Glad you're enjoying it. Have a top 3?
Glad you're enjoying it. Have a top 3?
(Known issue that's under investigation)
There were numerous times in the Community/PlayerSupport pods that we all gathered around one PC to watch the cutscene as it came together.
Glad you're all enjoying it. The team kicked ass on this.
Thanks for the report. I'll pass this along to the Player Support team for investigation.
Good.... good........
Happy Dawning. Time to get cracking on that Season Pass...
We've got a bug filed and the team is investigating for potential causes.
Very odd bug indeed.
When we have more info, we'll let you know. Until resolved, you'll have to wait for the detonation to occur before firing your next shot.
As a warlock main, I don’t think Bungie hates me, but I do think that we have as good of a chance of getting our melee speed fixed as Hard Light has a chance of ever getting its screen shake removed.
What if I were to tell you that the team is looking to address both in future season? It’s still far too early to give specifics on the proposed changes as we have the gauntlet of testing to run through. Gotta make sure we don't introduce any new bugs or balance issues.
Once we have more info, we’ll let you know.
Alright, show’s over. Close it up.
This is an example of player feedback that we collect over time, to ensure the feelings on the matter are sustained.
Combining player perception and actual usage/efficiency, the team can look at next steps for balancing if needed. We'll be collecting feedback through the season and passing it along as necessary.
So... no offense but which is it u/cozmo23 u/dmg04? When we ask about Xur selling collection rolls, you say it's a bug and unintentional... but then this season you said it IS intentional... can we get a solid answer?
Preferably one that involves it being bugged but not getting patched at the moment... Xur would be a complete waste to everyone INCLUDING new light players if he never sold anything aside from collection stat rolls... ESPECIALLY with elemental affinity being an unchangeable thing.
Hey Ghost,
Let's get down to business. The Xur not offering random rolls is represented by two bugs filed on the backend:
Cozmo had been in conversations over the bug of us not being able to grant random rolls at all via Xur. This is a code side bug that will take some dev/test time to address. The earliest we could expect a fix will be next season.
When I personally spoke with a few folks internally about Xur not having random rolls, I came to the understanding that this was expected functionality, but was unaware of the actual bug preventing us from taking action. We discussed the value of Xur, where it was noted that vendor continued to offer value for new players hunting for specific exotics, or value for returning players purchasing the engram for random rolls. As such, this was the information that I relayed to the com...
Read moreHey all,
Team is aware of the issue, which is unintentional. A bug shipped with Update 2.7.0 bringing more damage to the bow, which will more than likely be fixed in a future patch.
That said, the amount of celebration over the current damage numbers is a talking point internally. It's something for the team to chew on for future balance passes, if Wish Ender were to receive some changes.
I know "Keep the feedback coming" is a weird thing to say here, but your enjoyment of the bug is indeed feedback, and it's being passed along accordingly.
"I'm lovin' it." -Zulmak
I've eaten 40 cheeseburgers in 30 days
Hey all,
There are so many at Bungie who pour their heart into this game, for you. We have the privilege on the community team to speak directly to you about their kickass work to continuously support this game and community.
Our transparency and ability to tackle bugs, while continuing to add new activities, QOL changes, and updates is thanks to their hard work. The Operations Center and Player Support teams work around the clock to keep you up to speed on the status of the game, from connectivity to known issues.
Producers, testers, designers, engineers, directors, artists... you name it. We’re all here for the continued success of this game, and to build something that continues to give this community a home.
This win is for all of us. Thank you, truly, for being one of the best communities out there.
Sorry to be annoying /u/dmg04, but the help post I made fell through the cracks. Is the team aware that Perfect Fifth on Polaris Lance is bugged? I didnt't see it on the help page. The perk is making the sound, but not triggering the effect.
I just jumped to Mars and tried this on my Polaris Lance - no issue repro.
Have a video?
Thank you. We are absolutely taking feedback (the good, the bad, the ugly), and it's great to hear you're enjoying it on day 1.
Definitely keep the feedback coming. What are you enjoying? What do you find to be an improvement over Season of the Undying? What isn't so exciting? How many Edge Transits have you gotten since launch? Have you eaten any bread?
But what if I want to use my rocket launcher
Planning on including this in the TWAB. Wanted to make sure we could weed out some bugs before sending too many players there.