
Valorant Dev Tracker

06 Jul


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Have Riot ever commented on why they choose to make Silver the average rank?

No, it is something I have brought up over the years in both the Valorant and League of Legends communities, but not garnered a dev response. There's not really an argument either way which is healthier, but it definitely would help to have commentary from someone like /u/EvrMoar who knows the ranked ladder better than anyone - perhaps he has an opinion as to whether Riot is happy with the current distribution curve compared to other games.

To start, we don't balance our ranked distribution based on what League is doing or their system. While I do talk with their designers, the Valorant team believes in the decisions from my team to do what we believe is the correct distribution for Valorant.

There are two outcomes I'd like to hit when setting our ranked distribution:

1.The community can start to paint a picture of skill related to that rank; "That was a Gold play", "That player has the crosshair placement of a Bronze player", etc.

2.Climbing ranks feels like you've increased in skill to get there, and by getting better at the game that rank increase feels meaningful. This prestige can also be seen in the population % of each rank, especially at the high ranks.

So with the above goals in mind you have to decide on 1 of 2 ways to balance your distribution:

1.You balance based on MMR, so every rank is even. For example; Iron = 500, Bronze = 600, Silver = 700, Gold = 800, etc. Beca...

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04 Jul


I don't understand, this is just a picture of Jett's game art ;)


Originally posted by Gwyndolin3

Thank you for the explanation , It was indeed very informative and appreciated!

Just one question though , do you believe a system so advanced that it would not take wins/loses into account and would only consider ability usages and fragging capabilities as the only measurements for MMR adjustments could be made ? I know something like that seems like a daydream fantasy or straight up insanity , but do you think it's possible ?

Any system is just trying to measure your skill against someone else, because the first step of creating a match is being able to find two similar skilled opponents/teams. There are lots of systems that actually don't look at Win/Loss and only care about performance like KDA(just depends on the game).

A Matchmaker's goal is to find a way to measure player skill and ensure fair matchmaking. You do this by figuring out how to measure players(This is MMR in most systems), then have the match maker guess the outcome of a match(the higher MMR team should win). It doesn't matter if MMR is based on performance, or win/loss, or even total money earned, etc. You want to find the thing that will predict player skill, or the match outcome, the best.

If you were to just measure win/loss, and create a win/loss MMR, then you go back and check at how often a team with a higher Win/Loss MMR actually wins, this is how to measure if your MMR system is working. If you make a system wh...

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Originally posted by firestorm64

I'm pretty skeptical of Riots claim there. If they are accurately taking utility into account why wouldn't it be in your combat score?

I would love to see some data on it but currently it seems like Riot is heavily incentivizing selfish KDA play to rank up.

If you have good data scientists, and know the goals of what your system is supposed to do, it isn't too complicated. We have people who have dedicated their careers to match making and rating systems, or people who are just amazing mathematicians. Games have been working on match making for a while now, and you have systems like True Skill 2 which can detect way more than players even realize. Highly suggest watching a GDC talk by Josh Menke to learn more about this space if it interests you.

You can see a comment I made on this deeper in the thread: ...

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Originally posted by Gwyndolin3

a system so well designed that it could determine whether every flash , molly , smoke , wall , heal , reveal , nearsight or stun were viable or had no impact on the round is nearly impossible to make tbh.

small edit : even missed abilities can be regarded as impactful on some scenarios , no system is advanced enough to detect this.

TECHNICALLY if you wanted to try to calculate missed or faked ability usage:

You could bounce a couple traces around corners, or check to see if an ability was in the eyesight of an enemy player(so they looked at the ability means it effected their judgement), then look to see if they moved from that spot, were dealt damage, etc. There are some other ways as well, but our system does not take into account fake abilities because there would probably be a large false positive % to them.

All hypothetical, but it probably isn't worth the work in the long run to determine fake or missed abilities.

As for a system that can determine ability usage, that's pretty easy and our system does do this. You could look at any ability, how many people it hits, what it is doing, etc. and figure out its impact. I'm not going to talk about how we do this, or how the systems evaluate abilities, but every ability could technically have a measurable % it helps win a round or get a...

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03 Jul

02 Jul

01 Jul


Originally posted by takoiddit

Thank you for your response and acknowledgement of this issue. I have tried posting videos with examples like this in the past but they are almost always removed. I am glad this one made it through for whatever reason.

I have spent a considerable amount of my time looking into and trying to resolve the inconsistent hit registration I experience in Valorant. Roughly half of my games feel like I'm "desynced" from the server as if my actions have a 0.1-0.5s buffer. Sometimes it is only felt against certain players and sometimes it happens against everyone. I have not been able to find any sort of correlation between server, ping, FPS, packet loss, or any other measurable metric in-game.

A few weeks ago I began monitoring my game's connection using Resource Monitor. I learned that Valorant is using AWS Global Accelerator to reduce the latency for players by using Amazon's network infrastructure to route connections rather than whatever routing ISPs typically use. I noti...

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Interesting. I'll forward the comment over to the team that handles that, and it's good to know in the context of game consistency. Thanks!


Hey, thanks for the post. The team that handles hit reg reviewed the footage.

This article has some great background on the topic.

What's happening in the video is definitely not what you should expect to see under normal conditions.

It raised some eyebrows that ping and packet loss look fine here (love to see those readouts turned on), since that causes the vast majority of issues like this.

In this case, the behavior exhibited still does indicate that there's SOME kind of issue in the network connection, but it's not clear what that issue is. I could speculate on a few things, but they'd just be guesses, so I don't want to be misleading.

That's not a sa...

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In May, we announced that Credit Karma had joined us as the Official Fintech Partner of the 2021 North American VALORANT Challenger Series. The free-to-use consumer finance platform — which currently boasts over 100 m...

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30 Jun


Originally posted by seriouslymai

How did i place silver 2 as a gold 2 last act while going 5-0 in placements?? Plus 2 match MVPs

All ranks got squished, even previous radiants started Diamond 1. Soft resets push all ranks down, it helps prevent inflation or players who get boosted and sit higher than they belong.

We also made adjustments to how your MMR is calculated which caused movement in ranks and where people belonged. This is because we pulled out a system that weighted MMR based on number of games played.

Episodes are about 6 months, you'll have plenty of time to improve and get back to gold if you choose to.

29 Jun


Originally posted by criiisp2020

I linked both profiles. I surrendered 2 matches and lost 0:13 (first because VC was bugged for my entire team, second because we had a rage quit). I lost another game 1:13 and won one 13:1 (if I remember correctly).

In almost every game there is a player in a team who is doing terribly bad. In most of my games the enemies have at least 1 Diamond player while I am Gold 3 (now P1).

After 20 games the game still thinks I am higher but I cannot climb because I have 1 win to 2 losses (smurfs, afks, thrower and so on).

PS: I was G3 in the end of act 2 last season due to a massive loss streak but I was P3 at the start. I managed to climb back to P3 99RR in act 3 last season. I can also provide screenshots with my act ranks.

PPS: It doesn't really matter but if you see my stats (HS %, K/D/A and so on) you can't argue that I belong to G3. Sometimes I do bad, like every human but overall I try to play as good as possible, use my abilites properly and comm with...

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Well, maybe you can explain me why every match doesn't end up close. Then why is there in every game 1 player performing utterly bad. Why do I get matched with 2nd or 3rd accounts who doesn't take ranked seriously.

Lets look at your matches this act on this account:

You've played 25 matches 19 out of 25 matches ended in 13-6 or higher. That means only 6 of your matches, out of 25, would have been considered "One Sided"(by how we measure games internally).

Even if you increase that to 13-8, 12 of your matches ended at or above...

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This is awesome! I'm an engineer that worked on loadout equipping and validation. It's really cool seeing players leverage the client API to build their own features. Past suggestions I've seen have mostly revolved around having preset loadouts (for example a loadout for each agent), which is relatively more expensive to build. Seeing interest in straight up randomized loadouts (which is much cheaper to build) is exciting. I'm personally excited for any opportunity to play with more than one skin forever.

Ban / No Ban Update: Using the client API to modify loadouts does not seem ban worthy. The client API isn't officially supported for third party use, so don't expect future compatibility.