

29 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the reports. I'll try to address these issues for the 1.0 release coming out.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm happy to report that there's a new font coming in the next version.

28 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Open the notifications settings found in the notif window (/ key). It looks like a grey wrench icon on the top right of the notification window. In there, you can edit a few of the various notification settings including entity death. The setting you want to disable for "Entity Death" is in there.

Let me know if that works for you.

26 Jan

Hello and happy new year!

Today I wanted to show off some terrain stuff which will be in the next update as well as some of the other improvements.

Terrain and Cave Generation
The game's terrain gen has taken up a lot of my focus, and I'm super proud of where it's at. With all the biomes, plants and animals in the game, it's an extremely laborious process to work on improving terrain. And it's a big reason why this update has taken so long. But, it's juuuust about done. Let's dive into some things to look forward to.

First off, caves.

The new generation system has a robust set of tools for generating unique and diverse caves (when I say caves, you can assume I include dungeons as well). This is something I'm wo... Read more

22 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm working on some things which have merchants come into your town and set up shop. It's a lot in the works so I don't want to get ahead of myself, but it should avoid them leaving items on the edge of the map like this.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, right! Been a while since I've played that old version. Not great that it's so easily overlooked. Regardless, this won't be an issue in the next version because there's an 'apply all' hotkey for all toggles.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haha thanks for the report! Should be fixed for the next version.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback! Great idea.

14 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've been addressing lots of issues related to this for the 1.0 update. It's a pathing problem in addition to having unclear feedback for what is happening. I'll continue to focus on this one so it's not happening in the future version.

The next version is almost ready to enter the beta branch, so hopefully you can try out a fix soon.

Thanks for reporting, and apologies for the very annoying bug.

10 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A new font has been added to the game for the next update which is much more legible. As well, you can scale up the HUD size. Though, that's something which is in the game now. If you open up the settings, it should be an option under General settings.

02 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Do you have an animal enclosure designated? They should eat and drink from that room.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A hacky way to solve this would be to designate an empty room around the walls. Not great, but that should keep trees from spawning there.

22 Dec

Hello! Welcome. Come on in. Have a seat!

Hope everyone is doing well. I am making great progress on the game and have been working on finishing up all the UI changes for 1.0. This post won't be extremely long as most of my work the last bit has been focused on polishing up the UI, which isn't terribly exciting stuff. But, nonetheless, I wanted to write something to show off the new UI as I'm very happy with where it's going. It's finally starting to feel polished and not annoying. Yay!

New Font
I've changed the font to a more legible one that isn't bold, blocky letters. This should help distinguish the inline icons and make things easier to read overall. I, personally, love it and it has made a huge difference for me just developing the game, let alone playing. I'm very happy with it. And I have to give credit to ... Read more

30 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Agreed! I've fixed this for the next update that is coming out soon.

27 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Currently, no, but that's a super creative idea. I like it. Definitely going to think about how to implement something like this.

26 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All good. It's not posted clearly anywhere. Lost Legends is indeed the 1.0 version name.

Glad you are enjoying the game. Lots of new stuff coming in the new year. Hope you check it out.

22 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is very good feedback. Thank you! I have lots of fixes coming in with the 1.0 version update. It fixes a lot of these issues, especially those related to items and pathing.

04 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's right. 1.0 will likely be the next update unless something gets in the way.

And, thank you for the support regarding buying DLC's. I'm hoping to release future updates for free, so you won't need to pay anything to play, say, the Tomek in a later update.

03 Nov

Hey gang!

Progress on the next update is sprinting ahead. I'm working hard to get it out as soon as I can and I'm pleased with where it's going. I'm starting to approach a point where I feel like the game is getting close to its 1.0 content and feature requirement. I want to talk about that towards the end of this post. First, let's take a look at some of the new additions to the game...


Players will have the option to start a kingdom when they begin a new game. After selecting a starting loadout for your game, players will need to select a point on the map to spawn their settler caravan. Once spawned, they can move this party around the overworld map. This will use up the party's resources and may encounter events. The party can then settle the tile they occupy, which claims the tile as their kingdom. If another kingdom claims that til... Read more

24 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It doesn't summon anything. It changes an Ancient into an Archenthrall, making them stronger as fighters, but weaker as magic builders.

Edit: This does this to the one doing the summoning, btw.