

29 Jul


Originally posted by bosins

I experienced it two times exactly at the same time when my internet speed went bust (had some connection issues throghout the day). It seemed that the game can’t download/process the data from cutscene and goes into “freeze” which lead to crash

I'm not entirely sure that's how it works, but it's information that we can work with. Please still send an ingame bug report as that gives us additional information which can help us track down the cause faster.


Originally posted by Periwinkleditor

I just beat the quest and loved all of it! Especially Thok!

Glad you enjoyed it. :)

28 Jul


Originally posted by Nickless0ne

What happens if you actually provoke him with the dialogue options? I didn't try, because last time I believe you could literally be killed if I remember it right...

We didn't go for the kill this time. It was funny in Endgame, but this time round we just reset your progress to the start of the conversation and put you back with Seren with a comment about you daydreaming a horrible scenario.


Originally posted by undyingLiam

Was hoping I could catch you in a comments section; are you in a position to confirm/ deny whether the Prehistoric Abyssal from Heart of Stone was an Aughra Dragonkin?

I am in a position to do such a thing, however I am not going to do such a thing ;)


Originally posted by iamjordanbecker

What’s it like for content to come out as a developer?

Exciting and nerve wracking. We put a lot of ourselves into content, especially something like a quest, and it can be utterly devastating when it doesn't land right. But when it goes down well with the community, it's a fantastic feeling.


Originally posted by Bentoki

Why did you have to throw little lass out like that? She's so integral to the Thok story, felt a little cheap to throw that dialogue in because idk people like miss ikea

She was a moment in the Thok story, but sadly not all love lasts forever. She tempered Thok in many ways and helped to shape him, but ultimately their love didn't last and that's fine. They ended amicably and both of them added to the lives and understanding of one another.

Not all love stories are happily ever afters.


Originally posted by Dubbstepp


We're aware of this issue, but it's a tough one to reproduce. Please submit an in game bug report and include information about your system and graphics settings if you can. This is not something we've generally been able to reproduce and it's not affecting everyone, so the more information we have the faster we can find a solution.


Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

Excuse the title of this post, but naming it "Kerapac's anima laboratory - symbols cheatsheet" was already a spoiler in itself.

I wanted to put this quick cheatsheet out there to help people figure out this puzzle, it takes a little bit of thinking to figure it out, but in case you're like my past self and want the straight answers:

Here they are:

Answer #1 Answer #2 Answer #3 Answer #4

With that being said, enjoy the rest of the quest!, it's incredible and the soundtrack was on point! Also, /u/Darkhearted_raven, i wanted to tag you personally to tell you how much i love what the audio team made :) I have always wanted to hear more heavy riffs and guitars in the future.

Fare thee well, everyone.

The audio team really have done a fantastic job for this quest. I adore so many of these pieces.

27 Jul


Originally posted by NotAliasing

I love a good Mystery! Excellent Quest, too.

Glad you enjoyed it. :)


Originally posted by NotAliasing

Are the ravens around kerapacs lair intentional? Is it some form of signature?

Intentional, yes. Ironically I didn't add them though.


Originally posted by mporubca

The Needle is lost, right?
Does that mean that we actually hold The Needle because we have a shard that is still linked to it?

The Needle isn't lost.


Originally posted by Yubel124

So is he just bound to artifacts in general now (or maybe just the needle)? How does that work given that there is no stone to be bound to?

Think of it as bound to Jas, more than artefacts in particular. He bound himself to the Needle, but he assumed he had control over it, instead Jas reclaimed that control.


Originally posted by Imissyelps

The ending tho :'( I dont want kerapacto be under the curse again. You're cruel !

Pride precedes a fall.


Glad you enjoyed it. :)


As the quest isn't out at this point I can assume you are either:
1. Confusing this with Desperate Times, in which case I'm glad you enjoyed it but I'm not sure where the archaeology reward came from.
2. You dreamed a quest and thought it had gone live, in which case glad you had a pleasant dream.
3. You possess the powers of prescience in which case I'm going to dissect your brain for medical science.
4. This is a clever troll post. In which case, well done. The comments are just vague enough and based on already revealed information that you can make it look like you've played it. Nicely done.
5. It somehow got released early, in which case I would expect to see far more comments.

Whichever one it is, other than 5, this post amused me first thing this morning. So thank you for that.

23 Jul

22 Jul


Your version of a jadinko is adorable. Marvellous picture!

15 Jul


Originally posted by Eastern-Historian538

Can you guys please stop putting Combat levels as a requirement on quests? It's so frustrating when you do it. Some of us like to challenge ourselves when it comes to completing quests involving combat. I understand skilling requirements, but some of these quests with combat reqs are completely unjustified.

The combat requirements are not hard requirements. I.e you do not need 75 in all combat skills to complete. However you do need to be able to take on something balanced around 75s in combat (including equipment). So if you're low combat and want a challenge, you can still take part in the quest, you just might die a bit.