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Thanks Daddy Obo for all your wacky ideas, you're truly one of a kind, you embody what RuneScape is, you think out of the box and that isn't something most people are able to do. You keep things fresh and entertaining and your enthusiasm is infectious. Your writing is also a wonder to behold.
Thanks Mod Jack for your detailed work and your ability to listen. You are able to come up with solutions that truly solve the heart of the issues that face the community and the game. You are detailed and measured, a quality that every successful team needs.
Thanks Mod Ian for your passion in music and sound. Your role often gets overlooked or passed over in discussions on discord or reddit, etc, but this is due to the impeccable quality of your work. Thank you.
Thank you Mod Pi, you're legendary. The impact you've had on the game is legendary, truly it is impossible to name all the contributions you've had on the game and community and...