War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

24 Oct


Its not fully decided yet, but we already said quite some time ago that it was planned to be Premium:

But there are other variants / modifications that could be possible for consideration in the future.


It does not really matter what guns it has. A Viggen is a Viggen and its too soon for that right now. We already confirmed its not coming at the moment.


Its the weekend. We hardly ever publish blogs on weekends.

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Me 262A1/U4 (6.7 na RB)

A jak jeszcze nie masz, to Me 410 z 50mm i amunicja AP.

Z obu celujesz w silnik.

Z tego co kojarzę, to Do 335 też są spoko z 30mm.

23 Oct


In your notification settings, under "when people mention me".


We already said the French Navy is not even close enough to discuss at all right now.


Quite a few AI ship models were update some time ago. There are still some older assets in game, but mostly they have already been reworked.

Linux is no different to PC and Mac.


I said this with regard to event vehicles, not vehicles overall.

We are always adding more vehicles to all trees. But there are areas where France is never going to be equal to a nation like Germany or Russia for example and then other areas like Helicopters were France has more than Japan and the UK even.


Today was the teaser. There wont be any blogs today or over the weekend now.


Look away from the forum for 3 hours and come back to see my notifications

This is gonna be fun ))

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We do, since we have our new glorious streamers duo

Stream will be from standard game version, not from version visible on latest teaser.

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Nie no, wiem o co Ci chodzi. Że niby "in game engine" ale okazuje się, że in game engine renderowany na jakichś stacjach roboczych i w grze nie ma opcji na coś takiego.

Tutaj masz normalnie tak, jak będziesz mógł sobie to ustawić u siebie (jeśli Twój sprzęt to pociągnie oczywiście).

Jak pierwszy raz zobaczyłem dym, to wyglądałem mniej więcej tak.

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Nie znam konkretnej daty (czyli nie dziś ).

Jak widzisz, są jakieś filtry nałożone, ale grafika czy efekty są z gry (nie jestem pewien tej ostatniej eksplozji ).

Nic nie było dodawane w postprodukcji na zasadzie - a tutaj damy nowy dym, bo ten w grze to nie pasuje, a nowe chmury też dodamy ze stocka, bo ładne.

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To co widzisz na teaserze powstało na silniku gry.