

23 Feb


Support is mainly game-specific, so you'll probably have to start a recovery process for the Brawl account as well: so open Brawl Stars, go to settings, support, start a account recover process and if the answers are accurate, it should be completed in no time :)

19 Feb


Originally posted by friki_johnny

A yes


Produced by MEGACELLS

17 Feb


It’s now banned - but a good tip to not get the skin stolen is to not post the turnarounds. This is the main criteria to be accepted to MAKE, so if you only have a cool thumbnail on social media, you can create hype and prevent the skin to be stolen

But alternatively, you can also report it on the website because we check those daily

12 Feb


If you had to pick one of the solutions, which one would you pick?

09 Feb


Just post somewhere and we’ll find it ✨

04 Feb


Originally posted by Schedule_General

Dani do u play geometry dash

Shoutout to all geometry dash players


Skins we promised exclusivity, we’ll honor it. Skins we didn’t promise exclusivity, won’t be exclusive

I do understand that it could get confusing, specially with the seasonal skins that were in a weird limbo because we followed a specific release pattern before, even though it wasn’t officially announced. But we made sure to announce it was their last time in the shop when this was true

We’ll still have exclusive skins and seasonal skins though, but not as many as before

28 Jan


Originally posted by XxAnaaxX

What about power point conversion to coins if we have every single brawler at lvl 11 and 4000 pp in the bank?

I believe that’s how it’s setup right now, in my account for example, since I can’t spend more power points (because it’s all maxed) it converts to coins if I try to get them


Originally posted by AdMuch9311

Dani supercell pls more coins 🙏I can’t upgrade my brawlers as much as I used to😢

We are aware of the complaints, and we do have some theories around that but we need more data to back it up

We buffed the coins distribution to address the fact that gears, gadgets and star powers can only be got with coins, and the current pass should be very similar to what players used to get from boxes, so THEORETICALLY (we might be wrong - dunno yet) players should be getting more than before. Our hypothesis is that since players now have a lot more freedom on how to spend their resources, it’s a lot easier to spend everything quickly, where before, since Power Points were randomly distributed, you had to accumulate coins until the time to upgrade the brawler you want pops up, so that could be one reason why players feel there’s a shortage of coins

Either way, we are still checking some data (like if players are upgrading more or less if compared to the previous economy system for example) and see what we are going to do


Originally posted by Logswag

Wouldn't that just be better though? If your 30 days didn't reset it could be 59 days if you were unlucky

Ah, yeah. It resets after 30 days. Forgot to answer that one :p


Originally posted by cut_throat_capybara

“Guarantee” i play every day, never received a jackpot, didn’t even know they were a thing until I saw this post. Stop lying and give us coins

it’s ok, dani, it’s just the internet

Could be either that one day was missed or that was confused with the free stuff we were giving away lately, the UI I guess is not so festive, so it’s quite easy to miss it


Originally posted by TehPiyoNoob

By A/B test did you mean that some players were on 14 days cycles while others are on 30 days?

Also, if you get a jackpot, do your 30 days guarantee reset, meaning if you are unlucky, your next jackpot is 30 days away.

Nono, the test was some players having it on and other didn’t (like before this feature was developed). Of course we expected that the ones with the calendar on would have a higher retention, but we wanted to know how much - spoiler alert, it doesn’t change much, but it’s better


Trying to clarify the questions in this thread about jackpots:

  • it’s once every 30 days, not every month. Starting from the day you login. It’s a random a day among these 30.

  • it could be credits, chroma, coins, or power points

  • new players have a pre-defined jackpot in the early days (to help retention)

  • it was created to make the daily shop more interesting, but it’s not the same as a loot box because it’s a bonus and we don’t monetize on it

  • we had an A/B test with the 14 day calendar to check how much it helped retention. Players who contacted support because they didn’t get were getting it triggered manually (this is not happening anymore because the calendar is now on for everyone again)

  • everyone should get it at least once among 30 days

  • basically, login everyday to guarantee yours

24 Jan


Originally posted by Mali0ne

Didn't except you here Dani, but well it makes sense, i just wondered why they got shutdown just now after like 4 years cus other language accounts were never really popular

there's a long answer here, which is not getting as much attention as my previous silly reply :D https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/10je7qp/comment/j5nfqu8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


As some have said already, the engagement on the local channels were really mild, Spanish and Portuguese being the most active ones, but still not great

In order to grow those channels and provide frequent and local content, we would have to expand the team quite a lot, and even so, it might not move any needle…

It was a really hard decision and that’s why it took some time to be made, but felt like the right one as we could then work with the local community managers to focus a lot more on helping content creators and other community tasks that will help the global channels, but nobody was laid off as some are suggesting as well

We know it’s sad and there’ll be a moment of grief for the ones who were following those pages, but at the end of the day, your comment will be read just like before and the main content can be auto-translated

If you still wanna get local content, I’d recommend following one of the creators in your region, some of them will...

Read more

05 Jan

04 Jan


Originally posted by PhotonWinz

Thanks Dani. I really appreciate it. I am really excited for the roadmap the team has planned out. Especially Masteries and the Gear rework planned for next update. Hopefully it all goes to plan

u/PhotonWinz hey dude! I need to send you a private message to send you your Brawlie prize! :D
Is there a way to contact you? Or maybe you can open your DMs here? :)