

10 Mar


Originally posted by NiceKobis


I'm reading this year old thread trying to figure out if "increased bow elemental damage" increases the damage of dragonfire, the cone spell caused by the bow dragonsong.

I'm guessing not, because its tags are fire, spell, area, dexterity, and not bow.

But there's never an "elemental bow" tag. I guess the "increased bow elemental damage" means it increases the damage of spells that are listed as having "bow" scaling and one of the "elements" scaling? Otherwise it's a two-for-one, but maybe because bow is unique for marksman you allow a two-for-one here?

Anyway, all that to give feedback. I think your game is amazing, your game guide is by far the best thing I've seen as an encyclopedia in a game, but if you want a lot of websites are very helpful with explaining what all the words mean. That said, I would love a sort of FAQ list you could make somewhere. You don't answer every question about every interaction.

But som...

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It just needs to not contradict. If you want to scale a fire spell ability, you can use any damage stat which affects fire spells.

  • Elemental damage
  • Fire damage
  • Spell damage
  • Damage
  • Elemental spell damage
  • Fire spell damage

Things which don't work are those that are for anything else. Some examples of things that don't work are:

  • Poison damage
  • Melee damage
  • Elemental bow damage
  • Void spell damage
  • Fire melee damage

TL:DR it doesn't work the way you want it to.

09 Mar


Originally posted by PanzerSoul

Imagine something exploding into a cloud of bees

Now imagine that those bees are on fire

Unless those bees are also fireproof, it's kind of a problem that solves itself.


Go to the monolith zone that is closest to their level. That will be the fastest. If you are 10+ leveled ahead of them and you take them into a level 100 zone, they will gain XP as though it was a zone that was their own level.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Perfect_Statement_89

. There are people when they play characters in games like this they like to imagine themselves in that character shoes as a form of escapism. I don’t care if people wanna call that sexism or whatever but I cannot enjoy playing a female character like the necromancer. And absolutely no customization on their appearance. Yes some people are not gonna care, but there will also be a good portion of ppl who do. They should’ve gone the extra step to add that into the game design.

A lot has changed in the last 3 years. Character customization continues to be on the list of things which we intend to add. We are happy with our decision to prioritize gameplay features.

03 Mar


Originally posted by Ken1drick

I must be cursed then, I never got any interesting WW item in 700 hours :'(

Their base stats are pretty good tho so I still use my shitty ones

Yea, it doesn't always work out and it's so hard to predict which affixes are going to be wanted.

02 Mar


Originally posted by GaryOakRobotron

There is some movement on that front but it's going to be a little different than just straight unlocked account wide.

I feel that's probably the correct response. You've got bigger fish to fry in the now than adding alt QoL to Monoliths, and it's something that you can't take away after adding, without receiving a ton of backlash. I noticed Karv is part of your dev team, so he (among others, presumably) know how Harvest crafting played out in PoE, and how angry the community got after GGG clawed back a lot of its power.

WoW is also a good example of what happens when hastily added QoL features that conflict with the core game's design philosophy can erode the game's core principles. One of the original lead designers of that game said, "There's a contract between the game and the player, where the only way to attain power is through time and skill. Anything that allows you to attain power outside of this, such as paid character boosts, br...

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Yea, we all play tons of different games, PoE is a big one around the "office" for sure. It's so hard to balance how fast we add stuff for exactly the reasons you said. We see what can happen in these bigger games and a major misstep could be more problematic for us. But there is no sense in developing in fear so we do take some leaps.


Originally posted by GaryOakRobotron

I appreciate how your team is able and willing to experiment with traditional ARPG trends and mechanics. I'd imagine being a new title and dev team gives you more freedom, since you're not making a D4, where players are either from D3 and expect GRift-like mechanics, or from D2, who expect actual itemization beyond "Damage on Tuesdays," or "green arrow = good."

LP, WW, and Item Factions have, so far, been extremely successful innovations, which I love to see. CoF in particular is amazing, because it's very empowering to SSF players, or people who aren't a fan of trading (me), but still allows for an AH to exist. I've quit a PoE league earlier than I wanted to before, simply due to not wanting to be assed with trading in that game, and am lacking in the skills to play with the SSF handicap. As powerful as CoF is, I'd imagine MG has a higher ceiling--and that's okay. CoF is powerful enough that I don't feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot by eschewing from the game's eco...

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Thanks :)

The monolith fast track is something we debate internally very intensely and frequently. There is some movement on that front but it's going to be a little different than just straight unlocked account wide.


I love that the WW item worked out like this for you. We often get suggestions to allow WW on any unique item. These uniques were very carefully designed so that you would get good items with it more often than not by making sure they have less specific stats and are on base types with a high concentration of relevant stats. They don't always work out but we worked hard to make they be good more often than not.

Anyways, nice item :)


I feel like the answers so far are going to make crit very confusing.

The only stats in the game that have base values are things like health, health regen, mana, mana regen, speed stats and critical strike chance.

Stats can be flat like health or percentage based like resistances.

Affixes come in 3 varieties, added, increased and more.

  • +10 health is an added stat
  • 10% increased health is an increased stat
  • 10% more health is a more stat

If you have 100 base health and the 3 stats above, you would have (100 + 10) * (1+0.1) * (1+0.1)=133.1

The same works for percentage based stats. It's just not always obvious that when you see a stat that says +100% increased critical strike chance will only actually give you 5% additional chance to critical hit over base because 0.05 * (1+1) = 0.1 or 10%.

01 Mar


We have messaged our Steam contact to get it taken down.

29 Feb


Originally posted by AceWissle

You probably have better things to do but can you share some pseudo-code for how you implemented this? Genuinely curious

I don't remember what it looks like exactly but it's probably just the most basic thing possible.

sort list of items based on size. loop through the list and try to put every item as close to the corner as possible.


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

Yes we were in a monilith

Please report the bug using the in game tool.


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i ahve tried gloves belts boots and som weapons

my group is all in CoF but none of us can trtade with each other

and you're 100% sure that you were in the same zone and party when it dropped?


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i have tried resonances too but wont let me put the item in gift window

What item is it?


Originally posted by battlefroogyy

is there a reason why all my drops asy cant be traded and i cant even gift stuff to people im playing with

Have you tried gifting then yet? Gifting is not trading.


Originally posted by GoastRiter

I get the impression that the current algorithm simply sorts items from largest to smallest, totally ignoring the item type, because checking the item type would greatly complicate the code and lead to sorting failures (inability to fit all items) and slow sorting (could be orders of magnitude more sort comparisons).

But adding a step that alphabetically sorts the 1x1 items related to each other would be useful, and could be done as a post processing step after all 1x1 slot placements have been decided.

Bingo, I wrote it as a quick test years ago and we never went back to do it properly for some reason. It bothers me so much that it leaves that single column in the stash if you have some rings at the end.

28 Feb


Originally posted by Fanatique1337

So the API is available now, but as a "closed beta", e.g. with controlled access? And if so, is there any way we could request access, or is there still more time to pass until it is available for wider use?

Yea, closed beta is a good way to put it. I don't think we are accepting requests for access to it right now. I think we are still in 1.0 response mode. I'm not sure when we are going to start rolling it out wider but I would expect that to be a conversation that we have pretty soon. You could shoot support an email to let them know you're interested. I'm sorry I don't really have much in the way of specifics on it right now. We do plan to open it up more at some point though.


Originally posted by Inuro_Enderas

Ah, thank you for correcting me. I went back to check, and you are right. The reviews were indeed in regards to Tencent. I saw the year 2022 and didn't bother to properly check, my bad.

All good. The timing was pretty close.


Originally posted by YOURenigma

is there a reason that apogee of frozen night does not work with upheavel totem when it's made cold?

Probably not recognizing that it's a totem at all. The above might possibly have just incidentally fixed that too.


Originally posted by Inuro_Enderas

Yeah, that's why I said it's "technically" meant for review bombing (as in off topic stuff, both negative and positive). It's supposedly an automated system that flags such spikes in reviews, then humans check if the flag was correct, then they get hidden. That is how Steam insists the system works, but nobody actually knows the specifics behind the scenes.

Last Epoch itself has an example of "off topic" review activity that got flagged and hidden by Steam. It's from back in 2022 when EHG announced that the Bazaar was cancelled and they hadn't yet announced a proper trading alternative. Things were very uncertain and many players took to Steam to leave a negative review, arguing that the Kickstarter promised an arpg with an economy/trade, and that they were no longer getting what they bought into, etc.

It's questionable if that was actually off topic review activity. It's questionable if that was review bombing. I have no opinion on it myself, I was there during th...

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Server issues and removed features are on topic reviews in my mind. The off topic reviews that were removed were actually due to something else.

Edit: I guess it makes sense to say what it was actually for eh? We announced an investment from tencent in the company and reviews which mention this only steam considered to be off topic.