Seems a bit harsh to have them as farming requests then?
Yes, that's why the farming requests with them being on is a bug which we are hotfixing a solution to. ;)
Seems a bit harsh to have them as farming requests then?
Yes, that's why the farming requests with them being on is a bug which we are hotfixing a solution to. ;)
Don't know if it's related but ever since the original changes to PoF, my araxyte spider pair hasn't been able to breed anything but spirit spiders (legitimately haven't seen a single araxyte from them since changes).
This is intentional. Araxyte spiders should never have been able to breed araxytes that aren't shiny. This was a bug that has been fixed.
ow we hope that u can have it done within the 6 days :p
If I can work out the problem (it's a bit trickier for me as I haven't touched this particular bit of code before and it's creator is on holiday) then hopefully we can hotfix it today.
So i basically wasted gp on buying a spider for this when it is just gonna now change?
I mean I haven't hot fixed it in yet, so you can still hand it in.
Hey guys, we're aware of this issue and are investigating possible hotfix solutions. It's a weird issue that's actually the result of the previous araxyte bug.
Currently my plan is to make it so that it will not look for Araxyte spiders and will instead pull one of the other spiders. I was going to make it take any shiny spider, but that looks like it'll cause more code problems than it fixes so a different spider seems like the right solution.
Since the farms trigger separately, in theory would it work if I grew chins most of the time, then switched in elder rabbits right before I went to check my RooT?
Eeeeeeh ish, not really, but sort of. They're not totally independent, so it depends which whim of the system your animals are breeding on.
Yes it does. :)
So do we get a little bit of extra Xp for killing the second one by association?
You're a monster! I like you.
Archaeology is probably what I'm most excited for. Tons of lore, skill to train and puzzles to solve? Yes please. I've been really enjoying what I've seen in the office so I'm exciting to see it go live.
After that I'm excited for the new quests coming (shocker, me being excited for quests) and I've got high hopes for EGWD.
There's actually quite a lot of stuff planned for next year that I'm looking forward to, but obviously I can't spoiler things.
When I said medium animals I meant medium dinosaurs on the ranch. I get more baby jadinkos and slayer dinosaurs in the med pen than I do salamanders in the breeding pen, when I thought breeding pen had better breed rates and small animals breed more often than medium?
Salamanders just seem out of whack in comparison. Today will be the 4th day with no eggs lol.
I've given the code a quick look over and I'm not seeing anything that should be making salamanders behave differently. There is a luck element involved though, so I suspect that's the case here. I'll keep an eye on it, but there's nothing that makes them behave differently to other animals.
Is it normal that 2 studly 100% happy/healthy salamanders haven't bred for over 3 days in the breeding pen? My medium animals in the medium pen breed more often than salamanders...
Yes. The animals on the ranch out of time have quite long breeding durations.
I get that, but I feel like a better route would have been to lower dragons, say to 1200? And have dinosaurs start at a similar price to dragons, increasing with tier. Achieves a similar result while not making dinos feel worthless
I honestly don't think nerfing the existing beans rates would have gone down too well.
It's largely a moot point anyway, new values incoming shortly.
So we'd gone for relatively low bean amounts on launch as these sit alongside the existing bean amounts you get. I.e you get the dragon AND the dinosaur, whereas before you would have just gotten the dragon OR the dinosaur. But we were keeping an eye on it to get a sense of how it feels.
As it stands we think the small bean amount was the wrong approach, so I'm now working on a hotfix to get more appealing numbers into the game which will make them more satisfying to sell on.
Im curious what u/darkhearted_raven thinks about this
My stance hasn't changed. The discussion is still ongoing, the removal was necessary as a safety feature as it literally could have led to anything going wrong with those inventories which is a much bigger risk. Something like this needs careful consideration because it's implications go beyond this simple interaction.
Yea I assumed, just kinda weird. The thing I think of is having a fixed seed on the rng, but if you think it's good then it's all just a crazy coincidence.
Yeah I think it's just pure coincidence in a comical fashion, I'm not too concerned. The important things (traits) are all different anyway, so even if it were true it's a trivial issue that's already solved itself (unless we're only seeing Peter's in which case let me know).
Hey Mod Raven, do we know when you guys are releasing the drop rates for dino eggs? Thanks!
I had no immediate plans to, I'm not generally a fan of giving out the hard probabilities as it doesn't really do anything except for when a person goes "but I have done X that should guarantee me a drop!" which of course is not actually how probability works.
Give it a couple of weeks and then poke me on twitter and I might change my mind.
Hey Raven, just wanted to say that my pre-release igneous jadinko was also a male named Peter. Could be chance of course but we're starting to get into a programming error territory. Fortunately I got another one after and it was a female named Olivia, so I think it is just an issue with pre-release animals which there isn't much that can be done at this point about it.
The pre-release animals don't work like that, so I'd be very surprised. None of the data is on an unchecked animal until you check it. It's at that moment that it becomes a named and special thing. It runs the same code as all the other animals, so it's likely just an artifact of random chance. There might be slightly more chance of it being called Peter as well, which might be why.
I'm kind of surprised this idea hasn't been floated around before as an update and somewhat explored. My guess would be maybe it was, but that was too long ago for the current staff to remember/it got passed over or ignored and therefore forgotten.
Here's hoping that players can hear a yay or nay on this accidental QoL once the internal debating is settled.
It's been raised a few ideas, but it's a big balancing act to consider. After all being able to use stuff straight from the Bob increases the amount of stuff you can craft in one sitting, which changes the xp/hr of that task. Apply that across all possible such crafting tasks and it becomes a really big job and one that ultimately changes up the meta of the game too dramatically in most situations.
Which means they should implement it properly. We have no idea what could go wrong if it was just left in the game.
Just wanted to reply to say, this.
We removed the change because it wasn't intentional and therefore could have caused all manner of catastrophic problems down the line. It was a change we hadn't tested (because it was unintentional) and therefore it was a danger to everyone's game.
We'd need to look into the balancing of a change like this, among other things, as whilst it's nice and convenient the long term effects could be really bad for the economy. However, it's potentially something we might consider adding back in future *IF* we determine that it's safe for the whole game.
Oh wow... :D Should I go do lottery? Thanks for the math! :p
It depends whether you believe luck is a temporary buff that lasts for a set duration, in which case you should probably get a ticket, or it's a one off flag that is unset once used. In which case your luck is likely gone now.