Update: You all know when it’s coming to PC now, but I can also share that ...
Read moreUpdate: You all know when it’s coming to PC now, but I can also share that ...
Read more“Bit of a troubling one for you. Seems we’ve had a bloody great meteor make a mess. Sort it out, would you?”
Welcome to Patch 2.0! Please find below the patch notes for this update, which are pretty long and beastly.
An FAQ is available here. But one question we want to answer now is:
Q: Why is the download so large?
A: With the release of 2.0 (the patch that accompanies Winds of Magic) we made the decision to remaster the game. Whilst this requires one hefty download upon updating to the latest version, it comes with it some benefits which include both faster load times when playing, as well as a smaller overall file size on your computer.
Now on to the notes.
It is remastered. Download size was around 40gb if I recall. I believe the end result of the remaster including WoM is 10GB smaller on disk than the currently live version. Numbers are estimates.
I wouldn’t really call this a pre-order, it’s interesting wording that they have used. It’s basically 1 week early access. Buying it today gives you instant access to the game and all progress carries over to the “live” version on the 13th. At least that’s what I’ve read. I’m guessing there will br a patch at the end to fix any bugs the Test team might have missed.
I will be pre-ordering as well XD Me mum is flying over to visit from the Caribbean on the 10th, so I gotta get my games in now not to mention the wife is going to London on the 20th, so I’ll be stuck watching the kids 24/7.
@Fatshark_Hedge Is this the remastered version? Which will require a new download of the entire game? Also, file size? I want to make space on my SSD XD
The beta will run on live version 2.0, which will be released at 7pm CEST as well.
The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, the Beastmen rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.
From 5PM where we play Winds of Magic and talk about the expansion, and play it!
Locking post as a preventative measure, as I sense this will derail. Feedback is always welcome but we need to keep the discussion constructive.
Fatshark has offered you a full refund many times. You’ve been saying that you quit and won’t be back since summer 2018, yet here you are. Just take the refund and move on with your life. You are obviously extremely unhappy with the game and have been for over a year now.
On another note, that Minotaur looks amazing. Can’t wait to fight that bad boy. I remember during one of the streams they showed off how they make monsters. Tons of work goes into them
There was some issues with the Xbox Live service last night. Could you let me know if this is still an issue for you please?
This should be addressed with the patch that accompanies Winds of Magic. Apologies for the inconvenience and please let me know if the issue persists once the patch is live.
The loincloth does have physics just not in the tools we used to capture his appearance for Twitter. Just FYI
Let’s be reasonable, you don’t release a game during summer vacations. That means not for another week or so at least, and with Bögenhafen as a measurement stick it is reasonable to assume late August.
Also, inspecting the steam package gives us 31th of August. See https://steamdb.info/app/1033060/info/ and
Store Release Date August 31, 2019 (26 days from now)
Although I do not know if the last of August is specified by Fatshark, or implied by steamdb.
Anyhow, Fatshark can change the release date whenever they want to.
Because of the awesomeness of this picture we will move the release date in at least 2 days
I think this needs to go up on a wall
It’s been so long since I’ve used a console… but back in my CoD4 days, I think I had to port forward my router to get NAT type Open. Not sure if that’s still a thing. Otherwise I’d always be set to moderate or closed. And it made it super hard to find lobbies.
Edit, just Googled. Apparently all you have to do is this,
Just follow these steps:
Maybe I was remembering port forwarding from hosting Minecraft servers or something.
Well, there goes most of my hobbies…
I just came to the realisation that I don’t really have that many hobbies besides V2, dank memes and DnD. Wait, does alcohol count? Cause I like to sit off every 2 weeks and have a few while blasting some music.
I suppose meeting people is a hobby? I’m very active on a lot of discords/communities and tend to be very social. I try and organise meet ups with people from around the world. It use to just be old FFXIV and maplestory friends. But lately I’ve been meeting up with randoms from various warhammer commu...
Read moreJust do it Julia. It’s always better to ask forgiveness than permission.
On a serious note, can’t you guys just do one of those Tshirt companies that youtubers are always plugging away merch from.
On a more serious note, when can I swing down to Stockholm and grab a shirt? I’ll be there this weekend for the pride parade.
Top knowledge: the chaos spawn features VO from our COOs doggo Lenart. He’s a little french bulldog. I don’t have a picture but next time you hear the chaos spawn snarling and gruffling, just picture the smallest dog possible. Makes the encounter much easier
This large pupper is @fatshark_mvp’s doggo Freja. She’s been on some streams and the 1 year anniversary round table she’s also one of our twitch emojis!
We need to get a monstertruck face emoji too!