

04 Jul

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there, everyone!

Please know that we are aware of issues affecting players with Intel GPUs on Windows 7. Unfortunately, due to incompatibilities between the two, Hyper Scape will not run on these systems. We apologize for the inconvenience. I do see that some have been able to run the game in borderless mode, therefore if you are able to, please try it! Otherwise, please refer back to our ... Read more
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
darrenwgray: We're sorry to see that you do not want to continue troubleshooting, darrenwgray! Please know that if you wish to continue working with us, we're here to help!

ttv.BoomDMG: Hi there, ttv.BoomDMG! Do you only have two monitors or three?

Veksin: Hey, Veksin! How many monitors do you have at this time?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Jentaceous: Hi there, Jentaceous! What version of Windows are you running at this time?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
JPB-8: Please know that due to being on a laptop, you may not actually be running the game on the ... Read more
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there, you two!

What graphics card/ driver are you using?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
JPB-8: Hi there, JPB-8! Can you please tell me what version of Windows you're running at this time?

03 Jul

    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
Eduardorgm: Hi there! Are you using a VPN at this time?

jackfrost7: Thanks for updating us, jackfrost7!

Vodka_-_: I see that you've been able to launch the game. Are you still having issues?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all!

Thanks for posting this issue! Can you all tell me if you have tried these Connection Troubleshooting Steps?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
CeIestialy: Hi there, CeIestialy! Does this error occur for you when you click to download or does it happen mid download?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
VOID.mosa: Hi there! For this issue, can you please tell me if you have tried these PC Troubleshooting Steps?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
VOID.mosa: Hi there! For this issue, can you please tell me if you have tried these PC Troubleshooting Steps?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Tiaago0: Hi there, Tiaago0! Thanks for that information! Can you please try the following?

1. Unlink Twitch account from your Account Management page
2. Link Twitch account on the Twitch Drops Page
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all!

Thanks for posting this issue! Can you all tell me if you have tried these Connection Troubleshooting Steps?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
Kriexy: Thanks for that! Can you please try updating your drivers/graphics card at this time?
    UbiDork on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there, everyone! Can you all go ahead and tell me the following:

- What version of Windows are you using?
- What graphics card/video driver are you using?
- Do you have both the game and the Uplay PC Launcher on the same hard drive?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
VxultiYT: Hmm, I'm not seeing that your Twitch Account is actually linked with this Ubisoft Account. Can you try the following please?

1. Unlink Twitch account from your Account Management page
2. Link Twitch account on the Twitch Drops Page

jackfrost7: Thanks, jackfrost7. I have reached out to our game development team to report this issue for you. I'll update the thread as soon as I hear back!
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Syko0025: Hey there! Have you also tried these steps?

Originally Posted by UbiDork
jackfrost7: Thanks for that information! Can you please try the following?

1. Unlink Twitch account from your Account Management page
2. Link Twitch account on the Twitch Drops Page
... Read more
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
jackfrost7: Are you currently using a VPN?
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
jackfrost7: Thanks for that information! Can you please try the following?

1. Unlink Twitch account from your Account Management page
2. Link Twitch account on the Twitch Drops Page
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there, everyone!

Can you please confirm for me if you are in the eligible countries for the technical test?