

25 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Early on, they aren't very good at fishing. They should start catching them after a few level-ups.

24 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, I still need to implement this for scroll panels. It's on my list. Sorry about that.

21 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What is Odd Realm?
Odd Realm is a sandbox, settlement game set in a procedural, fantasy world. Waylon Snedker started the project in 2017 after working in games as a programmer and designer since 2011. He has worked on the game full-time since then with additional help from Matt Creamer (music) and Xan (design).

Who made Odd Realm?
Art, Design and Programming - Waylon Snedker (Sleipnir)
Music - Matt Creamer

When is it available to play?
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    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1.0 release features: Humans:
-Affected by hunger and thirst, relying on farms, hunting, fishing, and trade for survival.
-Get tired over time and must sleep in beds.
-Reproduce when two companions mate, and produce a single child.
-Live in homes with their families.
-A jack-of-all-trades race, but are not as adept at magic based skills.
-Led by a king and queen.
-Average lifespan: 70+

-Not affected by hunger or thirst, but must hibernate in a Voidweave Sarcophagus when they run out of energy.
-Overall, more powerful than most races, but cannot reproduce. The only way to get more Ancients is by finding them in the world and having them join your settlement.
-Masters at magic based skills.
-Unique blueprints that focus on magic summons, items, and props.
-Led by a single Primarch.
-Average lifespan: Immortal

-Not affected by hunger or thirst, but they age faster than all... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I actually made one last week! xD

20 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fairly soon!

17 Dec

Hey everyone!

Now that I'm moved and all that is out of the way, I've been working hard to wrap up the rest of this next update. It's coming along super well. As per usual, I don't want to promise any dates, but I'm feeling great about almost being done.

Currently, I'm rounding out the tech tree which is new in this update. I'm adding in a bunch of new weapons, tools, and gear which you can unlock. Plus some you'd find from events.

You can look forward to some new projectiles like spears, bolas, rocks, and so on. I never had these before because I had no 'throw' animation. Only a bow firing one. The throw animation lets me add in a lot more projectile options for obvious reasons, so that's fun. I'm also adding in more options for the Ancients, such as Summons. I'll keep those under my hat until the update is ready.
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11 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks so much! :)

10 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The migrate option is very buggy at the moment. I need to address these issues once this current update is done. Sorry about this!

09 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I like it! I'll note it down. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can lock them using the utility menu (U). There's a lock option there which lets you toggle whether doors are locked. That will keep them from walking through the doors.

08 Dec

07 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Something like this is planned. :)

03 Dec

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In the next update I'm adding more, but, currently, there are only two.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, agreed. I have lots of plans for modding support. :)

02 Dec

27 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Version (the one being finished now) addresses these issues. The update didn't change anything related to priorities.

25 Nov

Hey friends!

Quick post to let you know I've put out a hotfix to the game. I noticed some load issues and wanted to put out a small update to address these. Here are the notes for it:

  • Enabled additional error printing in the Player.log file.
  • Fixed a bug where loading the game could sometimes get stuck in winter.
  • Fixed a bug where the resolutions list wasn't showing options lower than 800 width. 768 should now be the lowest option to support the game's lowest resolution of 1200x768.
  • Fixed a bug where players weren't able to mine upwards.
  • Fixed a bug where certain blocks weren't being deconstructed by the clear/remove job and would then cause the block to not be assigned any clear/remove job again.
  • Added additional text for the initial game boot to indicate loading. Some expressed that they thought the game was stuck here because it shows just a black screen.
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Odd Realm is made using Unity and C#. :)