I love this so much.
I love this so much.
One day my sweet Telesto, one day.Dreams do come true! It's back boi's! Telesto the besto!
Telesto will be re-enabled after this hotfix is live.
Clicked on this thread expecting Cayde.
Pleasantly surprised.
Can't make a promise of whether or not this could happen, but I can say the feedback will be passed along. As noted in the OP, it took some time to get the rally banners added to launch/Y1 raids. This was due to prioritization, finding the appropriate amount of time to implement/test. I don't know if the team would have the right amount of time for this in the coming months, and we wouldn't want to rush the addition and end up breaking encounters.
Hey all,
Didn't want to leave you hanging... no pun intended.
The team is investigating to see what's going on.
The team is aware, looking at a change for the future. Won't ship this season.
Hey all,
At the launch of Shadowkeep, we began a four week rotation of different Elimination settings in Crucible Labs. Now that we've been through each offering, we wanted to open up for player feedback to give to the dev team. Specifically, we wanted to talk about the mode settings, but feel free to give feedback on the current sandbox and how it plays in this mode.
A few example questions for feedback, but please give us all the feedback you've got:
Which weeks settings felt the best?
Which Destiny 2 maps play the best in Elimination?
Did Heavy Ammo spawns feel fair to both team spawns?
Did you like Revive Tokens, or infinite revives better?
Here's the current list of settings, broken out by week.
Week One
Resurrection Tokens: On
Escalating Revive: Off
Heavy Delay: 90 Seconds
Heavy Round: All
And again nothing on Eververse, I'm not talking about the current pricing issue, I'm talking about how apparently not everything will be sold for Bright Dust when you guys said it would, when will we get answers on that?
Bright Dust items rotate weekly, and all Festival of the Lost 2019 items should appear for bright dust during the event.
Soooo... any word on Xenophage?
Team's looking into it, as Cozmo confirmed earlier: https://dm.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/dpk9n4/xenophage_is_the_biggest_disappointment_of/f5xv70z/
Team's aware of the request. Can't give a timeline, but we've got people eager to tackle the feedback.
Team is digging on this right now. Fully understand the frustrations here, as players are looking for a top DPS weapon to use in difficult content.
Once we have more info on the underlying bug, the proposed fix, and a timeline, we'll let you know.
No word on Telesto?
Stay tuned. Hope to have some info this week.
DM me a link to your Bungie.net profile, please. Can't grant the artist emblem without it!
Owl, I demand you return your triumph and earn it yourself.
On paper, I thought the same thing. But since everything else is cranked up you can blast down people using heavy with your main weapons much easier.
That said, we will be monitoring feedback on this and can consider future changes to the mode based on how you feel.
Remember that time I completely wrecked you with a gnawing hunger even though you had heavy?