

08 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll look into making this experience better! Thanks for the feedback.

07 Aug


This is NOT a post to say the next update is out! Some confusion there on my last development post as I erroneously used the word, 'update'. haha That's my bad! Also, I noticed some concern that I'm not posting these dev posts enough and all I can say is that it takes quite a bit of time for me to write them and I'd rather focus on work on the game. So, apologies for not writing them every week. I encourage you to join our discord server if you want constant news updates as I'm in there every day talking to the community. Here's a link to that: Discord Server[]

Anywho, on to the meat and bones:

I'm currently in the process of wrapping up work I had started on re-doing the rooms screen. Now, I know what you're thinking as I've thought it too, 'ugh, more work on a screen that's already done??' Th... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya, I've been thinking about adding some descriptions to help communicate a few things such as this which can be confusing. I've neglected doing so as I've been busy on other things and writing descriptions for all the props/plants/etc takes so much time. Regardless, I see its value and should get it done sooner rather than later.

Trap door - For player controlled entities this is just a platform. For other entities, it will drop them into the block below when they enter the tile. The tile below has to be an open block for this to work as you would guess.
Hatch - Same as a door, but only blocks vertical movement between its block and the block below. Players can lock/unlock it from the utility menu.

04 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback and suggestion list! Looks like lots of great stuff. :)

21 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's currently a bug I'll have a fix for in the next version. Sorry!

17 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Settlers should only be having children if they are adults and not seniors/children. That lonely debuff will be fixed in the next update. As for the gender bug, I've just now moved the beta version to the main production line. This version ( has a fix for only one gender spawning.

13 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you tried the beta build? I submitted a fix there for this specific issue.

10 Jul

Hey gang!

It has been a while since I've posted anything regarding the game's development and I thought I'd take a moment to do that.

The next update Sacred Scrolls is quite big. One thing that I really wanted to focus on for this update was progression. For a lot of the game's development, I've focused on systems to broaden the game's possibilities, and quality of life improvements to help user experience. I've largely neglected adding too much content because it's harder to add new systems if you have to make sure all the previous content isn't broken as a result. So, when I say progression, I mean two things namely: content (more blueprints, items, props) and tuning.
Alongside this progression work, I've also changed and improved how combat and taming works. Combat behaviour has totally been re-written as it was super frustrating and buggy. i.e., warriors not going to targets. Taming now works in a completely different way as players were getting confu... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. Send me the save file and I'll take a look!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please send me the save file if this happens.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the next update, I've changed it so training dummies are:
-Very difficult to destroy.
-Quick to build.
-Quick to deconstruct.
This should fix the issue of builders always having to use resources and time to keep the barracks stocked with training dummies. Warriors/Archers/Mages will still lose energy training there and will stop training when depleted which is the main trade off to get the xp.

09 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! :)

Agreed about making professions like Leatherworker more viable/important. The current state is just a product of me not having added all the items/blueprints to the game yet. The upcoming version will have a lot more things like this to round out the progression a bit better.

08 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm adding some to the next update. :)

03 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haha Yes! Finally someone noticed. :)

02 Jul


Just uploaded a build to the beta branch which should fix these issues:

-Fixed a bug where entities weren't updating their age status (child/adult/elder) after migrating.
-Fixed a bug where the settler permissions screen wasn't updating skills when settlers became adults.
-Fixed a bug where skills could get locked permanently.
-Fixed a bug where grass from previous seasons could get carried over after Winter.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck inside blocks after building them.
-Fixed a bug where one gender would only spawn for animals.
-Fixed a bug where plant data for goose grass wasn't being found and could cause saves to corrupt.
-Fixed a bug where hatches couldn't be built over ladders.

If this build turns out to be stable enough I'll move the changes to the main production branch.


    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not sure. I'm currently focused on adding content which will likely take up the next couple months (Tech tree, more things to build, more combat related items, etc). And I'm going to add the next playable race (Ardyn) before starting any overworld map features. I've also learned to stop promising dates because, as just one fella, I usually can't guarantee I'll hit them.

01 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I will be adding some more water manipulation props later. Things like sluice gates and pumps which allow you to drain bodies of water or create new lakes, etc.

30 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I really like the idea of stocking a body of water with fish! I haven't heard that one before. Very cool.
As for foraging, that's actually planned as one of the overworld map actions so we are in accord. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Happy to hear you like it and that you managed to butcher the animals. :)