That's correct, yep!
However, I also want to reiterate that these counts will change based upon data that we're seeing and feedback that you're sharing. These counts may not be the same for every map, and they are also defined by the difference between 64 players and 128 players.
We listed Exposure as an example on purpose, this is one of the most air-intensive maps that will exist, and we wanted to gauge early reaction already. Yes - we're already taking in that feedback.
We believe that 64 players will be the most balanced and fairest way to experience these locations, however with 128 players comes an increase in players - that also means an increase in vehicles at times. This is us turning things up to 11 based on the location, theme and experience we want to achieve.
It is now time that we take that into consideration. It will play vastly different - and that's okay. It may take a little while, but we will make changes when necessary.
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