the next update, Humans will be able to unlock magic, so the Aeternums will be more valuable then.

Some lore about the Aeternum: Within the Ancient culture exists a class hierarchy where Aeternums are used to represent status. Aeternums also help Ancients maintain immortality. The stronger an Ancient is at using the void, the higher quality Aeternum they can craft. A caste exists within the Ancient society called, the Unworthy. These are Ancients that were not permitted immortality and acquired it without the help of the High Council (the leaders of the Ancients). You'll often see them wearing the poo... Read more

20 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, that's an incorrect data bug that is fixed in the upcoming version. Until then, you should be able to either manually add tailors to the work shop room or just enable the tailoring skill for the entities in the workshop. Then they should start the job.
Hope that helps!

19 Aug

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Après 1.0, j'essaierai d'ajouter d'autres langues.
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I see your email but no file attached.

18 Aug

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Ya, sounds like a bug. Feel free to send me the save and I'll take a look!
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I've been thinking about fixing it to have transparency. My rendering system is a bit hacky, so I haven't been able to make this switch easily. Otherwise, I'm right with you and think it would be way better. One day hopefully.

17 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, you're right! I admit I wasn't having a great day and responded with snark. I apologize and I should have answered the question and not been childish.

The values work like this:

Highest first.

0 - Settlers won't do.
1 - Do this if there are no 2 or 3 priority jobs.
2 - Do this if there are no 3 priority jobs.
3 - Settlers do this above all others.

i.e., if you have two logging jobs, one with priority [1], the other with priority [3], the priority [3] logging job is done first! Then, the [1] priority job will be started after.

Skill priorities have that same logic where higher priority skills are checked first. i.e., Logging priority 23 will be checked before looting 1.

Again, same thing with workstation priority. Highest values first.

The only place that has the opposite meaning is in uniforms where lower values will result in uniforms being equipped first over higher values. This isn't the intended l... Read more

11 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's because they're a laborer and only gain xp for carrying. This is something I've changed for the next big update. As a temp fix, try changing their profession to something that gets xp for other skills. i.e., changing to carpenter to get xp for building things.