War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

12 Aug

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Issue is known, we are working to solve it ASAP.

Sorry for the problem

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear players,

currently you may experience problems with authorization on Gaijin web services and in War Thunder. We are endeavouring to fix these issues as quickly as possible.

In case the resolution of the issue takes longer than anticipated, any premium account time will be compensated.

The War Thunder Team

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you think it's so easy to find a proper materials for unique tanks, you are more than a welcome to give us some!

We have suggestion section where you can share such data.

But please, be aware that random card from wiki with name of the tank is not enough to re-create a proper model for game


From 09:00 GMT on the 12th of August until 09:00 GMT on the 13th of August
Win 3 battles whilst controlling Soviet aircraft (from rank III or above with an in-game activity of 60% or higher) and get the unique emblem of Russian Aerospace Forces.
  • You can follow your progress by clicking on your Nickname → Achievements → Russian Aerospace Forces Day.
  • The task can be completed in all game modes except “Enduring Confrontation” and “Assault”.
  • After completing the task the decal can be found in “Decals → USSR”

Emblem of Russian Aerospace Forces

The War Thunder Team

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2728572025402027728]here[/url].
    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

From 09:00 GMT on the 12th of August until 07:30 GMT on the 13th of August

Win 3 battles whilst controlling Soviet aircraft (from rank III or above with an in-game activity of 60% or higher) and get the unique emblem of Russian Aerospace Forces.

Emblem of Russian Aerospace Forces

You can follow your progress by clicking on your Nickname → Achievements → Russian Aerospace Forces Day.

The task can be completed in all game modes except “Enduring Confrontation” and “Assault”.

After completing the task the decal can be found in “Decals → USSR”

The War Thunder Team

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Od 11:00 12 sierpnia do 09:30 13 sierpnia

Wygraj 3 bitwy używając radzieckiego lotnictwa (od ery III i wyższej oraz z aktywnością w bitwie co najmniej 60%) i zdobądź unikatowe oznaczenie Sił Powietrzno-Kosmicznych Federacji Rosyjskiej.

Oznaczenie Sił Powietrzno-Kosmicznych Federacji Rosyjskiej

Możesz śledzić postępy klikając na swój Pseudonim → Osiągnięcia → Russian Aerospace Forces Day.

Zadanie może zostać wykonane we wszystkich trybach rozgrywki oprócz "Niekończącej się konfrontacji" i "Szturmu".

Po wykonaniu zadania oznaczenie będzie znajdować się w zakładce "Oznaczenia" → "ZSRR"

Zespół War Thunder

11 Aug


We are very much aware of that issue and its one thats being targeted among several others

Just a heads up, none of us are obligated to provide answers to anyone who just decides to use us as a punching bag for their frustration, mock our responses or try to start targeted attacks on us (speaking in general here not you). Nobody here is forced to answer anyone or chase anything or help anyone that shows its clearly not appreciated or cared about. We are here to help. Not here to just be a target and waste our time. There are plenty of topics and questions all over and we are not going to spend time answering those who have a history of using it against us when its better used elsewhere to help others who appreciate it.

We are indeed here to help where we can, but respect is a two way street and those that show they have none for us, we are not obligated to provide them with anything at all.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zmiany w modelach samolotów, modelach zniszczeń, charakterystyce i modelach broni:

Poprawiono parametry odnoszące się do odporności materiałów samolotu (poszycie i przedział silnika) na odłamki pocisków. Wcześniej samoloty i helikoptery miały zawyżoną przeżywalność, gdy były ostrzeliwane z pocisków przeciwlotniczych ze zdalnymi detonatorami.


Poprawiono charakterystykę dźwięku dział na pojazdach naziemnych..

Lekko zwiększono głośność silnika samolotu Gracza.

Błąd powodujący, że dźwięk uruchamiania i gaszenia silnika dochodzący z maszyn sojusznika/wroga brzmiał głośniej i wydawał się bliżej, niż dźwięk uruchomionego silnika został usunięty.


Admiral Graf Spee — Poprawiono wyświetlanie ilości amunicji głównego kalibru na rufie.

Zespół War...


Aircraft characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:
  • Parameters relating to the resistance of the aircraft’s materials (cladding and power kit) to secondary shell fragments have been fixed. Previously, aircraft and helicopters had an inflated survivability when they were under fire from anti-aircraft shells with remote detonators.
  • The sound characteristics of the guns on ground vehicles have been corrected.
  • The volume level of the player’s aircraft engines has been slightly raised.
  • A bug where the start and stop sounds coming from the engines of some allied/enemy tanks would sound as if they were closer and louder than the regular engine sound itself, has been fixed.
  • Admiral Graf Spee — The display of the ammunition amount for the ma...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2728571481180607268]here[/url].
    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Aircraft characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

Parameters relating to the resistance of an aircraft’s materials (cladding and power train) to secondary shell fragments have been fixed. Previously, aircraft and helicopters had an inflated survivability when they were under fire from anti-aircraft shells with remote detonators.


The sound characteristics of the guns on ground vehicles have been corrected.

The volume level of the player’s aircraft engines has been slightly raised.

A bug has been fixed where the start and stop sounds coming from the engines of some allied/enemy ground vehicles would sound as if they were closer and louder than the regular engine sound itself.


Admiral Graf Spee — The display of the ammunition amount for the main calibre a...

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    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Aircraft characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

Parameters relating to the resistance of an aircraft’s materials (cladding and power train) to secondary shell fragments have been fixed. Previously, aircraft and helicopters had an inflated survivability when they were under fire from anti-aircraft shells with remote detonators.


The sound characteristics of the guns on ground vehicles have been corrected.

The volume level of the player’s aircraft engines has been slightly raised.

A bug has been fixed where the start and stop sounds coming from the engines of some allied/enemy ground vehicles would sound as if they were closer and louder than the regular engine sound itself.


Admiral Graf Spee — The display of the ammunition amount for the main calibre a...

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10 Aug


Well its certainly not coming this patch or planned for the foreseeable future so please take the discussion elsewhere.


Its not coming in this update or anytime soon that is certain, so this isn't the place to discuss it.


Already implemented into the game at the time before the change of plan, Japans only jet bomber, no real viable alternatives available to date.

Back on topic please.