

26 Mar

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all, We've started providing additional resources to dig into the sporadic (but consistent) reports related to Voice Chat and in-game comms - there are many new reports within the last week or so, but given how many date back years, there's almost certainly a deeper issue we've yet to fully identify. What we're asking for is any and all information you can provide ON THIS THREAD if you've experienced comms issues recently. The more detailed and specific, the easier it'll be for us to identify the cause. Details such as: -Comms channels affected (squad, platoon, prox, outfit, all of the above, etc) -Time/date it occurred (as specific as you can be) -Account/Character/Outfit name -Server Region -Specs -Specific circumstances (in heavy battle, in Sanctuary, what was going on around you, as much detail as you can provide) There are a number of other reports on this subforum, on reddit, on social media, etc, that we've been collecting and examining, but this has been an extraord... Read more

Originally posted by Ansicone

Hey Justin, how do I sign up? I would love to have an observer cam on another server...

Hey! We’re working on a simple process for creators to apply for obs cam privileges...hoping to have that finalized today or by tomorrow, at the latest. Keep on eye on official channels.


Originally posted by Yawhatnever

Here are a few more observations around the comms issues:

  • I've logged in and pressed the squad chat button and had it go to outfit chat. Disabled/enabled voice and the next time it went to platoon chat (instead of squad). Disabled/enabled again and it finally went to squad.
  • Even when I get my voice comms going to the correct channel, others only hear me if they've also fixed their own comms in the same way.
  • Even when I get squad/platoon comms working, proximity chat might still be unavailable.
  • If I leave a squad, sometimes I'll still hear the squad chat. If I cease being a squad leader, I'll sometimes still hear the command channel. Togging voice off/on seems to fix that again.
  • Sometimes I'll talk in squad chat and people in a different squad in the platoon will hear me (bravo hears me when I'm talking in charlie). I don't know if these people hearing me in bravo were previously in charlie squad.
  • The comms seem to ...
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Thanks for the detail. I’ll start another thread tomorrow - the more people we can get to share, the easier it will be to identify the culprit.

25 Mar


Originally posted by TheCandyMan88

You just killed all the community support with this one reply! Jk



Originally posted by Charoplet


BUG - You can spawn unlimited Spitfire turets

Thanks, this was reported above as well and we're tracking a priority fix for this!


Originally posted by Constipated_AMA

I'm pretty sure a lot of people are still experiencing issues related to voice comms on emerald at least. They are still disabled upon logging in and I need to uncheck and check enable voice to get it back up. Is that a server-related issue?

We've had difficulty re-producing the exact conditions at the root of the issue, but it's definitely a problem. Just committed more team resources today to continue investigating a potential fix.


Originally posted by RunningOnCaffeine

Spitfires can be placed endlessly, this is going to be very problematic if not hotfixed.

Oy, yea. Thanks for the quick report! We're tracking this and working on a priority fix.


Originally posted by Taltharius

That is fine, but I do hope what I've written here helps inspire what the eventual solution looks like.

for sure, and you're obviously not alone. I doubt it will be one big "solution" that perfectly adjusts the scoring balance - we'll have changes along the lines of what you're envisioning for next season, and we'll continue working to balance qualification as new ideas/concerns come forward. So please do keep leaving feedback and sharing your ideas!


Originally posted by Taltharius


Still hoping for more feedback. Sorry to pester the devs with user mentions, but I really think this idea would help with making defending just as worthwhile as attacking.

You're not pestering! They're all good ideas. The tl;dr version is that our current qualification system is still very much in a beta phase (which is why we're thinking of this as our first "preseason"). We've definitely seen and heard all the community feedback regarding OW scoring, and are planning a substantial rework for future seasons.

I can't offer an in-depth update until we finalize those plans, but you can definitely expect this feedback to inform the changes we make to scoring/qualification after this current season.


Originally posted by Taltharius

Yes, pretty please.


/u/jgolenbo I would highly recommend that this be a QoL improvement for a future 'small' update; this sort of thing is what helps retain players between the 'big' updates.

Aye, agree with this. Definitely one of the ideas on our agenda once we can transition from hotfixes/improvements related to Escalation.


Originally posted by Ansicone

u/Jgolenbo I think you mentioned at some point that we can expect something in this space Soon™️?

Probably not in the near future, given some of the challenges immediately on our plate - both in PS2 and just generally, keeping ongoing live ops and future development on schedule as we adjust to WFH reqs. But Twitch Drops are absolutely an area we have ideas for going into our next major update.

That said, player retention is always a top priority, and we have substantial plans for that well beyond what we plan for Twitch - starting with improving performance and in-game stability, and moving rapidly to new content that...while we’re not ready to unveil it yet...we think the community will be majorly receptive to.

Keep the ideas coming, tho!

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, at 6:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM GMT for the new game update and Emerald (US East Coast) server hardware upgrades. Downtime is expected to last up to 6 hours for Emerald, and 4 hours for all other server regions. Full patch notes can be found on the forums here.
    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
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20 Mar


Originally posted by Whiteagle808


Damn you procrastination, DAMN YOU!!!

lol, you and all of us my friend :)


Originally posted by X9SalvaTore9X

THANK YOU GUYSSSS, finally i can play in italian 🤣u/a_sites, 💜



Originally posted by Whiteagle808

Well according to Wrel in the other thread, not YET, but they are open to the idea of giving Construction the Heavy Vehicles...

yup, this. Straight from the source :)


Originally posted by Ansicone

I understand this will apply only to Desolation, as there are otherwise no vehicle terminals - but maybe this will affect normal continents?

Only on Desolation, yes. Those would be separate balance changes we'd look at in a future patch. Next week's patch will primarily focus on Outfit Wars / Desolation / Sanctuary / Bastion fixes / additional high-priority fixes occurring on Live.


Originally posted by tecknojock

Wait, so we can now pull MBTs at construction terminals? Neat. Does this apply even if you dont have a tech plant?

I *believe* that applies to the Desolation terminals at each faction/outfit warpgate, but will have to confirm on Test.


Hi all,

Just a heads-up that PTS is currently down as we work to bring a new update to the Test Server for this weekend. PTS should unlock by 3:00 PM PDT today (Friday, March 20) - that's probably conservative, but this patch does include new map exports which are pretty large files.

Today's patch includes extensive changes for Outfit Wars and Desolation, the new Asteroid continent utilized in OW competitions, which remains work-in-progress leading into our first preseason competition. There are also plenty of new fixes for the Bastion and other issues. The goal is to test these changes on PTS this weekend, before bringing them to live servers next week.

Reminder on how to access the Public Test Server can be found ...

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    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
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