

15 Dec


It may be because you haven’t designated said deck as a Brawl deck, in the deck editor. I would check that first.

11 Dec


It is probably no longer available because resurrecting months old threads is frowned upon. Sorry about that!

10 Dec




Rules engine and card coding are the trivial part.
Only someone, who never saw rules, can say...
I read the rules through, when I started playing, in 1998 :grinning:
Rules are a formal system. That is easy, compared to what Lexie mentioned in one of her replies: making sure the interface is intuitive and appealing for problem cards, and checking that some non-foreseen interaction in code does not break the game in corner cases, or slows down the client too much. Plus exceptions for the autotapper and priority passing for high-impact cards (like Wicked Wolf and Legion Warboss), and so on and so on.
(And all the cards are already coded, for MtGO. All the text, oracle, everything, proofread. And for new sets, there must be procedures in place to convert between the internal design database, to printers, to MtGO...
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They will not be available on December 12, sorry about that! It will be much later.



from archiel (is big post) to WotC_Lexie saying "That's not how any of this works, unfortunately. I wish it was that easy! "
Am I Missing something in coding? I mean the moment you did an instant shock type card and a sorcery one, you basically did the coding for basically ALL deal damage card, you just need to change the number.
Same for everything else, vanilla creature, creature with only evergreen ability, etc...
So unless they code very badly putting more card should not ask so much of work as it seem.
So I wonder what is the real reason? obviously money, they have no reason to do all they sets in few week

A 2/2 zombie may not take a lot of time, but consider cards like Finale of Promise. That is a complicated card to begin with+you have to make sure it correctly interacts with every other card+behaves correctly in specific situations+interacts with the stack correctly+the visuals...

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09 Dec



They haven’t hired enough people to keep up with the demand. The devs are working very hard but it feels like nothing is happening. Wizards needs to support this game more. They are neglecting it probably to make more money off MTGO and Paper.

On other hand people claim that they're investing and supporting Arena too much and that it's hurting Paper and well... MTGO was already undead for years, so nothing new there...
Anyway... the biggest problem about new/old sets is implementing mechanics properly, once that's done for a single card that has it, then all that's left is messing about with resources and values, which can easily be done within a week by a single person if all resources are ready. And most mechanics were already implemented just haven't been named. Let's take Ravnica sets for example, what's the difference between Afterlife and Doomed Dissenter's effect, that ...
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They haven’t hired enough people to keep up with the demand. The devs are working very hard but it feels like nothing is happening. Wizards needs to support this game more. They are neglecting it probably to make more money off MTGO and Paper.

Our devs do work very hard, and a LOT gets done. There is never a dull moment around here haha. Unfortunately adding cards isn't a simple task, let alone "problem" cards that take a while to implement.

That being said, we're hiring! :smile: https://company.wizards.com/content/jobs.


Well MTG Arena started out with Standard, but we're growing the card pool beyond that... It just takes time to put in new cards. A lot of time.

07 Dec



Can't get a representative to comment on anything that matters.

A thread opens up about selling something and the dev's respond three times.

Isn't WoTC wonderful?

I’m sorry you feel that way, but of course I’m going to answer a genuine question. I reply to something if I can/if my response would be useful. I do read every single post on this forum and pass along feedback to the team even if I’m not replying.

Sometimes players ask questions that I can’t answer, and I know that’s frustrating, but I do what I can. Players are always free to tag me or send a DM as well if they have a question or are looking for a resource. :slight_smile:

06 Dec


@Doctor Who:

So it's my fault I don't use twitter? What?
I just re-read all 3 emails I received on Secret Lair. None of the emails specify that the cards are for paper play. I also play paper btw. When I click through to the shop it also does not mention paper that I can see, although it does confusingly mention MTGO and MTGA. I find the product very confusing given that I don't recall singles ever being sold before (albeit in a bundle).
But hey if you think the marketing was spot on - well done.

I will pass along your feedback to our marketing team. :slight_smile: If you'd like to see the cards, scroll down the Secret Lair page...

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05 Dec


@Doctor Who:

Interesting marketing fail. I got numerous emails about it, and had no idea what the product was either.

It's all over the MTG Arena twitter, MTG twitter, ...

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Secret Lair is a paper MTG product that consists of new art on popular cards, that you can get in themed 24-hour-only drops. I'm really excited for OMG KITTIES and Seeing Visions (the art is SO good). :slightly_smiling_face: You can get them here: https://secretlair.wizards.com/us

Note: If you click the ad, it will take you to the page where you can buy/get more info. One reason they're shown in the client is because each bundle comes with a rede...

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Correct, the Secret Lair sleeves are not exclusive to the Secret Lair drop itself. It will be a while before you see them in the MTGA store though.

The Secret Lair cards are specific to Secret Lair, though. There are no plans to make them available outside of the 24 hour window that they are sold in. Here's the article that gives you details.

15 Nov


Let us know on our bug page! Even if you have done so previously, something may have changed on either end that is causing a new problem.


14 Nov


If you're experiencing problems in game please let us know on our official bugs page! This helps us gather data on an issue and dive deeper into it, because there are so many different factors around performance issues. Things that help us immensely are:

  • Gameplay logs
  • DxDiag analysis
  • Additional details—w...
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PHYREXIAN ARENA HYPE!! I am SO stoked for that card.
See! People get excited about the old cards. Implement more of those in to the Arena.
I'm not saying anyone should or should not be excited, but I think that WotC employees getting excited over a WotC offering doesn't really count as far as "people get excited" in a general sense.
I'm on the fence about this Historic Anthology stuff. I'm still missing a bunch of Ixalan block and Dominaria, and I was pretty much completely out of MTGA during War of the Spark, so I'm not really even fully equipped yet for several of the Historic decks I've got a mind to eventually build and play. Now, it feels like even if I catch up, I'm still going to be behind the curve.
Considering what some of those Anthology cards do, and what it says about possible future Anthology bundles, i...
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13 Nov


PHYREXIAN ARENA HYPE!! I am SO stoked for that card.


It opens at 8am UTC, and lasts 24 hours.

08 Nov





In my case they have already responded and they gave me a wildcard.
How did you submit a ticket? Like, what were the exact steps?

Also, how long did it take for them to respond?
Hit the support button on the top of the page and it will walk you through the steps (which are different depending on the problem you're experiencing). Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes it takes five. If it takes more than a week, reply to your original email that you receive to follow up.

i'm really not a fan of the new bug report system with "ideas" and stuff, also feels like these reports are never checked (like i reported an issue with charming prince (a Big game winning/losing issue) and have no way to see if it has been addressed or even acknowledged )
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07 Nov



In my case they have already responded and they gave me a wildcard.
How did you submit a ticket? Like, what were the exact steps?

Also, how long did it take for them to respond?

Hit the support button on the top of the page and it will walk you through the steps (which are different depending on the problem you're experiencing). Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes it takes five. If it takes more than a week, reply to your original email that you receive to follow up.