
Valorant Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Speaking of coordinated play, will we ever get the ability to see who is a premade in our ranked games? I feel like it's very important information to have. I like to know if i am against 5 solos, or a 3 stack and 2 solos, etc. It changes up how i play drastically knowing if they will have guaranteed teamwork or not. Just something as simple as Overwatch's connecting premade people with a white line in the scoreboard.

I wish I had more context here, unfortunately I only work on gameplay - competitive and queue ecosystem stuff is a different team, so I’m not sure if we have any plans like that.


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

She may still be strong in coordinated play but she currently just feels terrible to play with the 20 second CDs. Picking up your utility and rotating from B because all 5 went to A only to still have 9 seconds of CD left when you enter A is the worst feeling ever. Same with just repositioning because your teammate decides to move and post up where your alarm bot and turret already are last second...

I’m not talking about coordinated play! She’s strong in matchmaking. Strongest at low MMR, but she’s top 3 winrate across the spectrum. Experientially I understand the pain for sure, I play a lot of Killjoy. Just power-wise, she’s one of the best agents in the game still.


Originally posted by criiisp2020

Well, maybe you can explain me why every match doesn't end up close. Then why is there in every game 1 player performing utterly bad. Why do I get matched with 2nd or 3rd accounts who doesn't take ranked seriously.

I don't have a problem being Gold or Platinum but I do have a problem facing same skilled players who were Diamond/Immortal before. Tell me how one is supposed to climb while facing same level opponents with a 50% winrate or even lower.

The system in season 1 was good but you destroyed it to season 2 and it isn't better now.

I know a lot of people who find this system awful (Diamond and Immortal players). Your system tries to push every player down. What is your goal? 50% of the player base to be in Bronze? This feels just terrible.

If you say we were getting matched against same level of MMR but my visual rank differs up to 3-4 ranks, why do we even have a visual rank then?

To your last paragraph: ah, yes. My skill is dropping out...

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I'm really busy today, but I want to get back to this with a good answer.

Could you link your, I want to talk about your matches specifically because "My matches don't end up close" does not paint a proper picture of your match history. I can't talk about facts when I don't know your matches.


Originally posted by AJCannibal

That was before the patch..........

Killjoy's still looking really strong after this patch. Top 3 winrate club! The CD nerfs hit her, but everyone else has to spend more money on utility than they used to, and she saw no eco changes. If anything, she's gotten a bit stronger post-3.0.


Originally posted by criiisp2020

You had luck then. I was Diamond last season, got placed to Gold 3 but still facing Diamond opponents after 20 games (13 losses) and can't manage to climb into Platinum. Even if I do well and carry my shit mates I only receive +18. If the system think I belong to Gold then don't give me f**king ex Immo and Diamond opponents...

This system is so broken right now.

@evrmoar I hope you read this. YOUR system sucks.


Jk, if you can't take criticism game design is probably not the place to be. Honestly, it sucks you may be having a bad experience but if a ranked system doesn't have any complaints your system probably isn't working right.

At the end of the day, the system isn't here to give you easy matches, it's suppose to test you against around your skill (at, below, and above). I would be surprised if you are truly going against Diamond opponents, instead of people who were diamond and have fallen to lower ranks. Just because someone diamond before does not mean they deserve diamond now, nor is it a reflection of that player's current skill.

We made changes that made the match maker more accurate, for lots of people that means if you were truly hard stuck or felt like you had unfair matches the system should feel better. Unfortunately, for people who may have been higher rank than they should have been those people are more likely to get pushed down. Since we made...

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28 Jun


Originally posted by Aerials91

You even turned on caps lock, that shutdown was savage haha! On a more serious note, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know you guys have created something very special. I haven't had this much fun since playing Unreal Tournament on a 56k modem as a kid.

Yo dude thank you for saying so, warms my cold dead heart. This team honestly has some special sauce and I feel unbelievably lucky to get to work with them every day. I'll pass on your kind words.


Originally posted by Aerials91

Is there any chance you could gift me a fistbump buddy as redemption? :)



Originally posted by Krishnacz

It was confirmed months ago tho lol we never know when it will come, gifting feature was addressed in ask valorant like a year ago but we still have no info about it after that, total silence.

Yeah my bad on gifting, I definitely learned my lesson there on publicly committing to dates for product deliveries.

Anywho, pick your own level coming by End of 2021!


Originally posted by your_local_yeti

Any news on the radianite points??

Fixing players that have already been impacted is a little harder than fixing the bug. There's no concrete timeline on this yet :(. Expect your RadP in the next patch or two. I can update here when I know more.

27 Jun

26 Jun

Lore is only as good as its keepers, and if you’ve ever wondered just what’s going on in the VALORANT universe, Annie—who goes by “Cynprel”—has some stories for you.

At first, VALORANT was simply Cynprel's latest game.They were a heavy Apex Legends player but only ever lurked at the edges of that game’s lore community. VALORANT was the first game where Cynprel leapt from observer to content creator.

“I love being able to pick things apart. During the closed beta, I put together a reddit thread and was one of the few people ...

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25 Jun


Originally posted by pFe1FF

How does this RR loss from afking impact my mmr?

I remember from old days in league where someone dodged promotion games and dodged many games so his rank was silver but his mmr was diamond, because the rp loss from dodges had no effect to his mmr.

Is this the same or does every loss gain in rr effect the mmr?

Doesn't effect MMR, only RR.


We updated AFK penalties this patch:


Increased maximum AFK penalty to -12 RR

Minimum AFK penalty at -8RR

AFK Rank Rating penalty can still go above the -30 RR Loss barrier, allowing you to lose over -30 RR if you AFK and lose a match

AFK penalties start at 3 rounds and escalate for each round you are AFK, for up to 6 rounds

If you are AFK for 6 or more rounds, and your team wins, you gain no RR for the win and are penalized the maximum -12 RR

We agree, it feels bad to carry an AFK player and have them...

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