

14 Jun

Cool base!

If you chose a peaceful tile, you may not see any combat!

12 Jun

Originally posted by nonamesareavailable2

Thank you. First for getting back to me and second for being an awesome dev. If there's any way I can support the development of this game other than just the purchase I made, please let me know. I'd be willing to pay for additional copies that you gave away steam keys for or something along those lines. I'm a sucker for an active, one-man dev team.

Anyway, if I run into anything else that's weird, I'll try to pay much closer attention and make a more formal report. This time I just thought I was being dumb as I am prone to doing which is a part of this situation.

I appreciate that! Thank you for the support :)

The game's combat is a bit buggy atm. I'm working on a new update which addresses bugs like this, and adds a lot more combat related content. Settlers *should* attack an entity if they are marked as hostile. However, you can tell them to attack entities by selecting them and then right-clicking the target.

As for doors, in the utility menu, there is an option which lets you lock doors. In the future, I'll be adding an option to set door permissions for specific entities. i.e., locking a door for only an animal so the shepherd can go in and out.

I'm not too sure why they targeted the child first. They should be targeting the closest entity. BUT there are some events where bad guys try to kidnap people. Maybe that was one. I'll see if I can track that bug down.

Originally posted by Crixomix

Agreed. But also I'm sure you know that sometimes you will know best and the players won't! Developers that know when to listen and when to follow their roadmap/gut/plans have the best of both worlds.

In any case, I'm not sure how many people are getting into your game but I've found that having a Discord channel can be a good thing so players can easily write stuff. Like autonauts has one and they have an "autosugs" channel where people can post suggestions, which go into a trello board, etc. You may have already done this but I thought I'd mention it as a potential idea.


Thanks for the lovely words. :)

I'm having a blast working on the game, so no plans on abandoning it. ;) And, it's always nice to hear feedback and grow the game based on that. So often players will notice things that I miss and they're an invaluable resource for making a good game.

There's still a looooooooooong road ahead but I'm optimistic!

Thanks again and have a nice day!

11 Jun

Originally posted by Arkhamorderly3659

Honestly knowing this is a direct development concern makes me feel better. Love the game, great work

Thank you!

I'm currently fixing lots of issues like this. These fixes will be in the next big update.

09 Jun

Originally posted by RushVoidStaff

Did you mean each hour of in game time is 60 seconds of play time?

Yep! Cheers ^ . ^

08 Jun

Originally posted by rockhydra94

I guess I can't quantify it in numbers, but I can describe how I feel.

I think that even an old character should be allowed to live long enough to see a few battles and achieve some milestones and have their story play out.

For me the game is really fun when I identify with a character and we can grow together.

I chose an older settler to be the main character in my story. He didn't live to see the first battle and I felt like his story was cut short. I was hoping that he would live long enough to achieve many victories in battle and see the construction of a great settlement.

I hope that makes sense. Thank you for a wonderful game.

Perfect sense! Thanks for elaborating. :)

Originally posted by TrueLoliMaestro

Wow response is fast, this is nice.

Well to be honest I don't have a solid grasp on how long they should live but personally I think that 132-140 days(2.5-3 full seasons). I think that this is a nice balance considering that some humans you start off with are as old as 50-60 yrs old.

But the thing that really bummed me the most is the "age number". I was not expecting my solo human at his starting at his prime suddenly turned middle aged after an hour or so since I was shocked to know that one day is equal to a year.

Also I'm currently doing an Ancient playthrough( ferocious-ferocious) and reached autumn but there is still no merchant that came to visit, Is this normal for Ancients?.

Lastly, this game is pretty fun :)

Well, a year in the game is 60 days (with 4 seasons). So, the avg 100 day lifespan would be about two game years if you had the settler from birth.

Here's a breakdown of play-time:

Each hour of in-game time is 60 seconds of play-time. So, on the slowest speed, a day of in-game time is 24 minutes of play-time. That is 1440 minutes (24 min x 60 days) or 24 hrs of play-time for one year to pass. If you're playing on the fastest speed (time is sped up by a factor of 8), that's 180 minutes or 3 hrs of play-time for one year to pass. Let's use the mean and say it takes about 810 minutes or 13.5 hrs of play-time because most people flip back and forth.

This means that a settler will be around for ~2 years which ends up being ~27 hrs of play-time.

Originally posted by rockhydra94

I think they should live for 20-30 hours of playtime

Ok. Why do you think that?

edit: Currently, from birth to death, a human settler lives for, on average, ~27 hrs of play-time. This is factoring in speeding up the game too.

Thanks for the feedback!

Do you have an ideal amount of days you think they should live for? My reasoning for keeping their lives shorter is to give settlers more value. If they live for a long time, then they are just pawns. I'm trying to move the game away from that feel (adding more personality traits in the future as an example).

As for making swords, you can make iron swords but none of the other material types have swords just yet. My next update introduces a TON of new crafting options for all materials but you'll have to wait while I finish it.


I appreciate your suggestion list!

A lot of these things are planned, especially the character personality traits. Weather currently exists in the game with each biome and season having variances on them.

Thanks for taking the time to write this. :)

02 Jun

Originally posted by Mr_Gibus

Hey, it's early access. You don't buy an early access game and *not* expect some jank.

haha I appreciate your patience :)

01 Jun

Well, combat has always been terrible. I'm working on improving it for the next update. Hoping to improve it a lot. Sorry for issue!

27 May

Hello. Happy to hear you're enjoying the game and thanks for writing this up. I'll do my best to go through this and answer some things.

-Re getting stuck in water: not really a way to get out of this. Maybe in the future I'll try and think of something to help them out, but, for now, you'll have to be more careful. ;)

-Re stuck in tree: yaaa, I'm still ironing out weird 'stuck' issues. It's tough to cover every edge case. I'll keep my eyes open for this one to fix it.

-Re temp: you can use that ice to build ice boxes which will keep your food from expiring longer. Technically, the temperature does get colder as you go down deeper, before getting warming close to the core.

-Re library: that was a mistake on my end. I had accidentally pushed data which enabled that room before it's implemented. It's a room I'm currently working on. *waves hands* Nothing to see here folks.

-Re taming: That's based on the tame skill. The Shepherd will be better ...

Read more

25 May

Not yet. I'll be adding a herbalist/alchemist profession soon which will act as a healer for the settlement.

I haven't done too much work on the happiness/personality traits/needs of settlers but in the future stuff like lighting and room furnishing will be more important.

Ladders and stairs make vertical speed much faster.

You can't move props yet. I have to add that feature still but it's on my list. :)

20 May

Can confirm. Casiy always makes fantastic videos explaining the game. :)

That's a very interesting bug! Thanks for letting me know about it. I'll try to put a fix in this Friday.

As for skills presets, this is something I want to add soon. The Void Woken mining toggle each summon is definitely annoying.