War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

27 Oct


Did you not read what I just said? They were not possible to fire from ALL MiG-21Bis models and required a special radar to use. Our one is not equipped with that radar. This also is not even a Mig-21 by the way. Look at the wing and undercarriage.


R-55 and RS-2US are weaker than what the MiG-21Bis already has. They are worse and R-55 was generally superseded by R-60 anyway.

X-66 AGMs were not possible to fire from all MiG-21s and required a special radar to use.


MiG-21Bis is no more advanced really than the current F-4Es. It's not powercreep. This actually helps balance things.


Draken is one of the highest performing aircaft in game with highly capable AIM-9J equal missiles now.

Given that we just expanded to 10.7, I'm not sure how you feel 11.3 is even possible and that we would make a whole new BR for a single plane. It's not possible.


As far as I'm aware, nothing has been outright impossible (so far) due to licencing, but there have been some vehicles that had to be delayed as a result.

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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2930114451200486577]here[/url].

It's going in the Soviet tree for now.

We continue to tell players what’s new in the upcoming update New Power. Today we will talk about the new War Thunder skies. It is the first in a series of devblogs about the updated version of the Dagor game engine.

In previous versions of the Dagor Engine, the sky, clouds and fog were created with separate algorithms and were not united into a system. Physically, the sky in War Thunder was quite authentic. However, to achieve a better visual resemblance with the real sky, it lacked the relationship between atmospheric phenomena. In the new version of the Dagor Engine, we have managed to model a realistic atmosphere with the correct distribution and scattering of sunlight, both in the sky and on the Earth's surface. We’ve also created new clouds of different types at different heights, and significantly improved the appearance of mist and fog.

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By your own logic, we couldn't ever have a blog on a new Abrams in the future (if we ever have another one) because we already have 4 of them in game.

MiG-21bis is the most iconic variant of this aircaft and something a lot of people were looking forward too.

We have more blogs to come this week of some things teased and some not yet seen.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

No właśnie wielkość nie ma znaczenia (xa xa xa). Jeździłem sobie po Karelii i ktoś pisał, że nic nie widzi przez deszcz i chmury. Wokół mnie słońce, więc myślę sobie - pewnie ma brudny monitor, fleja jedna! Po kilkudziesięciu sekundach chmury pojawiły się i u mnie (a w międzyczasie nic z monitorem nie robiłem).

Podobnie jest z ruchem słońca - możesz zaobserwować, stojąc w miejscu i czekając aż cień się przesunie. Jest to trochę skokowo (przesuwa się po kilkadziesiąt cm co X sekund), ale jest.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


Nie wiem skąd bierzesz Swoje dane, ale jeśli przy szacowaniu innych rzeczy też tak mocno pudłujesz, to ciężki musi być Twój żywot

Zmieniające się warunki pogodowe już są, przynajmniej w RB GF.


We do indeed have to get licenses for all of our vehicles if they are registered / trademarked etc. But as far as I'm aware, we never said anything about licences for the Type 10.

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to our new installment of the Art Challenge! Take out your preferred drawing tools of choice, be them the standard Pencil and Paper, or even the renowned Drawing Tablet to digitalize your work, and prepare to embark on an epic challenge to test your artistic skills!

This contest has been separated into two groups: One for Traditional - Pencil & Paper artwork, and one for Digital artwork! Your task for this contest is simple: The theme is Spooktober (Black and White). Your choice of tanks, ships, planes to be represented in your artwork are only limited to War Thunder's eras and theme and your very own imagination. Your art can be based on our real world and its history, or even an alternative universe if you so choose. Your work can be realistic, or even a cartoon.


This is a drawing contest. This means that the following will not be accepted as submissions:

Models and Model kits

3D Mo...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just clean the dust before you launch it ;P

Return of the Spacefire?

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

maybe this one? I cannot into silly youtube restrictions

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

We continue to tell players what’s new in the upcoming update New Power. Today we will talk about the new War Thunder skies. It is the first in a series of devblogs about the updated version of the Dagor game engine.

In previous versions of the Dagor Engine, the sky, clouds and fog were created with separate algorithms and were not united into a system. Physically, the sky in War Thunder was quite authentic. However, to achieve a better visual resemblance with the real sky, it lacked the relationship between atmospheric phenomena. In the new version of the Dagor Engine, we have managed to model a realistic atmosphere with the correct distribution and scattering of sunlight, both in the sky and on the Earth's surface. We’ve also created new clouds of different types at different heights, and significantly improved the appearance of mist and fog.

Sunset, pillar of light...

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