

02 Jul

    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
Den_Halve: Thanks for that! Can you please tell me if you have the game installed on the same hard drive as your Uplay PC Launcher?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
tsm4782: Hey, tsm4782! Thanks for sharing this here! Can you please tell me if you have tried updating your drivers?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
DEADMONSTOR: Thanks for that information, DEADMONSTOR! Does the game look pixelated on any of the other resolution settings? Also, have you tried turning on the widescreen letterbox option?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
OminousAnomaly: Hey there! Have you followed the steps here?

14 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Glorfinnin: Hi there! I was able to peep the videos you provided and wanted to thank you for taking the time to capture that! Moving forward, have you and your co-op partner tried verifying the game files already?

13 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Air4lex: Awesome! Thanks, Air4lex! I appreciate you taking the time to update us with what has worked for you!

06 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
demonuka30k: Since there is not a way to add a language pack to the version you have purchased, please create a support ticket here for further support on handling this issue and the ability to request a refund if you would like to do so.

03 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
demonuka30k: Hey there! I'm sorry that you're running into this issue, but I'm here to help out as much as I can! I did check your Ubisoft Account and I see that you purchased the Anno 1800 ( Russian ) Gold Edition from the Ubisoft Store. However, to confirm, you are now wanting to have access to different languages than Russian?

11 Nov

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Onietje & warzak13: I have unlocked the following for you two as well after looking into your support tickets and accounts!

DLC: Tribute to the Diving Bell
DLC: Bust of Nathaniel Spoondrift
DLC: Outdoor Arcade
DLC: Duck Pond
DLC: The Vulture's Ensemble

DerBobfahrer: I don't see that you have created a support ticket! Can you please do so with a screenshot of your rewards showing as locked and the DLC showing as owned in your Uplay PC Launcher?

MonsterPCGamer Hey there! The reason you're having an issue with accessing the reward content for the game is because you don't have both the base game and the DLC content through the same laun... Read more

10 Nov

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Blundo4201: Thanks for that! I do see that you created your support ticket, but you didn't your screenshots to the first ticket, which caused a bit of confusion. I see that you also created a second ticket with that information, but do understand that creating more tickets does not resolve the issue faster, and actually spreads out the information and can make the issue take longer to resolve for you. With that said, I did add your images to the main ticket #09996314 and was able to verify that you should have the following and have unlocked them for you:

DLC: Tribute to the Diving Bell
DLC: Bust of Nathaniel Spoondrift
DLC: Outdoor Arcade
DLC: Duck Pond
DLC: The Vulture's Ensemble

Naasson: Yes, you are correct, I did make a mistake, I apologize about that. For DLC: Tribute to the Diving Bell and DLC: The Vulture's Ensemble, you need only to have owned the Sunken Treasures DLC which I can confirm you have. For you, I have... Read more

08 Nov

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Naasson
> DLC: The Vulture's Ensemble: You need to choose to play the game with Old Nate's portrait and logo.

I cannot! Its locked in the game and in the UbisoftClub.

> DLC: Tribute to the Diving Bell You need to choose to play the game with Dr. Huo Mercier's portrait and logo

I suppose you've made a mistake. My "anarchists" rewards are OK.
Its "Sunken Treasures" dlc that I have got a problem with rewards.
Are you able to provide a screenshot showing that the portraits are locked in the store?

Read more

07 Nov

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
MonsterPCGamer: Awesome, let me know when you create your ticket and I can review if for you!
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Naasson: Thanks for creating a ticket! I have taken a look at the ticket and the rewards your missing, and it's not enough to only purchase it, you need to actually complete the requirements.

DLC: The Vulture's Ensemble: You need to choose to play the game with Old Nate's portrait and logo
DLC: Tribute to the Diving Bell You need to choose to play the game with Dr. Huo Mercier's portrait and logo

Have you done so?

06 Nov

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone!

If you have already tried verifying your game files and still did not see that the content unlocked for you, much like Ubi-Raziel said, we should be able to provide these rewards to you.

If that doesn't work for you, please try the following!

Create a support ticket at support.ubi.com with a ... Read more