
Valorant Dev Tracker

28 Jun


Originally posted by Krishnacz

It was confirmed months ago tho lol we never know when it will come, gifting feature was addressed in ask valorant like a year ago but we still have no info about it after that, total silence.

Yeah my bad on gifting, I definitely learned my lesson there on publicly committing to dates for product deliveries.

Anywho, pick your own level coming by End of 2021!


Originally posted by your_local_yeti

Any news on the radianite points??

Fixing players that have already been impacted is a little harder than fixing the bug. There's no concrete timeline on this yet :(. Expect your RadP in the next patch or two. I can update here when I know more.

27 Jun

26 Jun

Lore is only as good as its keepers, and if you’ve ever wondered just what’s going on in the VALORANT universe, Annie—who goes by “Cynprel”—has some stories for you.

At first, VALORANT was simply Cynprel's latest game.They were a heavy Apex Legends player but only ever lurked at the edges of that game’s lore community. VALORANT was the first game where Cynprel leapt from observer to content creator.

“I love being able to pick things apart. During the closed beta, I put together a reddit thread and was one of the few people ...

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25 Jun


Originally posted by pFe1FF

How does this RR loss from afking impact my mmr?

I remember from old days in league where someone dodged promotion games and dodged many games so his rank was silver but his mmr was diamond, because the rp loss from dodges had no effect to his mmr.

Is this the same or does every loss gain in rr effect the mmr?

Doesn't effect MMR, only RR.


We updated AFK penalties this patch:


Increased maximum AFK penalty to -12 RR

Minimum AFK penalty at -8RR

AFK Rank Rating penalty can still go above the -30 RR Loss barrier, allowing you to lose over -30 RR if you AFK and lose a match

AFK penalties start at 3 rounds and escalate for each round you are AFK, for up to 6 rounds

If you are AFK for 6 or more rounds, and your team wins, you gain no RR for the win and are penalized the maximum -12 RR

We agree, it feels bad to carry an AFK player and have them...

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24 Jun


Originally posted by aaronsteing

there also needs to be more loss forgiveness when someone on your team disconnects. you’re up by 6 rounds then boom, someone disconnects & all of a sudden you’re down 21RR. If someone on your team disconnects & you lose, the amount of RR that you lose needs to be reduced by at least a half of what it originally would be, if not more.

This is asked for a lot but it's something we can't do because it causes RR manipulation and toxicity.

People would make alt accounts to AFK for a friend to help them not lose as much. Alternatively people would dog pile on players to get them to AFK, especially if they were low on the leaderboard. So lots of players would turn toxic to try and force a player to leave the match, so they wouldn't lose as much RR.

Leaving the match, or dc'ing needs to not be incentivized so you need to target the action directly. Our penalties do escalate and AFK'ing once may be a low penalty, but there are plenty of people with multi-week bans from playing competitive for AFK'ing(Trust me I get lots of twitter DM's asking to get penalties lifted). Also the system will remember if you are a habitual AFK'er even if you just served your punishment. It requires you to not AFK in order to play ranked, otherwise the penalty just becomes insane.

We also no longer award you Ranked Ra...

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My biggest advice is to play the game and get comfortable first.

There are some great videos on basic mechanics, and some of the things you should probably be doing. Watching an intro guide on youtube, or beginners guide, should probably give you all the info you need.

Don't overwhelm yourself, or worry about the details. Go get comfortable with how the game feels, and just play it and have fun. I've worked on a lot of shooters and the one thing we always see, in terms of measuring skill, is that players improve and get better at the game by playing the game more. So more time played = getting better at the game.

Yes there will be a time where you can min/max and try to learn all the fancy details about the game. But I wouldn't sweat it early on. Maybe watch a skill capped video once and a while after you are done playing each day.

Good luck :)


Originally posted by RXY454

Nah ktac looks like singularity which as aimbot

Singularity gives aimbot too? How did we let this slip through?