

23 May


Originally posted by Ansicone

u/Jgolenbo being able to lock onto a infantry, vehicle or aircraft (similarly to how death cam locks onto a killer) while OBS'ing would make for even more epic footage opportunities - can you mention this idea to the team?

Yea it’s def a good idea - this, and other functionality to improve obs cam for creators is on the roadmap, but probably not for another couple updates with everything going into the Colossus update, and the big update were working on after that.

12 May


I see nothing wrong here 😅

(no for real, we're taking a look at this today)

09 May


Originally posted by greekmythguy

I've got that I meant YOU xD But yah I know people like to keep their LinkedIn private I'm not going to push it lol

Oh lol I’m not private - just personally a lot more active on other social channels than LinkedIn. Love my job!


Originally posted by Noname_FTW

Are these positions for PS2 or other projects ? I know you can't go into details but I thought you might be able to say this much.

I can’t speak to anything apart from PS2 - so yes to the first part of your question :)

We also have a few new hires Andy mentioned on livestream helping out with PlayStation 4.

08 May


Originally posted by greekmythguy

Also let me follow your LinkedIn senpai



Both studios in San Diego (Darkpaw & RPG) are hiring - we should have some more listings going up soon!


Everyone knows NS robots were built by the romans 😅


Originally posted by fyreNL

Logged in a few hours ago, all my stuff is back. Thanks for the response!

Of course! :)

07 May


Originally posted by ExdigguserPies

My TR character shows up but my NC character is Currently Unavailable. Same server (cobalt).

Should be fixed now, but please tag me if you’re still having problems!


This should be corrected now. Character data was not loading properly at login after last nights connectivity issues - we had to restart all worlds and processes this morning, and it all seems to be back up and working. But please let us know if anything still looks amiss.

sigh long night and morning...

05 May

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6, at 6:00 AM PDT (3:00 PM CEST) to bring you the latest game update. Tomorrow's patch includes numerous bug fixes that were tested on PTS over the weekend, along with an additional change matching Bastion terminals to the colors of their faction. Downtime is expected to last up to 4 hours. Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
  • Fixed an issue where remote client animations can become desynced during a reload.
  • Tactical deployables will no longer consume the item if it fails to place. This would most commonly happen when a character was moving during placement.
  • NSO Seraph Shield no longer spawns a Caltrop while active.
  • Tracked Directives will no longer clear when logging out and logging back in with the same character.
  • Fixed a literally unplayable typo in the Construction Faction Banner description.
  • Fixed various as...
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01 May


This is the best thing I've seen all day month year. Thank you for your service, truly!!!

21 Apr


We've discussed doing something with Twitch Drops a few times - the tl;dr reason we haven't done it yet is that it requires dev/code resources that were initially 100% focused on Escalation, and recently been challenged with keeping our planned update cadence on track while also providing live support with our current work-from-home limitations.

But yes, it's definitely something we want to look into more in the future - perhaps for the next major update, which we hope to share with you guys soon on our next livestream.


Providing an update here - after a deep dive into all the reported connection issues, we confirmed with our CDN (content delivery network) that one of their fiber connections went FUBAR and they’re working on repairs now.

So they haven’t dropped services, but people are probably being re-routed through all kinds of crazy network paths that are contributing to sluggish connection speeds, lag etc. The current ETA they’ve given us for a full restoration of services is 7PM PDT tonight, but I’ll share more updates as I get them.


Originally posted by Dingba

Connery for myself Jgolenbo

Thanks - looking into this today, the more info we can get the better


Any other servers apart from Connery getting this error?


Originally posted by AmbarabaCoco

eep getting this, planetside 2 launchpad was unable to connect 4-503

i don't know if you waited or closed the launcher right after the error but to me it happens sometimes, if i wait 30 secs/1 min and don't close, the launcher starts normally.

try to wait.

What server are you playing on?

19 Apr


Originally posted by napoleonderdiecke

Holy shit, that was a quick reply, on a saturday, no less. Woah.

Either way, I figured this would probably be news to you, as it seems like a really specific issue.

I'll try to hit up the CS team and in the mean time I hope you guys won't have to deal with as much as you had on wednesday for the next update :P

Lol, no worries! I actually took my first vacation day in a million years on Friday, and with nowhere to actually go I was itching to get back at it.

Appreciate you filing the ticket - will see if we can get this looked at next week!


Originally posted by napoleonderdiecke

/u/jgolenbo once again, I'm asking: Are you guys aware of these issues?

And to add to this: Two of our four bastion ops now had to end after 10 minutes because of bugs that broke core functionalities of the bastion, is there any way to get at least partial refunds on them?

This is the first time I’ve personally seen this specific set of circumstances, but I have to check if it’s a bug our QA team is already tracking. It may be new or from something introduced during last Wednesday’s patch (which was a toooough day, obviously).

As far as “refunds” for a Bastion-related bug, there’s no formal process but I’d rec submitting a ticket with all the info above to our CS team at help.daybreakgames.com. Sometimes with specific instances, u/sites or u/Wrel can step in directly, but the dev team is always CRAZY busy (often doing necessary work to fix the specific bug). Our CS team are the Allstars who can right most spec...

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16 Apr


Originally posted by foxual

May 27th? Did you mean April?

Yes he did, good catch :)

We’ll edit the date, but the plan is to confirm the exact date next week on the usual social channels, and livestream remotely the following week (4/27ish).

Carto will definitely be wearing pants tho