

31 Mar

So it goes with RNG. Best of luck to you... hope you each and all get that special drop(s) you're looking for!
But what's the top sidearm DPS? That's where it really counts.
I appreciate the back and forth discussion here. As a quick question to the OP, what about the SMGs feels too strong? What part about them do you feel should be nerfed? How might it be something other than a numbers issue?
Hey Troll_Farmer, was this happening with a specific Control Point or several throughout the map?
Interesting mix of feedback here. How do you feel the living world should interact with more static missions, if at all? Should missions as well always been the same thing or do you feel that variety, big and small adds to the experience?
I appreciate the feedback here everyone.

Just for my own curiosity, which Dark Zone has drawn the most of your attention?
I must have missed this thread when it first got created but this has been absolutely enthralling to read through. I'll be sure to keep my eye out for some of what's been predicted here...
Really loving all the advice here, everyone. Keep it up. khornelord, if I may add something, if you've played other 3rd person cover based shooters in the past, keep those in mind as you try to adapt to The Division 2. It is, in many ways, quite different from a many 3PCBSs that people have commonly played. You may have some muscle memory tactics or ingrained behaviors that may work against you in this game.

Just something to keep in mind as you progress! Best of luck!
Interesting feedback here, thank you everyone.

30 Mar


Thanks for the... feedback...
Out of curiosity, a question for everyone:
How difficult do you feel the hardest content in the game should be? Solo or in a group? How much of a challenge do you feel true endgame should pose?
Best advice I can give is hug the turret locations. Each one gives you a good view of the other side of the battleground. You can lay waste to the enemy then turn the minigun to the fuel tanks. If anyone gets too close, the turret towers have satisfactory cover to keep them at bay.

The Assault Turret in tandem with the minigun turret were super helpful in staying secure and singling out targets.

Hope this helps, best of luck.
Originally Posted by Solkard
The mechanic is supposed to allow you to do "partial" reloads and stay in fight. However there does not seem to actually be an effective way to interrupt the reload action without cancelling it with something else. Short of swapping weapons or rolling, the only way I've found to stop reloading and fire the weapon is to spam the trigger. This however, causes the gun to either auto fire on its own, or to instantly fire when you next try to aim it, effectively wasting a shot.
I've found double tapping melee is usually enough to override the reload without giving the phantom input that results in a melee. In the cases where I flunk it and tap too many times, ... Read more
Lots of really good advice here! Keep it up, everyone!

29 Mar

I appreciate the feedback here, everyone.

26 Mar

Hey everyone. I can definitely understand your frustration and even apprehension at the current lack of a WT5. Believe me, the sets, theory crafting, and end game gameplay are among my favorite parts ot The Division and The Division 2 so far. As we've stated in our State of the Game vids, we want to ensure that the "health [of the game] comes first." (As Merphee referenced above).

I appreciate all of your patience around the wait for WT5, and I hope you are all able to enjoy the game until then. While I know it can be frustrating to hear, we will have more information soo... Read more
I appreciate the conversation, feedback, and the suggestions all in the discussion here, everyone! I'll be sure to make a note of some of your thoughts.
Seems... like the OP's question was answered. Those drones are definitely still around, just need to wait for them to show up.
Hey everyone. Been seeing threads like this about cosmetics/weapons/etc. pop up pretty frequently. I hate to remove the intrigue from everything, but it's just RNG being RNG.

That said I hope your luck turns around sooner rather than later!
Thank you for the feedback, everyone. I'm sorry to hear about the issues and hiccups you're having. fratorian. I'll be sure to make a note of some of your frustrations and the bugs you seem to be encountering.