

24 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Prior to Shadowkeep, we had conversations of how to respect the time players put in to earning these sets. As we were nearing the end of development for the release, we didn't have a lot of time to play with when it came to implementing a means to acquire the armor, and test it to ensure there we no issues.

There was no goal to give the armor poor stats, but we did have conversation that it wouldn't be appropriate to give players extremely high or max stat armor pieces out the gate. It would reduce motivation for players to earn new pieces or engage with challenging content in search of their desired rolls. The goal was to give middle of the road stats, which players could toy with to learn the new Armor 2.0 system. This gave opportunity for players to improve stats via masterworking and stat mods as they played the early-endgame... so to speak. We also wanted to ensure players could throw on the ornaments of previously obtained versions of the gea...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by japenrox

multiple weapons?

as in temporal clause and pluperfect?

Oh boy, I have the hardest time trying to believe that. Me being at rank 97 and never seeing a single drop from anywhere, and let's be honest here, I'm not alone.

Something is seriously wrong with these weapons.

Yeah, to be clear...

I've reached level 100 (what am I doing with my life) and had a few auto rifles drop from Crucible and Gambit yesterday. Based on reports of players not seeing any, I was surprised at my luck!

That said, the team is aware of the chatter on drop rates for season pass weapons. I can't project a solution at this time, but they're looking at potential changes before the end of the season so you all can hunt some rolls on these weapons.

If a change doesn't come due to an issue in development or unforeseen circumstance, the learnings from this season will be applied to the next.


23 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Are you witnessing this specifically when playing Strikes?

I've pulled multiple weapons and armor pieces from my postmaster, most of which came from Crucible or Gambit loot feed drops.

If you do not claim these prior to filling your postmaster, they will be lost.

If you have a video, please throw it my way and I can pass it along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback! Will be sure to pass it along. At this time, they're a good source for armor if you're looking for more chances at stat rolls. New Light players also have a bit to chew on in terms of filling out their collections.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Still not enough to screw in a lightbulb, though.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gonet0Plaid

I just posted this in another similar thread on my experiences getting the triumph, so I’ll just copy/paste my thoughts/findings while we did it:

“Out of the all the NM Hunts this was undeniably the worst to “figure out”. We decided to do it last when we were doing time trials, and after literally holding W through the first 2 we hit a bump on Crota for a good while. After being tilted for a couple of attempts we looked at our builds, talked about what was top priority, and what classes we needed to run to make it “easier”. The largest thing that would make him easier, and how we got the time trial triumph, was figuring out to basically global the acolytes and knights. Getting to Crota wasn’t an issue, we got there in like 7-8 minutes and figured the timer would be more lenient, but just getting the swords quickly and effectively was the issue. The solution: top tree Orpheus hunter tether to the rescue. One hunter could almost full refresh off of one add wave (just get it...

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Strategy in the face of challenge. I like it.

Can’t wait to see what other strategies emerge.

18 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This looks to be a bug. Will pass it along!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Coming from a player support background, some timers are in place to prevent people from sitting on their controller and consuming multiple items unintentionally.

I can pass along the feedback that these timers feel fairly long. Thanks for the post!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Thanks for the feedback. I can say right now that this would be a somewhat intensive task, which more than likely couldn't happen for some time. Even with that said, we can add it to the feedback list for Gambit, Prime, and Reckoning.

To give a little context, this is more than just moving an item from one inventory slot to another (which in itself can introduce a variety of bugs and issues). These items are consumables not only for the Synthesizer, but they can be used as one offs to give an amount of stats for your chosen role. This added complexity makes this feedback item a bit more difficult to consider, as it adds additional development, test, UI time that is being applied to future content.

Another way to say it, we wouldn't want to end up in a scenario where you lost some functionality, lost your stacks of items, or introduced a bug where the synthesizer didn't work at all. There's an unending list of risk that comes with touching o...

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17 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shirondragon

So all legitimate concerns about the current state of the game are just gone now because they replied once?


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Could you link me to a few of the posts you've made on the Help forum over at

I'll check with the player support team to see what's going on here.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Passing this thread along. Thanks for the examples on RPM!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Good feedback - will make sure to pass it along!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

"Why did we have to waste two more days on them when they're all garbage compared to Javelin and Midtown?"

If I may post a few questions to folks on the thread:

  1. What aspects of Javelin and Midtown are good?
  2. What aspects of other makes make them less desirable?
    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Great feedback - seeing as though you're all hunting stat rolls, makes total sense.

As always, this isn't a promise. I'll make sure to pass this feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dragon_Scorch

There’s a ton to unpack here but... that Halloween armor is incredibly disappointing and scummy. :/

Good morning, all! I'm back from the dead and excited to be of service again.

Regarding the overall post, there's a lot to unpack here that I'll be speaking to the team with. Rotations, timed exclusives, Bright dust v Silver, all the good stuff. Cozmo and I have syncs with the team, and we'll make sure to talk through a lot of the content in this post.

Doesn't mean we'll have immediate answers in a future TWAB or full on breakdowns, but I can promise you that we're listening, and we'll make sure the team is aware of the thoughts here.

Regarding the Festival of the Lost thumbnails - those aren't right, at all. It's a good example of how datamining can bring up false information. We'll have a Festival of the Lost preview coming next week, and we'll show off the sets.