Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Hi @PinkPrincess,

I have responded to your support ticket :slight_smile:



We just pushed another hotfix live for the Tower of Treachery update.

  • Fixed a door that had no collision in Tower of Treachery.
  • Additional fixes to the Waystalker activated ability to furthrer limit it being affected by Bloodshot.
  • Fixed bug where Handmaiden passive ‘Ariel’s Benison’ didn’t grant the revival healing bonus.
  • Fixed some cases where Olesya’s intro VO was not working sometimes.
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining after players progress past the end area.
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining after players pulled the secret lever in the dining room.
  • Fixed a crash when hovering ‘return to keep’ button on score screen, using gamepad, while accepting an invite request.
  • Fixed frame perfect ...
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29 Mar


Noted, I’ve updated the report in our database. We’ll check it out, thanks!


Hi @Rusty_Heart,

The crash was introduced with the 4.9.1 Hotfix. This is being rolled back - so the store should work correctly again shortly!

As for the cosmetic, I can see you acquired the Bryngormkap hat, but I can’t see Zulunbakiaz Nairikkit unlocked for your account. If you believe this is incorrect, can you please provide a screenshot of the Zulunbakiaz Nairikkit showing as purchased from Lohner’s store?



This will be resolved in an upcoming patch. Thank you for your report and apologies for the inconvenience.



We just pushed a hotfix live for the Tower of Treachery update that went live yesterday.

  • Fixed Huntsman activated ability sound playing twice when exiting stealth on receiving a ranged hit.
  • Fixed an issue where Olesya was still standing around for clients when hotjoining after cutscene has played for Host.
  • Fixed an issue where Sofia was sitting throughout her introduction cutscene and after it has ended for clients.
  • Fixed a crash caused by proccing Sister of the Thorn’s ‘Atharti’s Delight’ talent as client.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen should players enter the correct input to unlock the stash rooms in the end event.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when picking up the 10th skull in Tower of Treach...
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Hi @hettroz,

Could you please provide a crash report or console log so we can take a look?

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28 Mar

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there.

I apologize this wasn’t communicated in the patch notes.

This was changed so all instances of stealth would be consistent and are communicated via the UI. I’ve brought this to the team, however.


Thanks for the report! This will be fixed in our upcoming hotfix.


We have a fix coming for this in our upcoming hotfix. Thanks for the report!


This one should be fixed in our upcoming hotfix. Thanks for the report!



The second part of A Treacherous Adventure - Tower of Treachery - is out now on Steam, and FREE for all owners of Vermintide 2!

This FREE update sees the Ubersreik Five re-tread familiar ground with reignited purpose. Sofia Fuegonasus has taken over Olesya’s old hideout, and is attempting to spread her corruption throughout the Grey Mountains, Bretonnia and the Reikl...

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27 Mar


Okay, thanks! Another thought, but do you have similar issues if you are the one hosting?

Unfortunately, if you’ve exhausted all of our connectivity solutions linked above, then I’m at a bit of a loss. There may be increased instability in general due to the mobile data connection - but it’s difficult to be certain with many factors involved.

I can understand that it’s not ideal, but in this situation I’d be happy to contact Steam and assist with a refund. Please let me know if this is something you’d wish to do.


It’s possible you’ve been unlucky with hosts that have had connectivity issues and disconnected themselves. I’d say this is likely if you are only occasionally disconnecting from host, and not something like every other game.

You mention using 4G - is this a WiFi or mobile data connection? Is it possible to switch to a wired connection if so? As this is recommended for the most stable experience.

I appreciate you’ve tried solutions from the FAQ article already - but to confirm, have you ensured your Download Region is set to a nearby location?

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24 Mar



Today, we speak with Mikael, one of our level designers in the shark tank, as we look back at some of the most iconic maps in Warhammer: Vermintide 2, and the thought process behind their development in celebration of our fifth anniversary.

Hi, my name is Mikael, and I’m an experienced Level Designer who’s been at Fatshark since 2016. I started working on four of the levels for the main game and have been involved with all of the adventure levels since then, particularly focusing on level art. And of course, level design can be a process until we get to something we’re happy with. Here are a few of my favorite stories from the past five years of development.


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Nice one, we’ll check this out. Thanks!


Hi @Ice_Cold,

Could you please provide your console log from a session that this issue occurs? It’d be great for us to take a look at.

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names

Thanks in advance!


Hi @PhdFiasco,

I replied to your Steam forum post, but I’ll copy the reply here also.

The logs show your installation is incomplete or corrupted. Please try Verifying Integrity of Game Files:

  1. Right-click Vermintide 2 in your Steam library sidebar

  2. Select ‘Properties’

  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab

  4. Select the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ button

  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam

If that doesn’t help, then I recommend running through other potential solutions, here:

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23 Mar

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What a mess this thread has become. This user has been given a brief break for not being respectful towards other users. In the meantime, this thread will be locked until OP returns and proves they can treat differing opinions maturely.


It looks like you’re experiencing GPU-related crashes, which can often be solved with a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers.

Please see here for instructions and other solutions:

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