

27 Feb


Originally posted by MoistGluten

Has the stance on this changed?

I can't make any statements which provide exact guidelines on what is and isn't ok as things are still evolving. Currently, we don't plan to help or hinder mods exclusively created for and used in offline mode. In online mode, anything that depends on or reacts to the current game state is strictly forbidden.

So for example, using num lock to auto cast a skill is ok. Nothing was done to alter the game client, the OS doesn't have any idea what is going on in the game and is just spamming a button over and over as though you glued the key down.

As a counter example, something which waited until your health dropped below 10% and then auto-logged you out would not be ok as that depends on and reacts to the state of the game.

I like to think of it like if I could get a handful of materials from a summer camp arts and crafts hut to make this happen on my keyboard, then it's probably ok.

This is far from an exhaustive explanation and it can change at any po...

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Originally posted by Railander

nobody in d4 was pissed because the uniques had some unique ability, they were pissed because they were very strong but unobtainable.

tons of uniques in this game aren't too interesting at 0 LP, but would be BiS at 4 LP.

Which brings me back to a question that I've been trying to get answered by anyone for months now.

Hypothetically, if you had a unique item with very large roll ranges on it, would a 4LP version of that item still be considered BiS even if it had min rolls on it?

If yes, what if the power gained from the 4LP was actually less than the power of the roll range differences? So if a perfectly rolled 0LP version was actually more powerful than an anti-perfectly rolled 4LP version and the low roll 4LP version, then the unique in general is BiS and the LP is just an extension of that roll range.

If no from the 1st question, where is the line on that power requirement for the item to be considered BiS? There must exist some arbitrary line on the item's roll ranges where it becomes BiS. How is it defined?

This tends to lead to a point where each unique item needs to have a definable point where the reasonably achievable version becomes that item's "true form"...

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Originally posted by Robbeeeen

Hijacking this great reply to report another bug with totems:

"Friends of the Tempest" on the Gathering Storm tree does not work when converting Storm Bolts to cold with "Frostbringer". Cold converted hits from Thorns Totem, Warcry totem etc. do not add Storm Stacks.

I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was pulling bug reports from reddit. I had just happened to be working on this and stumbled upon it and thought I'd share what I had already done. If you'd like to see this fixed, please go through the standard bug reporting process either in game, on our forums or on our discord.


Originally posted by redo1999

which sites?

last epoch tools and maxroll


Originally posted by Railander

is obtainable

4 LP is not obtainable for around half of the uniques.

to use the 1 in 16 quintillion example, if each one of the total 8 billion people on this planet dropped one of this unique every second without rest, on average someone would drop a 4 LP one every 63 years.

nobody will ever ever drop one, this is completely pointless. they need to either go back and make these more realistic, or give us a way to improve odds through harder content (so that it becomes realistically possible if you just do hard enough content).

The section you quoted was saying that the unique effect is obtainable through that unique. The base version at 0LP. I wasn't commenting on the general chance to obtain any particular item with 4LP.


Originally posted by Pyros

Well first one is on dummies, second is on a boss, bosses do have resists and what not. Dummy numbers are fine when comparing to other dummy numbers. If you do 2m on dummies you're likely exploding the bosses anyway.

Fun fact, bosses don't have resists, tons of the what not though.


Originally posted by TieSpecialist

I love you. I have a touch screen laptop so I can't run this game on it because my specs are dogshit. But knowing this will come out on console hopefully by the end of beginning of next year makes me so excited.🤞

I'm sorry if I have the impression of a timeline but we do not know if or when it will come to any individual additional platform.

26 Feb


Originally posted by Daqqer

Is there any chance that you could also fix the bug where Apogee of Frozen light doesn't correctly give the +3 levels to Upheaval Cold totem or Tempest totem? They are both tagged cold minion skills and this bug is killing my dream build :(

I think what I've done should fix that too.


Originally posted by wewfarmer

Didn’t read due to formatting.

LE has things that D4 doesn’t. D4 has things LE doesn’t. I enjoy both. Both need work.

It doesn’t have to be a team sport.

Can I take that line about it not needing to be a team sport? That's a great way to put it.


Originally posted by Qswyk

any new news about that?

Two sites are using it and it's going pretty well.


Originally posted by SkydiverDad

I understand percentage increases of percentages. I assume you are saying the crit chance gear is a percentage of the base percent increase and the spell crit gear is an actual flat increase in the base percentage. But on the items they appear to be worded the same? Is there additional info in the tooltip I missed that says which is which?

Also if the base crit percentage is 5, why does my character have 13% after I've stripped off all their increase to critical chance gear?

I think the spell crit was probably flat and didn't have the word "increased" but I'm not sure. Do you have an example in a screenshot or link on last epoch tools? Edit: The only other explanation that I can think of is that you've got some source of "more spell crit chance". That could cause this to spike harder because it's multiplicative with increases. However, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist anywhere in the game. (I could be wrong on that though)

I'm also not sure why when you take off all your gear, you still have 13% crit without seeing the character. I suspect that you might have had some passives or maybe a monolith blessing that was giving you some crit possibly. You can use last epoch tools to load in your character from offline save or online lookup on their site and link it and we could probably find it.


Originally posted by Swirly1988

Wow, thanks for such a quick reply! Loving the game btw 😊. I have 16gb RAM - do you think that could be it? I have tried rebooting and only starting the game and it still crashes. I’ve also tried a few other tricks like deleting temp files, running as admin, starting from the folder via steam. Nothing really working unfortunately. Maybe I should get more RAM? Thanks again

16 should be well more than enough. I think you're more likely having a different issue. I don't really have anything else tricky to try. The usual stuff applies, verify game files in steam, check drivers, check for updates. There are a couple low popularity anti virus programs that conflict with unity in general. I think Avira might have been one of them but it's not like a hard conflict, just weird issues.

Sorry, that's all I've got.


Fairly recently, people were having boot up issues on systems with lower RAM quantity. We made some changes which made it easier for them to get in and we got good feedback on those chanyces that it was helping. I'm not sure if this is related at all or not but you could try rebooting your system and only attempting to start up the game and nothing else. (Also just worth while to clean up your startup programs if you don't keep a close eye on it already). Bit of a shot in the dark.


You have 5% base critical strike chance.

If you have 100% increased critical strike chance, you will now have 10% critical strike chance.

If you then added on +5% critical strike chance, you would be up to 20% critical strike chance.

(5 + 5) x (1 + 1) = 20

Percentage increases of a percentage value can be confusing.


Originally posted by Dr_Chuff_Bunkers

Hello! Are there plans to address the memory issues that are still persistent after the launch of 1.0? I know you have many issues too contend with on the server front, but I would love to be able to play the game at all, and would welcome the server error versus hard crashes from memory usage. If a RX6700XT, Intel 10500f and 32GB of DDR4 memory (plus 32GB allocated to page file) aren't enough to run the game at 1080p, there is clearly a problem. I was able to play flawlessly in the beta circa January 2022, pre-multiplayer. Makes little sense.

I'm sorry I don't have details on potential memory issues that might exist or any information on plans or possible progress. Overall the game generally actually uses less memory now than it did in January 2022. Our systems are very comparable (yours probably has the slight edge) and I'm getting a smooth 80+ fps at 1440p. I know that doesn't mean anything specific but I just want to highlight that your hardware specs should have no problem at all and that the issue is likely unrelated to the power of your system.

We always plan to fix all bugs that have been reported in the proper channels. I don't record bug reports from reddit and they have to go through the normal triage and such.


Originally posted by DenisTRUFFAUT

Can you release the new font somewhere so we can use it in Photoshop ?

I'll ask but I don't think I'll get an answer quickly.

Edit: nvm got a reply almost immediately but it's not a good one. Sorry, we aren't ready to release it. We will consider it in the future and look at some options but not right now. In the meantime, forum is still a font we do use in game for a lot of stuff and that's easy to get here https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Forum


Originally posted by Junkers69

What about the character dialog art, it gives off an uncanny vibe...

Nope, all original human art.

25 Feb


Originally posted by amingolow

Thanks for the detailed reply, I really appreciate. I understand server stability is the first priority as I have login issue and long transition time as well, although it is quite random. At least I know these Totem related bugs will be fixed soon, Thanks!

However I am still confused about "number 5 actually affects all stats from the tree on cold bolt totem". I don't really understand what this means. My main concern is the cold projectile gained from disabling a Tempest type. What the cold projectile scale with and which skill nodes can affect it? In game doesn't have a tooltip to show its base damage and scaling tags. I tested and confirmed at least the "Heorot Arsenal" node doesn't affect the cold projectile.

Yea, that node doesn't currently work on live. I'm not actually sure which others weren't working before that got fixed but basically any of the damage increases in the tree were doing nothing for it.

24 Feb


Ok, so I just finished fixing these, in the process found a few more totem related bugs and those have been fixed too. They will take some time to make their way through QA and out into a patch because none of this is anywhere near as important as the stability stuff but it's on the way.

Your number 3 also is currently not working with Warcry totem and is the same problem as these extras which is how I found them.

  • 6. Refresh Random Totem On Frozen Kill for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - shaman passive node
  • 7. spell lightning damage for existing totems when you directly cast a storm totem for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem
  • 8. heal totems and give them immunity on potion use for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - I can't remember where this comes from but I think it's on an item with how it's worded.

These were still working for normal totems, just not for things that...

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