

30 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Enough is never enough.

Much love.

22 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team is well aware of this feedback. Can’t give a timeline as I don’t know how intensive the UI work is, but it’s something people want internally.


20 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Reckoning time.

Also, +1 additional Menagerie reward. It’s going to be a very rewarding weekend.

19 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by cjeezytv

***this is concerning only people who have activated cross save and moved from console to PC***

So, when you are signed into your account and on their website, the green banner at the top says "You are ready to move to Steam for Shadowkeep launch", but then if you click on that banner and scroll down on the PC Move page - and click on 'Transfer Details' - for me it shows the info for the guardians on my OLD account and not my cross saved characters (that I brought from Xbox).

Just seeing this is freaking me out, has anyone else looked at this?

I am really hoping this is not going to become an issue when moving over to steam.

Any help would be great /u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 any help would be appreciated here!

You’ll be fine. Think of it this way-

You’re “transferring” your characters, but your Xbox characters will still “cross save” over them.

16 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cozmo23

Glad you lived.

Glad you’re coming back tomorrow

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GuitarCFD

Neither of the anesthesias worked.

not being a jerk or pedantic...the term you were looking for was "anesthetics". "Anesthesia" is the administration of anesthetics.

Glad you are doing well. Heart stuff can be super scary.

I learned something new today! This is why I’m not a doctor. Edited accordingly :)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hurtslikepoop

Good to know you're doing well.

I provide anesthesia for cardioversions at a major city hospital, and I have to say, it's actually one of the most satisfying treatments we do. You zap someone (once they're adequately anesthetized, of course) and you can see immediately if you put someone back in sinus rhythm. It's not common in medicine to be able to "fix" someone so quickly and immediately, so when you have the chance to do so... I dunno, it's very gratifying.

Story time: Neither of the anesthetics worked. Second attempt, we waited just a little bit but I was still coherent. I ended up just saying “bring it on, just do it”

The doc said it would feel like a horse kicking me in the chest. I have never had a horse kick me in the chest, so... bam.

Pain was instant, but quick. The pure joy of hearing my heart at the right beat and seeing my EKG all green overrode any other feeling in my brain.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the well wishes.

Long story short, half my heart was racing with an irregular beat. This is the same thing that happened about a year and a half ago, but this time medications weren’t doing the trick at getting me back on track. Took a shock to the chest, and I’m back to “normal.”

It’s funny, as I was in the same room as last time. AFIB is somewhat common, and I was the third cardioversion of the day at the ER. Sure, it’s terrifying... I was shaking the majority of each visit. End of the day, I was in good hands surrounded by medical professionals and everything was alright.

A few folks have asked “how do I know if I should go to the hospital, my heart is sometimes irregular!”

Call up your general practitioner. See if you need to go to a cardiologist. If your heart is racing for more than 6-12 hours even when resting, go to urgent care. Like I said before, it’s scary. Needles suck and being in a hospital is not fun. Challenge those fear...

Read more

14 Sep

13 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by addykan

Please do, we'd really appreciate it! Thanks for everything <3

No, thank YOU for asking the smart questions and not throwing tomatoes at me.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I'll dig on this. Can't give an answer, as I don't have one for ya!

12 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Just updated the TWAB with the following information:

• Minor enemies (Rank-and-File) no longer take more precision damage than other enemies.

o These enemies previously took twice as much damage to their precision hit locations than enemies of higher ranks.

o You will still deal precision damage, but this is now entirely dependent on the weapon, as it is for higher ranked enemies.

Ultimately, all of the weapon buff numbers you see listed in the TWAB against minor enemies will counteract this global nerf.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re looking into the near future.

We’ve talked a lot about how Shadowkeep will change the way we play Destiny, and we’re not even done yet. We’ll have more to say before October 1 about how the game is about to evolve. There might even be a final pre-launch Bungie ViDoc about Year Three next week, but that’s not my promise to make. Keep your eyes up.
Seeing Guardians rejoin Eris on the Moon for a new adventure is not the only thing we’re looking forward to when we daydream launch day. As this new campaign against the minions of the darkness begins, a new Season of Destiny gameplay will begin with it – followed by three additional seasons of updates. We’re about kick off a whole new year of explorations, rewards, and surprises.
But not everything should be left to surprise. We know that Guardians like to plan their gaming sessions. This calendar shows what’s coming free to all players of Destiny 2... Read more

11 Sep

10 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RhapRhap9

Can we do these thing all week please? Some people work weekends..

Some people work weeks

Some people work weeks and weekends

Some people work random days and have a combination of week/weekend offdays

Some people don’t work

Some people get on reddit the moment they wake up to say “we’re listening”

Some people need a coffee

But seriously: valor/infamy usually start double during the week, then go triple from Friday ‘till reset. We now have the ability to do this with Menagerie rewards, so my gut is telling me that we will mirror the infamy/valor boost formula.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Tomorrow comes today

09 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Eyes up, Guardian.

06 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Good morning!

So, here's the deal:

  • Year 1 Iron Banner Ornaments from Seasons 2 and 3 can be applied to the new set
  • Armor sets from Years 1 and 2 will not be ornamented

We're collecting the feedback on further ornamentation, so cheers to the OP for kicking off this conversation.

EDIT: There's totally not an ornament for Season 4. That's my bad, typing too fast. Need a coffee.