

14 Mar


Originally posted by eliel77

That's nice to hear. Could you elaborate it a little more ? On alts we would gain stability faster (more stability from each echo done ?)

Not yet


Originally posted by Odd-Emu2592

I would love to see that integrated into the loot filter. So a rule in the loot filter would allow you to define a stash tab additionally to the coloring options. Then, when dumping items into your stash, the loot filter would be applied the same way to identify the tab the item should go to.

That would allow to define those rules on a pretty detailed level based on a system that's already in a game and players are already using. 

It would require to add additional options to the loot filter, though, like being able to define rules for LP, or being able to filter for keys etc. 

Read more

I see you trying to get me to add LP to the loot filter. Gotta get up pretty early in the afternoon to sneak one by me.


Originally posted by MadxxDog

Any ETA for Blessings changes? It was one of the reasons that I unistalled the game ATM.

No, it's not implemented yet.


Originally posted by amouthforwar

the fact that this is a thing concerns me but I guess that explains why I'll get a ton of duplicates of the same items even in the same run...

I'm curious what concerns you about this. It's basically just a relative rarity system.


Originally posted by Leo_Heart

It needs to be both imo. Also make an option where your highest corruption apply to all monos. spamming monos for weeks to get to a corruption that challenges your build is bad design. I almost always give up before empowered monos become hard or challenging content. Running the same easy content over and over and over and over again to get to your desired difficulty is just so bafflingly bad

I'm not saying that we won't ever do something like that, just that the thing that we've decided on in a design meeting was around stability.


Originally posted by AustinYQM

I want to mark a GROUP to have an affinity lol

Group Affinity: has 2LP

find the next open spot that the item fits in in any tab

I'm suddenly trying to think of how to do both.


Just a slight correction from the original post, the alt monolith catch-up we have planned is not around corruption but rather stability.

13 Mar


Originally posted by redditorseal

I know that this post was a long time ago but i just had the same bug happened just now in the new update. Does making new categories still fix this?

Reloging should just fix it. Part of the login process is to validate the stash. If not, remaking categories should also do it.


Originally posted by SUNTZU_JoJo

Ah ok. Thanks for taking the time clear that up. I guess it's human nature to see patterns where there aren't any.

Wrong of me to assume.

It's not the first time we've had people suspect things like this from anecdotal evidence before. Our crafting system had to be flipped on its head about 4 years ago because people were coming to us almost every day claiming that the math didn't check out. It was working perfectly but because people thought it wasn't, we had to change it. Ended up being a very positive change but the chances of getting a good item from crafting hardly changed at all.


Originally posted by SUNTZU_JoJo

I think there is some truth to that.

I played probably 7-8hrs my last session.

Moment I log in, first group of mobs I kill, I get a unique.

And yeh it's not a good unique but it's not the point I'm trying to make. It's the fact I got one instantly on first drop seems a little sus to be pure coincidence.

Also I'm sure the game tracks what you save your chest, what you shatter, modify and especially what you equip...cuz the moment I started stocking up on critical strike avoidance shards right after I equipped my first exalted with 57% CSA on it, I kept getting more a CSA and armour with CSA %

Nothing like this ever happens at all. (In LE at least)


Originally posted by Ok_Zombie414

I've seen speculation that LE might have built in loot modifiers that either buff your chances for loot after taking a break, or reducing your chances for top tier loot after long play sessions. I know some other games have similar mechanics but usually "gotcha" games.

No. Nope. False. Wrong.

There are no modifiers like this at all. Your play patterns have zero impact on drop chances in any given situation at all.

No exceptions.

12 Mar


Whatever you want, you can just switch if it's not working for you.


Originally posted by Professional_Way8023

Six months ago, I think this is still an issue, lost a unique yesterday from porting out.

It is still an issue. We have no solution to it at this time.

11 Mar


Originally posted by aSleepingPanda

Could you tell us if Stygian Coal was/has been looked at? And if so is it going to get some changes? Thanks!

I'm sorry, I'm not sure about that one. I think it was wrapped up in the same issue but it wasn't assigned to me so I'm not exactly sure which pieces were addressed.


Originally posted by itsplump

A dev commented on a thread last Friday and said he was working on a fix for this sword

I'm not sure if the fixes made it into this week's patch or not but we do have fixes on their way for it.

10 Mar


Originally posted by shaanuja

How isn’t it accurate? You’re saying mid cycle bug fixes is a thing now? but there isn’t any to show. Maybe I’ll wait a day and see how you fix the OP masteries exploiting bugs.

I'm saying they continue to be a thing as I am still not claiming any change in policy. That's what the survey is supposed to help us determine, if we should change it or not to potentially include more types of mid cycle bug fixes.


Originally posted by shaanuja

Are you saying any of what i said changed? No it’s still the same bugs over performing and you brushing it aside. Despite claiming to fix bugs, nothing is done. Untill I see a change, it’s still a bad joke.

Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear. I'm saying that the information you provided wasn't accurate, not that it had changed.


Originally posted by tadrinth

I think y'all are doing a great job communicating. Did not mean to cast shade on how this was presented, by "read carefully" I really meant that people needed to go personally read your entire post, rather than getting their news from other people's reactions on the subreddit.

I used to be a teaching assistant and I mostly live over on Tumblr these days where bad reading comprehension is pretty much the national sport, communication is hard these days.

I like that. Bad reading comprehension being a national sport.


Originally posted by shaanuja

Nope, no fixes is their stance unless it breaks the server. It’s a joke of a stance, that’s another story. Vote on their survey, top of this subreddit.

Please re-read the information on the survey you referenced.


Originally posted by tadrinth

If I understood their statements correctly, they're holding off on fixing bugs where doing so would nerf builds unless those builds are crashing servers.

However they have no such policy for fixing bugs in ways that buff underperforming builds. I expect them to do some of that when they aren't drowning, especially if they're confident it won't displace any current top meta builds.

You do have to read their statements carefully to notice that they've drawn that distinction, which I guess is why a lot of people missed it.

Yea, it's really hard to make a statement about a controversial topic where it gets read fully. You try to make it short so people will read it all but then you risk not being clear enough. I'm not sure how much more clear we could have been on it though.

"We will continue to fix bugs that result in skills and/or items receiving a buff."