

14 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey /u/darkhearted_raven I consider you one of the best quest dialogue writers. I saw you mention new content. Is it safe to assume that quest reworks are low on the list?

I'm also wondering if reworking the entire island of Karamja is higher up on the list than it used to be. Lots of quests there that would need to be tweaked if it ever is done and it would probably be better to rewrite some of them.

The status quo with quests in this case just isn't working for a lot of people, as you can clearly see :P

Quest "reworks" are not that high a priority no. Because the general take from players, when we've spoken to them, is that they would prefer new quests to reworks.

12 Oct


Unfortunately quests are just not built in a way that would make this work. So not only would we need to create an entire new game mode (no small feat) we'd also need to completely rework and re-test every quest in the game. So I'm just going to waltz in here and shoot this dream down I'm afraid.

It's a nice idea, I'm a narrative player myself so modes that just take me to the story are always my preference, but I'm afraid that too few people would be interested in this for the return (pickup on replayability in quest content is always really low) and so it's not something we could ever realistically justify when that time could be used to bring people new content instead.

18 Sep


Originally posted by Everyonedies-

This has happened to me also not the same name but if i buy an unchecked animal and then i buy more they all end up as the same sex. I think its a mechanic meant to force player to player trades with the animals.

I think its a mechanic meant to force player to player trades with the animals

It's not. Just want to clarify that.

What we have here is the sinister power of probability. It's a 50/50 chance on the gender of the animal when you check it, so somehow you've just been rolling the same gender for a long while. It happens.

The same names is a weirder one, there's nothing in the code that should do this and I've checked several times and can't reproduce the strangeness myself, so either there's something very specific that is doing this (and it's not apparent in the code) or once again the curse of probability is there, since any name is the same probability as any other name.

Just wanted to step in and confirm no sinister conspiracy at work to force you to do anything. Though I do recommend trading with players as it'll make it easier to get the specific things you want.

15 Sep


Originally posted by zenyl

So, it counts up the months, and lets you do two per month if you're behind, correct? Does this count from when you completed the miniquest, or from when the miniquest was released?


For example. Say you get there 3 months behind and somehow have a way of getting 3 resets and you decide to use them all on this. You would catch up to the story (1 month's worth for doing the minigame, 2 from the resets) but your third reset would not advance the story.


Originally posted by petercoyote69

They said monthly resets won't work for the lore component

It only prevents it if you were to reset everything immediately. After the content is technically available (i.e in a month's time for piece 2) then resets will allow you to access it.

So if I were to reset now, I would only get the first lore piece. If I reset next month I get both this months and next months.

03 Sep


Funnily enough I have seen worse theories...

10 Aug


Originally posted by Zarosian_Emissary

This stuff won't be accidentally skipped, right? I know you get a speed up for the first 10 tasks if you got far in the last track which auto-completed a few tasks where you had to talk to someone so just want to make sure the lore tasks won't be included in that.

I'm not devving it, but my understanding is that if you haven't seen it you can complete it after the yak track to see it. So I don't believe it can be skipped no.

06 Aug


Glorious artwork. Really nice piece. So dramatic and unsettling. I love it.

05 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm honestly not the best person to ask for rule specifics. It is against the rules however.

Ultimately if you're using someone else's account then you're not playing your own game. You get no right to feel pride in your achievements because they simply aren't yours. You also risk your account getting locked or banned and if you forget your password, or it gets automatically reset for whatever reason, then in all likelihood you've lost the account. It's just not worth it.


Dialogue for the quest itself was done about 1.5 weeks before it went live.

I just want to clarify "was still being worked on". I have been writing the dialogue throughout development. ;)



More importantly you're doing yourself a disservice. You won't be able to celebrate your successes, as they have been earned by someone else. You won't be able to reminisce about early content, as it was done by someone else. You won't know where you did x/y/z if it comes up, as it was done by someone else.

Additionally, as the account is not yours it could be reclaimed. Meaning you would lose all your progress and all the money you've put into the account.

I would recommend you create your own account and enjoy the game from the start yourself. There are many guides and helpful people who can help you find the best ways to level to get to the content that you want to reach and best of all you'll be able to feel the pride of getting there yourself.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Literally the opposite.

Once the yak track is over, the lore is a permanent addition to the game that can be accessed by anyone (with any area requirements we might need). A new player would be able to find the NPCs with the information and gather the lore themselves immediately unhindered. The only difference is they won't get any of the yak track rewards/bonuses for doing so.


Originally posted by DeguRS

So we have to pay to get lore now?


This lore is added specifically with the plan that it will become permanent and available to anyone forever. If you don't want to engage with yak track, then you simply need to wait a little bit and then you can access it without concern.

In addition, to be clear, the lore is intended to enhance the story of the game world, but not be a vital piece of it. We're not talking a quest here, we're talking a lore book and some dialogue between characters. It should be interesting and fun, but not "critical path".


Originally posted by J00stie

Lore in Yak Track... Honestly I don't know what to think. People could say 'hey at least it's something extra but to me it just confirms the fact that MTX is merging with and replacing content updates which is very problematic

It isn't though.

These are small lore pieces. Think little side conversations and a couple of lore books. Entirely off the critical path of lore but offering some expansion on the world so far. Showing that things move on in small ways.

This has taken nothing out of the non-mtx release schedule, it is literally just adding extra stuff in AND after yak track it's going to be freely available to everyone, even if you didn't engage with yak track.

It isn't merging or replacing, quite the opposite. Instead we are getting extra lore content into the game.


Originally posted by xurdones

In fairness to them, they did say that the lore content won't require Yak Track to access; they said that once Yak Track is over, there will be an NPC you can talk to to get all of the lore you would have gotten from the Track, so it's not like they're gating content behind MTX.

Though that begs the question of why they couldn't just put the NPC in without needing to piggyback on Yak Track, but that may be a resource allocation issue. That is to say, this way the Yak Track team can do it as part of Yak Track, and the Content team doesn't need to take a person away from whatever the Content team does

Though that begs the question of why they couldn't just put the NPC in without needing to piggyback on Yak Track, but that may be a resource allocation issue.


We have limited resources (time and development priorities) for content and even relatively "small" stuff like lore books (which still take time to write of course) eat into those resources.

The dev focused on yak track wanted to bring some fun simple lore into the game and we wanted a place to add small story advancement as well. We're talking conversations here and there and a lore book, not a quest. So what we get here is two fold:

Firstly, we get a more engaging yak track task, in the form of uncovering a bit of game lore.

Secondly we get more lore, full stop. This lore is available to everyone.

If you don't want to engage with yak track, then you just need to wait a bit to be able to access the content without needing to do the track a...

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04 Aug


Just to help move questions to things we can answer, be aware that we're not going to answer the big mysteries in this Lore Q&A.

So if you're question is "explain Shadow Anima" or "Tell me the secret of Xau-Tak" then you're going to be wasting your questions.

Try to think of questions that we can clarify. I.e "how long were the ages" and things along those lines. You might also wants to think about some "what ifs" from completed narratives, e.g "what if Bandos had won" is a popular one.

Also broad questions give us room to expand and riff of of. We want to talk lore with you, but super specific questions tend to provide super specific, and often short, answers. ;)

03 Aug


Originally posted by Gamez_X

To be fair i had been writing that for a while and so was really tired by the end. Its hard to put into eloquent words when you're drowsy but the point i was trying to get across is not "this one is the best", but that there are lore problems with the "standard directions" which look like the most likely direction which do not mesh with current lore and story directions. Hence i feel the need to point these issues out to keep in mind before the end incase they truly arnt noticed, quite possibly from being passed through so many people's hands over the years which is quite understandable

The quest gave a strong indication of the direction of one of the standard routes which boil down to 3 routes: 1 - He's an elder from outside, 2 - he's an elder god from before, 3 - he's some anti-elder god thats secretly always been there

Pretty much all the standard routes go by the idea this is an elder god of some sort, or something on that level. But everything ingame atm shows ...

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I'm obviously not going to discuss anything here, confirming or denying nothing. However you have made a number of headcanon statements as absolute fact, so just be careful there when discussing/engaging with other people. ;)

02 Aug


Whilst this is an interesting read, it makes a lot of headcanon assumptions as fact and I find the tone a little distasteful. It essentially spends its time telling anyone with other theories that they're stupid/lazy and I dislike that intensely.

Theories should be here for discussion and should generate counter theories so that everyone can enjoy diving into the lore. I feel the tone of this tries too hard to shut down discussion and that's really put a dampener on it for me. Everything currently in game is intended to create discussion, you don't have the answers to everything yet, so talk and theorise and see how close you get for when the reality is revealed.

A nice read, with some interesting interpretations of things. Obviously I'm not going to confirm anything, because where's the fun in that.


Originally posted by 5-x

What about the Eye of Jas?

These have all served their purpose for now, feel free to dispose of them. We will add them if they become relevant, but for now you may as well destroy them.

29 Jul


They have no purpose as of now, feel free to destroy them. If we decide to give them a future use we'll either add them to the box or make them easily reclaimable somewhere convenient.