

28 Sep

    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DeadlyBay: и еще какие то траблы со звуком фпс в порядке но почему то во время стрельбы или взрывов звук искажается трещит

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Russian language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Russian support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DAIKI AOMINE: На русском:

Не удалось установить владельца данного продукта ubisoft, такая плашка встречает меня после запуска игры. Да я знаю это связано с тем, что игра запускается с uplay аккаунта на котором нет игры.

Собственно проблема в том, что я забыл абсолютно все данные от uplay аккаунта, так как не заходил на аккаунт uplay уже более двух лет, а данные утерялись всвязи с тем, что я переустанавливал виндовс. Недавно я связался с поддержкой uplay описав им всю проблему, единственную информацию которую я им мог предоставить, это скрин со стима с подарком игры( мне её подарил знакомый, с которым я уже не общаюсь уже довольно давно, то есть связаться с ним и попросить сделать возврат я не могу) На что uplay, если коротко мне отвечает что не может мне помочь с этой проблемой. Минимальный порог информации который я должен был им предоставить это старая почта связанная с аккаунтом up...
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26 Sep

    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ❖HanYomi_: Y7S3更新之后GLAZ打开折叠瞄准镜之后,手雷就没有爆炸状态显示框了?是BUG还是优化之后的设置?

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Chinese language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Chinese support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by promacdaddy: buggy asf no sound footstep people just running round, freezing

Hey there.

As you're experiencing quite a few different issues there following the update can you check that you've verified your installation please?

If after doing so the issue persists please let me know.


- Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by PashaBlackBerry: пишет задержку и зависает на несколько секунд во время матча. так же и у моего сокомандника

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Russian language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Russian support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by горжэс фримeн: Не играл в игру около года, решился всё таки зайти, но поиграть нормально не удаётся, после первой игры, в следующей начинаются дикие фризы на несколько секунд, и спустя какое то время игра просто вылетает. А фепесы стабильные, просадок нет, именно что люто фризит.

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Russian language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Russian support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support

09 Sep

    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by M0nkey: precisa melhorar anti-cheat,anticheat ta mt fraco,se n melhorar,ja to desistindo jogar,e indo valorant

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Portuguese language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Portuguese support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support

06 Sep

    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there folks.

The plan is Y7S4 and to my knowledge this has not changed. Please keep an eye on the forums and our social accounts for updates on this as and when we get them later in the year.


- Ubisoft Support
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

This is planned to be implemented during Y7 but it has not yet been implemented just yet. Keep an eye on our forums and social accounts for updates on this as and when we get them!

18 Aug

    Ubi-Orion on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Apollosha: В событии "кровь и металл" в боевом пропуске должны выпадать паки за 10 игр. Но после 10 игр у меня просто завершилось задание. Пака нет. Нах я играл тогда в эту парашу? Это как-то фиксится? Было у кого такое?

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're not able to offer official Russian language support from this forum. If you're able to translate to English I'd be happy to assist you here. Alternatively if you open a support case from here[support.ubi.com] we do have Russian support who will assist you further via live chat during our opening hours.


- Ubisoft Support

26 Jun

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Can you confirm what game this is in relation to please? Unfortunately it seems as though this thread has ended up in the wrong place so let us know when you get a sec and we'll ensure it ends up being back where it belongs. Cheers!

13 Jun



Hey there.

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with persistent crashing.

The first thing I would suggest is to attempt each step suggested here. These steps are known to resolve most of the common causes of crashing/freezing.

If after doing so you're still experiencing issues I'd then recommend opening a support case. You can reach us either through the ...

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Hey there.

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you looking to report specific players or are you having issues making reports? Thanks



Hey there.

If that is still missing for you now please let us know and we'll open a support case for you to look into that. Unfortunately it's not something we can do directly over the forums.


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

Can you confirm what exactly is happening when you try to open the store? Are you experiencing any error messages? Is the overlay not working correctly?


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

I'm sorry to hear you're both affected by connectivity issues.

Can you both confirm if you are receiving any consistent error messages at all when you are disconnected or failing to connect to games?


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Is the game crashing to desktop or by crashing do you just mean you're being sent back to the menu? Can you also confirm what the error message/code is for us please?


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Sorry to hear about this.

Are you being disconnected with a consistent error message? If so can you confirm what that is please?


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there

At this time cross-progression is not available for this title and content is not able to be transferred between platforms. Cross-play is available but these two things are not the same, you can read up on the details of cross-play here. If this changes in future it'll be shared to the games forum here and the ...

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    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there

You can only be matched with the available players who are logged in and queued at the time you search. If you're finding yourself matched with players outside of your MMR quickly, as you've stated within 20-30 seconds, it's likely because there aren't a great deal of players at your level in your region playing at the time. The matchmaking system will always try to match you with other players as close to you both in terms of region, renown and MMR as possible, you can read more about how the system works ...

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