Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

19 Oct

    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

also from scimming through the logs it sounds like this is the issue. Like too high report rate, perhaps the windows queue quits very busy. However I will forward this to our QA so they can try reproduce the behaviour inhouse.

This also includes any kind of program that hooks into our app, like overlays.

    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

my guess is that it’s HW related or perhaps external software interfering with the game, in some kind of setup that we have not tested locally, which means we have not seen this issue internally.

    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

sadly the crash dump is related to one of the logs above (which is incomplete) but looks like it’s a script crash and not related to the application freezes.

18 Oct


Tencent have zero stake in any censorship in our game, literally zero.

Tencent have zero stake in the Anti-Cheat we choose (and chose) to deploy in our game, literally zero.

Then you are totally welcome to make those choices, we’re not forcing anyone to play or buy the game here.

EAC only did start up checks – it didn’t run beyond start up in the Beta.

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Hi @MangoSeasons,

A developer looking into this has asked what GPU are you using?

    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

to clarify if i set cap to 120 i got same print, if i set to 30 the id will be 1 instead

    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

looks like it tries set cap to 120, 3 is the internal id for it.

Couldn’t repro locally so if there was an issue it has likely been fixed since then. Note that the beta was running older content than I’m testing


Is anybody able to include any crash dumps from when this occurred?:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\crash_dumps
    Axloss on Forums - Thread - Direct

is the frame cap set to 3?

Please add any crashify link related to crashes, since we can’t otherwise investigate it, since it’s very likely we can’t repro it on our end.


Hi @InsaneScientist,

Please could you upload the relevant console log from the session this happened?

To do so:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs



Hmmm, then you would clear your ‘Download Cache’, and the installer would disappear until next time?


Hello! Do you happen to recall which Traits this weapon had?


We’re looking in to this now, I will update accordingly.


This is really odd! Is it only Vermintide 2 and Darktide that do this?


Hello! Do you happen to have a darktide_launcher.log in the directory accessed below, that you could upload to us please? :slight_smile:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide

@Gwildor I understand you were able to resolve this! But @Kraw, do you happen to have a darktide_launcher.log in the directory accessed below, that you could upload to us please? :slight_smile:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide

Hello! Do you happen to have a darktide_launcher.log in the directory accessed below, that you could upload to us please? :slight_smile:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide

Hello! Do you happen to have a darktide_launcher.log in the directory accessed below, that you could upload to us please? :slight_smile:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide