

14 Jul


Yesssssss, I love this!

10 Jul


Originally posted by Skurploosh

Idk how exactly It would work, but there have been a couple of times where I got like 20+ logs from a tree only to then realize that my preset ran out of tips...and it would be cool to have one of these bottled effects in the preset in case I needed to finish the process elsewhere.

So more of a "don't delete them this time" in a bottle rather than the effect itself? I.e you're not after the ability to make them wherever at a cost, you're after some sort of protection from loss?


Originally posted by FeralyFighter

Double xp week in a bottle

Nice try, but no. :P


Originally posted by [deleted]

It would be interesting to see a change in aura timings. For example a system that allows you to use aura charges in 5 minute increments. The amount of charges an aura has is based on their current time values extrapolated to 24 hours.

e.g. Lumberjack aura has a 1 hour active time and 3 hour cooldown. So 24/4 = 6 hours of maximum active time which then becomes 72 charges of 5 minute active time.

Charges recharge every reset. Daily charges can be doubled with vis wax and aura resets recharge daily charges.

Imo this would make auras more convenient to use as it really isn't fun to use them if you can't utilize their full duration. So most of the time you end up not using them. I find that especially true for skilling but definetly affects combat aswell.

Edit: With this system you should be able to stack multiple charges of the same aura, so you don't have to recharge every 5 minutes.

I'm afraid this is outside of the scope of what I'm looking for at the moment. This is basically an aura rewrite, which is a good suggestion just not for what I'm focusing on right now. :)


Originally posted by Skurploosh

Fletching bak bolts when not near a tree would be pretty cool

You'd want a consumable that counted as "being near the tree"?

Greetings all,

I’m currently musing on some potential rewards for a thing we’re looking at and I wanted to get your ideas whilst I muse.

If you could take one effect from the game, such as a temporary boon or similar, and distil it into a consumable item, what would you choose? E.g an aura turned into a consumable item, the evil tree boost bottled up and saved for later.

So I’m looking for an existing effect in game, that is currently either time or location locked, that could be “bottled” to be used later at a specific time. We’d likely only allow one such effect to be active at any one time so don’t worry about how it would stack with other bottled effects. You would get one use of this effect per consumable item.

I’m mainly interested in skilling, but I’ll consider combat as well. Please consider small useful effects as well as the the massive ones.
Please post your suggestions below.

Disclaimer: None of...

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08 Jul


Originally posted by superleipoman

I asked in chat about prerequisite quests but they didn't say anything :(

Desperate Times
Also complete the basecamp tutorial.

Recommended quests:
Sliske's Endgame
Curse of the Black Stone

29 Jun


Nice pun, well done. :P

26 Jun


Oooooh this is awesome.

I love your art style, really cool!


Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

Now, if only the Subreddit followed suit.

I don't have a say about it, so i dont pay it any mind. Good for them, hope Jagex continues supporting instead being just a one trick pony.

Actually this subreddit can be pretty cool at times. I remember when the OS pride event was going on and the OS reddit turned... well... let's go with "unpleasant", the response on this reddit made me proud to be part of the RS3 community.

It was around the time of Menaphos as I recall and so this reddit had the menaphos city as it's banner. When the event happened the mods made a super subtle, but fantastically meaningful change, they modified the banner to add a rainbow over the entrance to Menaphos and when you moused over that banner it simply said "everyone is welcome". The reddit community just accepted it and the only mentions of it I saw were positive.

That gentle invitation, not a big fake song and dance, carries a lot of meaning and it made me really proud of you all.


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

I missed it. But were there any homophobic protestors this time?

I was only able to be on for a short while, but I can confirm that the community were on the whole absolutely superb and made me proud to be part of the RS community. Sure one or two bad eggs, but they were ignored by everyone and they soon shut up.


Originally posted by Kyrushi_

Will there be more chances to get the pride note from a J mod in the future? I missed out on the event and would love to get one!

It's a time locked event, although the lock is still unlocked if CM have the time to organise a couple of little gatherings, however I built the little tool that gives them out so that it could easily be unlocked again in future prides.

15 May


Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

Spoilsport. :p

Seriously, though, it means a lot to see you state this publicly, Raven.

Jagex does a lot to support and protect our physical and mental wellbeing. I deeply appreciate it, and it's a key contributor to my 14 year presence!



Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

Thank you very much for your support!

I pitched a similar idea when I volunteered to do streams. Would love to do dev commentaries of quests I've developed, for example, like the Imp Catcher rework.

The tutorial stream went better than I expected, and I'd like to go where you're thinking if there's desire for it!

I'm looking forward to catching up on feedback and seeing where preferences lies.

As your line manager looking out for your sanity and wellbeing, please don't do any more 16 hour long streams. Please take breaks and look after yourself. ;)


Originally posted by 5-x

Mod Raven /u/darkhearted_raven was doing it but there haven't been any news about it since January.

To clarify, Mod Raven was looking into it. I had some downtime and was looking into what sort of things people would want there. The general consensus (from the community) was that small fixes were insufficient and that there was little point doing anything unless we had the time and resources for large scale changes. As such it grew into a bigger project and I am now working on something else.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Great_Minds

Any word on this Raven?

Any word on me asking a question? No. This was just me being curious and asking a question, it's not a guarantee of content or a future plan. It might happen, it might not. Response here was positive but comparatively muted so there's no mad rush right now.


So, some of this is potentially spoilers for future quests, so take that in mind, however I shall do my best to answer.

> Were Zaros and Seren created by the elder gods?

Zaros and Seren were dreamed into existence by the malformed Mah, the elder god of Freneskae who was stillborn and incomplete. He dreams created life and her earliest dream was of Zaros, as a companion, child, or toy. He wanted to leave her, so she dreamed Seren into existence, who would keep Zaros close.

> Were Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak also created by the elder gods?


So the elder gods created everything. They formed the universe out of sacred clay and funnelled the flow of anima through the universe to their "perfect world" Gielinor. This flow of anima allowed life to spring up and some of that life became sapient and some of that sapient life ascended. Saradomin and Guthix are from this organic springing up of life.

Zamorak though, is a m...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

If you don't mind asking, how much of your free time did it take for Curse of the Black Stone, roughly?

I gave up several weekends and stayed late most nights for at least a month. I don't remember exactly, I wasn't testing how long it took to make so I wasn't really recording that.

10 Feb


Originally posted by darkhearted_raven

While I appreciate the sentiment behind this post, it isn't needed. For one the community has been totally fine with me for a good while now and the death threats are largely gone.

Secondly, you'll note that I have made quests since Endgame and I am still an active member of the lore council and constantly suggest quests be added to the release schedule.

So you don't need to worry about me, I'm good. ;)

The problem is that quests can seem like a poor investment. They're, by design, limited pieces of content (you can only do them once) and often have requirements that can make the engagement with them seem lower. They also take a lot of time to develop, often as much as a new boss or piece of skilling content. This is doubly problematic when you consider that quests often need new graphical assets and graphical assets take a lot of time to develop and those resources need to be prioritised between things like new skills.

This is why I experimented ...

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Whoever gave this platinum, I appreciate you too! <3 Thank you!


Originally posted by Saiyan-solar

If then the community stops being toxic to mod raven because they didn't like the maze in a certain quest that had a pretty good narrative and conclusion.

It can be pretty demotivating to get send death threats over something you spend months of your life on writing and developing.

While I appreciate the sentiment behind this post, it isn't needed. For one the community has been totally fine with me for a good while now and the death threats are largely gone.

Secondly, you'll note that I have made quests since Endgame and I am still an active member of the lore council and constantly suggest quests be added to the release schedule.

So you don't need to worry about me, I'm good. ;)

The problem is that quests can seem like a poor investment. They're, by design, limited pieces of content (you can only do them once) and often have requirements that can make the engagement with them seem lower. They also take a lot of time to develop, often as much as a new boss or piece of skilling content. This is doubly problematic when you consider that quests often need new graphical assets and graphical assets take a lot of time to develop and those resources need to be prioritised between things like new skills.

This is why I experimented ...

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