

25 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First off, being rude isn't going to make me work faster. Buying a $10 dollar, early access game made by one person doesn't give you free rein to be an ♥♥♥ and demand Blizzard-level polish.

I need some more coherent information regarding the bug. Which version of the game are you running on? Are you unable to change the profession from both these screens: Entity Screen (Hitting T with a settler selected)? And the Settlers Screen (L)? Are the settlers adults (Children can't have their profession changed)? Are the settlers migrants?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The current beta ( is not backwards compatible with anything before. Sometimes the beta is backwards compatible, though. It really depends on the amount of core system re-writes that were involved. Unfortunately, involved large sweeping changes to the game's foundation and resulted in losing backwards compatibility. Apologies about that. I try to avoid losing backwards compatibility but it's not always realistic to do so.

22 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting. Which version are you on? If you're on the beta, can you send me the save file?

18 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Which version are you on, friend?

17 Apr

Hey all!

Special thanks to JK47 and all the people reporting bugs on the beta. It's much appreciated. :)

Here are today's patch notes:
-Fixed a bug where beverages would show 99+ on the HUD but food would not.
-Fixed a bug where plants weren't being cut when building on them.
-Tuned night to be a bit darker.
-Added a slider to manual change how dark night is in the settings panel.
-Fixed a bug where climbing anims weren't playing for male children.
-Players now start the game with a random set of crates and barrels containing their starting items.
-Humans now start off with a bit more food and beverages.
-Fixed a bug where tutorials weren't properly restarting.
-Fixed a bug where the tutorial for building would disallow placing blueprints.
-Fixed a bug where weeds would drop seeds even when not mature.
-Fixed a bug where props could lose their light property if worked on. i.e., the fire pit losing light when someone builds c... Read more

14 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't see why not! I'll think about adding that. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Which version are you playing?

13 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This should be fixed in the beta which I'll be moving to production soon. Are you playing in the beta?

10 Apr

Hey folks! Hope you're all having a great week. Here are the notes for last two patches.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints could be placed on blocks that are the same as the blueprint creation.
-Fixed a bug where gates weren't rotatable.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints weren't resetting ambient shadows for props.
-Fixed a bug where you could build over a light/heat source and keep the light/heat properties.
-Fixed a bug where points weren't being unreserved after item pickup, causing entities to have to wait for the point to be unreserved after the reserving entity had finished their task.
-Fixed a bug where rain would SNEAK past glass surfaces like some sort of Baggins.
-Fixed a bug where plants were using the correct data for cold tolerance thresholds.
-Fixed a bug where latitude temperature offsets weren't saving and loading correctly.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck in combat, flailing about like idiots as they contemplate... Read more

08 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Apple trees, and other trees which bear fruit, will spawn their respective items during certain seasons. For Apples trees, that's the summer. Otherwise, you can cut them down (in summer) and they'll spawn Apples too.

07 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Folder 0 is the first save slot. :) Thank you!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you send me the save? This is version you're on?

06 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Translation isn't planned for any time soon unfortunately. I need to finish the game first and foremost. Once I'm done the 1.0 feature-set, I'll focus on localization.
This will be the patch notes for and seeing as I didn't put up patch notes for the former.

-Fixed a bug where fire blocks would not give off heat.
-Fixed a bug where you can't plant trees.
-Fixed a bug where pathing through a trap door hatch could sometimes get blocked.
-Fixed a bug where some games wouldn't load because of a corrupted block.
-Fixed a bug where pathing wasn't permitted over platforms with water and some type of prop.
-Fixed a bug where props weren't updating their texture to match rotation.
-Fixed a bug where events won't start if you put all your settlers in a room and lock the door. 'No spawn point found...'
-Fixed a bug where the writer of the game had written discover TWICE in the desert description like some sort of dope.
-Fixed a bug where location markers could have a uniform assigned to them.
-Children can now use the melee combat skill.
-Fixed a bug where games could get stuck in the summer trans... Read more

05 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll be putting out a fix soon! Sorry for this.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
By god, you're right! How have I not seen this until now. Oof. Too many things to test. Thank goodness I've got you folks. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Which version are you on? I put out a patch on Win/Linux yesterday ( that should fix that.

04 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya, we've definitely mulled over the idea of having preservatives added down the road. The beta also has 'ice boxes' which increase decay time.

03 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Their bodies may decay and be lost to Odd, but their memories shall live on in their offspring. Their hideous, hideous offspring. RIP. o7

02 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is fixed in the beta. Going to move that version to production in a week or so. Sorry for the issue!