

29 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like everything is set up fine. One thing to keep in mind is that some blueprints create x items. So, the well water for example, will produce 60 for 20 jobs. That still doesn't explain you having 1k+. The version of the game that's in the works overhauls a lot of that automation stuff and it should be much more accurate. That said, I'll do some extra testing to see if I can find any oddities in that auto-job.

26 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Also, the Astralarium room is where you'll convert Ardyn remains into astrasomes.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can create astrasomes from the Ardyn corpses. Then you can plant these to grow more Ardyn. Sometimes you can find astrasomes out in the wild (on merchants, in dungeons). As well, you should get the odd settlement wave.

21 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try building a tavern. They will go there to relax. Also, having beds when they sleep helps.

18 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, I have it for the next update, but I can't enable it until the update is out.

14 Sep


I know it has taken way too long for me to post an update on the game, and I apologize. I've been working on a large amount of systems all at once, and it's taken a while for me to have all the moving parts working together. Let's dive into that, shall we.

Soundtrack by Matt Creamer Before I get into things, I just wanted to say that the Odd Realm soundtrack can now be purchased via the steam store page:

Soundtrack (Steam Page)

The amazing Matt Creamer created it and all the sales go straight to hi... Read more

08 Sep

24 Jul

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry for this, but I have to delay the release of the update. I said it would be ready for today, and it's not. I was way too overconfident with how fast I could finish things for this release date. I absolutely hate promising something I can't deliver on and I apologize. I am working super hard to finish. The good news is, it's taking a long time because it's almost a whole new game. It's a huge combination of content, QoL/UI, and performance improvements. I'm currently working on the remaining UI and art tasks (which is taking me a long time), but I'll post another update once I've got a better idea where I stand with the release schedule.

Thanks so much for your patience and, again, I'm sorry to delay on this one.

14 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I've got a huge amount of UI improvements coming into the game very soon.

As for the tutorial, I'll be working on it again once I've gotten more content into the game. I don't quite have the bandwidth as a one person team to just focus on tutorials at the moment.

10 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can't do this yet. I will be adding this in soon. You can only remove props/floors/walls using the remove job from the job menu.

05 Jul

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you been giving them homes? They need to have a home to live in with their partners to procreate.

30 Jun

Hi hi!

That's right, I've got a release date in sight for the Lost Legends update, July 24th. Things are shaping up well, and I'm hoping to release into beta in a couple weeks to get some testing. Let's see what I've been up to since the last dev log.

More UI stuff???
I've been working a lot on trying to make the game easier to use and less frustrating. I've got improvements in this update for AI and gameplay, but UI is a big part of the pain that I see players experiencing. So, I've put tons of time towards making things simpler, clearer, and more intuitive.


I've done some clean-up on how uniforms work, and are interacted with in the UI. Players can now create uniforms and assign them to a bunch more options. You can still assign them to control groups and professions, but also many other things like skills, gender, effe... Read more

29 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry about this. I have some fixes coming out for items sitting in entity inventories unnecessarily.

14 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, also, is there the same issue if you use remove all?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I know you said, "all," but is this happening for dirt blocks and stone blocks? Those need to be mined, not deconstructed.

12 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. A few things could silently cause this. Having all items disabled under a diet, or if they get stuck as a requirement for another entity's job. i.e., required as a partner for mating. Also, it's easy for entities to accidentally lock entities behind crates or other props that seem like they could be pathed through. This can also happen to the food item they are trying to reach. This is something I have a fix for coming in the next update, but it could be resolved on your end by making sure you haven't blocked off any food in behind crates or some other unpathable object.

I'm happy to take a look at your save to help diagnose it further if you'd like to send it to me.

Again, sorry for the issue.

31 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm, that definitely sounds frustrating and I'm sorry you are experiencing that. I have a few fixes for this type of issue in the next update coming out soon. You might be able to fix it on your side, though. I would check to see if they are unable to reach some item that is in a cave system. That's something which was causing an issue in your version that I've fixed. They might also be hung up on trying to do a job that's unreachable, though, this isn't one I see too often.

Again, sorry that this is an issue for you. If it persists, you can send me the save file, and I can open it up to try and diagnose it on my side.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, you can select a previous room by holding ctrl, and then right-click the room while the rooms toolbar menu is open. Alternatively, you can select the room from the room list just above the room toolbar. Let me know if that works.

12 May

Hello friends!

First off, thank you all for being super patient waiting for these updates. I had intended to put the new content out into beta in March, and I was very close to doing this. In my last log, I had said it was two weeks out, and, at the time, that was true. The new Gwdir race was just about there. However, there were some things I needed to address first. While I've been working on these updates, I've received quite a few messages that talk about several issues with the UI. These are issues I've encountered myself, and they were bugging the heck out of me too. The last thing I want is for the core of the game to be worsened by annoying and unpolished UI. I couldn't just ignore the feedback I was getting. Since the last dev log, I've meticulously worked on those issues. Let's take a look!

Window Improvements
Job and Room Toolbar This one was a huge annoyance for myself, and I'm sure a lot of you found it to be not great as well. It was implemented w... Read more

08 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for the feedback. Once I'm not so swamped with implementing content and features, I'll focus more on the tutorial.