War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

05 Aug

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear players,

We have another round of questions and answers for you, with War Thunder producer Vyacheslav Bulannikov!


Q. When the “Starfighters” update was released, the Mach 2 F-104A/C models regularly faced non-supersonic aircraft as they were BR 9.7. In the most recent BR update, you fixed this by moving them to 10.0, but at the same time lowered the equally powerful Lightning F.6 down to 9.7 so it now is able to face exclusively 8.7-9.7 aircraft and outclass them with ease. What was the reason for this change? Could you please reconsider this and move it back to 10.0 so that all Mach 2 supersonics are above the 9.7 cutoff?

The reason is in both cases the same - the statistics and efficiency of the aircraft in game. In the case of F-104, it was over the maximum and in case of Lightning it was depressingly low. The abi...

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04 Aug


At no stage during any of this were anyone's pleas ignored. As I explained to you we have been forwarding everyone's feedback on the matter, but that does not mean the solution to the Technical issues suddenly magics itself up suddenly or can be solved faster as a result because people start shouting and getting rowdy at the messengers.

It has been worked on this entire time and is an ongoing effort. Nobody has said otherwise, so im not really sure where that notion came from. When I said "no news", it didnt mean Naval EC suddenly had stopped being an active development. It means there as no detailed update I could give other than that what I have already said and that its still being worked on and still has not been resolved.

The whole point of this was, given we are providing you with all in information we can at the moment on EC as well as forwarding your feedback on, regardless of the frustration on the wait ...

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If you read my post that you quoted, you will see that was specifically referring to the situation at that time, and how at a point with 2 majors in quick succession and multiple events almost back to back, it wasn't a good spot for EC to be present in anyway, regardless of its technical difficulties that are still preventing it anyway. I never said it was the case anytime there was any singular event on, but yes it is always a consideration.

Its once again a case of one of my previous posts referring to one spesific instance then being applied as a blanket statement to everything. Which doesn't work as the situation changes and is not the same.

Once again. I and everyone else fully appropriate frustrations. I have been back and forth with you for some time via PMs, trying to do what I can to answer and chase the matter. But there is only so much we can do and say.


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I wasn't actually just referring to the posts here, and yes, some have actually been very spesific as to who they target.

I dont think you quite understand. I have been relaying the answers and information on from the developers to you. The same answers your choosing to mock and then take to Reddit fire some more personal shots with.

All of the other community mangers are going to provide you the exact same information because its the answers from the developers directly.

Nobody has actually been abdicating anything. We have been keeping you as up to date as we can. You disagree with the answers, but it doesn't change the facts.

However if that is the case and you are not interested in the answers and more just on the personal side of things. Then there is no need for more answers from us on the matter until there is ...

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Im actually away on holiday this week, so dont know the current status of it right at this point.

But I do know this is not actually the reason at all. As far as im aware the technical issues have still not been resolved.

Since my responses and trying to keep you guys in the loop, up to date and informed with the information from development now seem to just generate more and more personal attacks back on myself. I guess there is no reason for me to respond on this matter any further since its clear its just going to be mocked regardless.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

No niespodzianki nie ma.

Ten dział nie służy do szukania sposobu, tylko do sugerowania rozwiązań/pomysłów.

Trochę jednak jest, bo powstaną "plamy" bez maszyn.

Tak, kolejki się wydłużą. Dla niektórych Graczy 5-10 sekund to jest wyłączenie gry.

No nic nie możesz powiedzieć, skoro sugerujesz, że od mojego widzimisię zależy cokolwiek w mechanice MM.

No nie, nie do końca.

A co ma piernik do wiatraka? Zanegujesz istnienie kilku nacji w grze, żeby wszystko pasowało do Twojej teorii? Bo nie bardzo rozumiem wtrącenie.

Skoro poprzednie tematy nie przeszły, to stworzysz trzeci - byle jaki, żeby poprzeć teorię "że nic się nie zmien...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


If you want to report rule breaking Player, please do it via in game complain system. Sadly we cannot act on screenshots - anyone can fabricate such thing.

If you did not reported him during the battle, you can always use server replay feature, load the battle and report it there. Thanks!

(We do not allow to post rule breaking content on our forum, so I have removed one of your screenshot, where you share such thing.)



  • The whistle from nearby cannon shells currently has low playback probability. We continue to improve\
  • this effect and in future updates the sound of a passing shell will work more accurately and realistically.
  • The sound of low calibre bullets passing at close range is now quieter.
  • The whistle before the explosion of an artillery shell strike now has a probability of playback but it will not be played every time.
  • Taking into account player feedback the following changes have been made
    • The volume of enemy/allied aircraft engines has been lowered.
    • The volume of the enemy/allied ground vehicles as well as the sound from the player’s ground vehicle have been increased.
    • The volume of A...
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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


Świst przelatujących w pobliżu pocisków ma teraz niskie prawdopodobieństwo bycia odtworzonym. Cały czas pracujemy nad ulepszaniem efektów dźwiękowych tak, by tego typu dźwięki były odpowiedniejsze i bardziej realistyczne.

Dźwięk niskokalibrowych pocisków przelatujących w pobliżu jest teraz dużo cichszy.

Świst przed eksplozją ostrzału artyleryjskiego ma teraz niższe prowdopodobieństwo pojawienia się i nie będzie odgrywany za każdym razem.

Po uwzględnieniu sugestii Graczy, wprowadziliśmy następujące zmiany:

Obniżono głośność silników wrogich/sojuszniczych samolotów.

Zwiększono głośność wrogich/sojuszniczych pojazdów naziemnych oraz dźwięków pojazdu Gracza.

Obniżono głośność rakiet kierowanych (ATGM).

Zmieniono dźwięk syren zamontowanych ...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


The whistle from nearby cannon shells currently has low playback probability. We continue to improve this effect and in future updates the sound of a passing shell will work more accurately and realistically.

The sound of low calibre bullets passing at close range is now quieter.

The whistle before the explosion of an artillery shell strike now has a probability of playback but it will not be played every time.

Taking into account player feedback the following changes have been made

The volume of enemy/allied aircraft engines has been lowered.

The volume of the enemy/allied ground vehicles as well as the sound from the player’s ground vehicle have been increased.

The volume of ATGM and rocket volleys has been lowered.

The sound of the J...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


The whistle from nearby cannon shells currently has low playback probability. We continue to improve this effect and in future updates the sound of a passing shell will work more accurately and realistically.

The sound of low calibre bullets passing at close range is now quieter.

The whistle before the explosion of an artillery shell strike now has a probability of playback but it will not be played every time.

Taking into account player feedback the following changes have been made

The volume of enemy/allied aircraft engines has been lowered.

The volume of the enemy/allied ground vehicles as well as the sound from the player’s ground vehicle have been increased.

The volume of ATGM and rocket volleys has been lowered.

The sound of the J...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nie no, proszę Cię.

Zrobiłeś głosowanie i napisałeś po 4-5 zdań na każdy z 3 tematów. Tematów mocno obszernych, jak zmiana losowania z 1.0 na 0.7 czy podwyższenie BR do 12.0


Żadnych pomysłów jak ominąć problemy z "dziurami" w BRach (które się powiększą, jeśli zmniejszy się rozrzut), nic na temat kolejek, mocnego zmniejszenia się różnorodności maszyn w bitwach itd.

Ot, pomysł w stylu "zbudujmy domy dla bezdomnych, to wtedy będzie na świecie lepiej" (wybacz mega spłycenie, ale chodzi mo o to, żebyś zrozumiał, że sam pomysł =/= sugestia.)

No i już abstrahując od "braku napracowania", gdybyś zajrzał do już przedyskutowanych i przesłanych do Dewów pomysłów, zobaczyłbyś takie coś:

Najlepiej wieszać psy na modach. W sekcji sugestii jest wyraźna prośba, żeby sprawdzić listę za...

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03 Aug


It can still use a referral link and has been done in the past. They would do it to gain players via that link of their own. I cant say for sure on this one as I cant find the ad myself yet.

02 Aug


Dear Players

Recently we have made a lot of changes and improvements to sounds and we are very keen to hear your feedback.

Please feel free to share your likes, dislikes as well as any suggestions you may have.

Be sure to:

Remain on topic

Include examples of clips / videos when you are referring to something specific.

If you like / dislike something, please be sure to be specific. Particular when you dislike something, please say why in detail and what could be done.

If you are experiencing issues, please post your DxDiag and submit a proper bug report.

01 Aug

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Credits for picture bomberpilot1784
Ju 87 (All Versions)

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and we decided this time to have a look not on the defending but the attacking forces. The Axis used over 2500 Aircraft both from the german Luftwaffe and the italian Corpo Aereo Italiano. Over 1900 of these Aircraft were destroyed during the battle. One famous Aircraft especially for the noise it made when diving onto its naval targets in the british channel was the Ju 87 also known as Stuka.
This is the plane we would like you to do some new skins for. All versions are eligible to enter.

Also, don't forget to post your skin on http://live.warthunder.com with the Hashtag #unloved11


The top 3 skins will be selected ...

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    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Credits for picture bomberpilot1784
Ju 87 (All Versions)

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and we decided this time to have a look not on the defending but the attacking forces. The Axis used over 2500 Aircraft both from the german Luftwaffe and the italian Corpo Aereo Italiano. Over 1900 of these Aircraft were destroyed during the battle. One famous Aircraft especially for the noise it made when diving onto its naval targets in the british channel was the Ju 87 also known as Stuka.
This is the plane we would like you to do some new skins for. All versions are eligible to enter.

Also, don't forget to post your skin on http://live.warthunder.com with the Hashtag #unloved11


The top 3 skins will be selected ...

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    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Schwark: it looks like gajin has done nothing in months to keep the hackers down , gajin used to be on it every month now it looks like gajin quit and try to pretend it is not happening. this game is getting loaded with cheaters please do something and give us a fair playing grounds.

....... Player since 2012. I have only seen one, verified, hacker. One. And it was only recently (last year or so). So that means one of two things (1) Unlikely, but I never ran into a cheater until that point. or, (2), the cheaters are so abysmal that I never noticed them.

The lack of an updated ban list does not mean that they have been idle and/or "pretending the issue doens't exist". Point to me exactly where Gaijin asserted cheating wasn't an issue and they decided to throw it by the wayside?

There is no requirement, anywhere, that Gaijin must publish names publicly to ban them for c... Read more